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16449726 No.16449726 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16449738
File: 715 KB, 860x777, 2019-12-03 09_13_09-China's schoolchildren are now the smartest in the world _ The Star Online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16449745

And yet they run over each other with no care.

>> No.16449757

I used to live in China. Give absolutely no credence to these kinds of headlines.

>> No.16449771

It's from the OECD, an international organization:

>> No.16449802

Imagine believing chink propaganda

>> No.16449810
File: 55 KB, 444x580, 1572464553610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16449849

So what?
Chinese love to cheat. Everybody knows that. They had even riots when teachers tried to stop most outrageous cheating.

Could you imagine this shit in us or europoor?


>> No.16450819

See >>16450412

>> No.16450839

>That cIA ID
kek, the wumao are going to love that

>> No.16450865

Doubt. I will believe it when their country is not a 3rd world shithole

>> No.16450879
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>> No.16450886
File: 73 KB, 554x400, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% of economists say free trade is good
>Trump: free trade bad

damn our president is baste

>> No.16450894

Read the study:

>> No.16450998

Everyone in the world hates you Chang. Suck my big American cock

>> No.16451040

Imagine not being American.. just for a second

>> No.16451499

Everyone gets an A+ when your schools senior students are doing basic addition problems. Fucking bugmen.

>> No.16451558

Free trade is bad for Human rights and the environment, also social cohesion.

>> No.16451622

free trade is good for gdp because it gets corporations labour for a fraction of the cost that it would be in the U.S. But for the average worker it sucks. Payed less because youre more expensive. And if every company had to have americans workers, imagine how scarce labour would be, they would have to actually pay their workers shit loads of money.

Yeah shit would cost more, but YOU are pocketing more money because you would make more. Necessities would cost relatively the same amount, but cars, tech, other material, that you should be purchasing frugally anyway, will be way more expensive. But you don't need a new car or phone every year. If you dont spend that extra money on a phone or car, imagine going on vacation to some shithole country with an extra 20,000 american dollars to spend.

>> No.16451648

im not american but even i know how stupid to say free trade is. If you have more american dollar its more good than less, because phone is worth the same everywhere, but american dollar in my country is worth so much

>> No.16451746

I unironically don't understand how you kids don't get it. I wrote an essay in 6th grade for admittance into AP world history that nearly got me kicked out, and all it really said was that China would rise as an economic superpower in the next 20 years.

Lo and behold you fucking mongoloids, a culture based on a unified vision and productivity in the real world (no fucking angels, no spirits, no God) is growing orders of magnitude faster than your backwards hick morals mired in unironic neo-nazi bullshit a hundred years after its time. America is a bloated corpse rolling downhill after too long on the mountain. America is dead, long live China.

>> No.16451790

based and sinopilled

>> No.16452117

>academic fag brags about knowing something 10 - 20 years in advance
>doesnt profit off it

>> No.16453161

This. Cheating is their national pride. They hand-pick the students who take the PISA test and use private tutoring to prep them.

>> No.16453187

>shithole country with people starving to death
>new ideas are not tolerated, making growth impossible
>steal technologies so slightly less people starve to death
>look how fast we're growing!
Just because you are moving fast does not mean you are heading to a better place.

>> No.16453215

lol amerimutt cope

most tech innovation in AI, 5g, and blockchain comes from China.

>> No.16453267

>backwards hick morals mired in unironic neo-nazi bullshit a hundred years after its time
What a bunch of word salad. I don't think you even know the point you were trying to make there.

>> No.16453735

not really, but if that helps you sleep at night.