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16447925 No.16447925 [Reply] [Original]

This fat fuck made 7260 ETH today and counting. He's actually a millionaire now?

>> No.16448085

he was a millionaire before
scheuler made a shit ton of money spamming mortgage emails

>> No.16448094

Did someone check the addresses? Could be mostly his own ETH. But I don't know, crypto is populated by the most retarded shits.

>> No.16448101

He lost his money longing btc and had a mental breakdown on Ivan on Tech's stream

>> No.16448104

what's the contract's address, by the way

>> No.16448134

He was rich but I think he lost a ton of btc (maybe all of it) in the bear market. In 2017 he was saying 2x long is completely safe because Bitcoin never dips 30%. Then he went on stream and broke down crying. He might make it all back from this when all is said and done.

>> No.16448141

I looked through some random ones but they look legit. Lots of the coins are coming from exchange wallets.

>> No.16448147
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Kek, this nigger is desperate, ps he’s going to jail for promoting a Ponzi scheme with hex(I’m an insider, can’t say where but prison awaits Mr. Scheuller)

>> No.16448158

Kek this won't work tho

>> No.16448177


>> No.16448184


for the 6.6k eth he transferred out

>> No.16448221



Also does anyone know ho much of the HEX supply he is holding?

>> No.16448235

who the fuck cares, you will never see your eth again

>> No.16448241

What are you talking about sirs

>> No.16448244
File: 41 KB, 1071x710, 54645345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8000 fucking thousand, this might actually go to the moon, look at fucking this

>> No.16448247

are you retarded or something? the guy is pocketing eth
IS /BIZ/ legit a retard pajeet board now?

>> No.16448263

the ETH/hex ratio will set the exchange price, why would you send ethereum or just buy on exchange if the price was lower there? I don't think you understand how big this number is. 8k ethereum in the fist 12 hours of a 366 day launch is FUCKING AMAZING. The demand is here, I actually think this might go to the moon.

>> No.16448269

Ah yes, a ponzi scheme coin is totally gonna get listed on exchange, keep sending him money, retard.

>> No.16448279

Remind me, why is this shit even talked about here? I mean, crypto pyramids are not new at all, new ones pop up every month or so.. Why so much attention to this particular one?

>> No.16448283

>I think

>> No.16448285

why is the claiming BTC feature disabled
I'm not gonna give this fat fuck my ETH but I want my free shitcoins

>> No.16448288

0xDEC is the merkle tree address right

>> No.16448289

You'd actually think I'm stupid enough to give this guy any money?
I'm here for the free stuff I can dump on his head

>> No.16448295

>I'm here for the free stuff I can dump on his head
>You'd actually think I'm stupid enough
yes you are
because of tards like this >>16448289

>> No.16448302

Yes. In some interviews he talked about how people can claim with their BTC and then I went on the website and there is little to no info about it. Very annoy

>> No.16448325

I tried but it says it's disabled (but you can give him ETH though! fat fuck)

before everyone shilled it, months ago, the BTC claiming was the whole point, now it's a tiny part that isn't even supported on launch. Trash.

>> No.16448390

8k ether and growing

>> No.16448410

your free claim is autostaked
if you pull out of your stake you lose your stack by a lot
but you should totally do it

>> No.16448422


>> No.16448433


I will buy 10% of your stack, tell me on wat exchange you are dumping and I will market buy your hex

>> No.16448442
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nigga wtf you on about

>> No.16448445


On the gains ;)

>> No.16448451
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nobody here making gains bruh
I'm just tryna get my free hexcones from my bitcones

>> No.16448460


nice, I will buy your free hexcones, where are you dumping? Im chasing liquidity

>> No.16448496

idk where you trade them
I guess I'll see if uniswap has a decent rate for this trash when trading starts

>> No.16448538

is the GUI down?

>> No.16448545

compliment his rack live here

>> No.16448604

So you can't claim HEX at all with your BTC?

>> No.16448616


>> No.16448621

maybe tomorrow

yes that's what I gathered
since there's 0 HEX tokens in circulation I guess it's still "warming up"

>> No.16448627

Based on this he's going to make at least $25m worth of $150 eth over the year. If it ever moons again he could be worth $250m+

>> No.16448662

he'll finally be able to overcome his ethlet trauma before going to jail for this

>> No.16448718

Do you actually think he will?
I would love to see that and the people getting scammed getting their money back, but I highly doubt it...

Also does it say anywhere how much premined HEX he is holding? I looked everywhere, but cant find it.

>> No.16448726

Shady as fuck. It's funny because he has been shilling ethereum more lately, he also claimed that icos and alt coins were a scam to steal your btc. Seems like he is bullish on eth and wanted a scam to steal his retard followers eth.

>> No.16448727

Also did he say anywhere WHY you cant claim BTC yet but can buy HEX using ETH?
Was this the plan all along so that people who just wanted to claim would fomo buy?

>> No.16448813

Retard this is amount retards like you give richard you get usless "pumpamental" tokens lol

>> No.16448817

holy shit don't be this retarded

the GUI website is also down right now, no idea why

>> No.16448832

at least he'll have a hard time explaining to the judge why this is neither considered to be an ICO, nor a security token. one simple line of text probably won't be enough then.

>> No.16448987

is the GUI back up yet?

>> No.16449002

5 of that ETH is mine, and I'm send more tomorrow and the day after

>> No.16449006

>holy shit don't be this retarded

Preminted then, whatever, you know what the fuck I'm talking about and you didnt answer my question
It makes a pretty huge difference if he is holding 50% of the HEX supply or not

>> No.16449015

Why? Please tell me exactly your reasoning
I don't want to give you crap, I'm honestly just interested
Do you actually believe in the project? Or do you just think it will pump and you'll dump in to greater fools?
Do you know how much of the supply Heart is holding? Aren't you afraid he is going to dump it at some point exciting this ponzi?

>> No.16449041

Not the retard, but in his defence a lot of people made money off bitconnect, too.
But yeah, if you're gonna gamble, might as well put the money into something other than a ponzi.

>> No.16449053


I sent 2 ETH, we are going to make it


>> No.16449056

buh-buh why???
i mean, i will be free claiming tomorrow with the littel btc i have, but i wont be sending any eth since there are like almost 3k eth already, even for 1 billion hex its not worth the little eth i was gonna send...

>> No.16449082

What other cool interesting project should I be putting my money into? That has actual like a working CD

I've watch dozens of hours of RIchards livestreams, I don't sense any shadiness/bad character from him
any already millionaire is going taint his name forever with a project he poured heart and soul into, paid devs for, paid audits for so nothing would get fucked up, all so he can scam a little ETH off people ?? There was no way to anticipate how much money he would get today.....

He has a huge ego, he's very proud of having the first blockchain CD, he's not tossing it all in the trash, staining his name and his project forever, for a 1 million dollars, he's already a multi-millionaire. ETH is public, it would be easily found out if he recycles ETH back into the project

the project is sound
I'm not going to stake my bought HEX more than the big pay day a year from now incase there's a dump, and I'll long stake my free bag of BTC and see what happens

Already got a fat bag of BTC to claim tomorrow

>> No.16449083


I believe in the proyect, retard things pump in this fucking retarded space. I dont want a retarded 10x. I want a fucking 10000x. The game theory is fucking amazing, IT IS DESIGNED TO PUMP.

I know Richard holds 30% of the supply, but so does ripple, eos and those things pumped like hell, plus Richard is a marketing expert, so if he can win money by advertising (because of the amount of % he holds he can affor too), he will and we will really go to the moon.

>> No.16449087
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>> No.16449098
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are you self-refferring yourself?

420k usd in the contract already btw... wtf
are you into nfts?

>> No.16449102

this is the most obvious pyramid scheme i've seen in crypto and retards are still falling for it. richard isn't even trying to mince words on his site. when the cards come falling down itll be bitconnect 2.0

>> No.16449104

because you need to read the website and see that the claim function for BTC opens tomorrow

>> No.16449108


I hope he is self referred, but the fucking refferer system is amazing. I literally made a retard who sent 10 ETH to the contract use my ref link for fucking free. I just got 2 ETH worth of HEX with doing fucking nothing and risking nothing, top kek

>> No.16449130

>I literally made a retard who sent 10 ETH to the contract use my ref link for fucking free
where did you shill it?

>> No.16449129

Yeah i self referred, my client is saying theres over 9.5k ETH currently sent in, over 1.5 million usd worth

I was like the 2nd or 3rd person to send ETH in today, my share started at a 450 million HEX payout
well, dwindling under a million HEX payout now, but my few ETH will still net me way more than my multiple BTC claim tomorrow so...

>> No.16449145


in the fucking telegram chat, a retard asked for a refferal link and I pm'd him saying "lets trade refferal links so we both get the bonus", top kek.

>> No.16449156

thank you for your generous donation, you will never see this money ever again

>> No.16449176

HEX starts trading on exchanges tomorrow, theoretically I will have to get at least some of it back
The smart contract is readable by anyone. HEX will be paid out by those who sent ETH, it's not in anybody's control.

>> No.16449191

whos gonna buy your shitcoin, retard?

>> No.16449194

Well its an obvious ponzi so he definitely has to stay out of pretty much all first world countries


He even said in one of his old rants: Everybody is doing it and I used to be against it but fuck it Im gonna do it as well now.

In his rant about ICOs being about stealing BTC. If he gets vanned for this he is 100% screwed

>> No.16449225

Hmm, let's see maybe anybody who wants guaranteed interest on a coin they can stake, unlike a whatever useless shitcoin you might hold that does nothing like all your stinky linkies and whatever other meme of the month piece of shit you see get shilled here

>> No.16449231

>guaranteed interest on a coin they can stake
i hope you realise how retarded you sound right now

>> No.16449233


I am

>> No.16449243

the contract mints coins for you

>> No.16449260

Claiming my 30k free hex tomorrow. Imagine being too much of a schizo/pussy screaming ponzi to take something that's free. Same with pi. Never change /biz/

>> No.16449263

He lives in the USA though, probably the worst country to be in to be doing a ponzi
I really hope that not only he will be locked up but that people are going to be refunded

>> No.16449264

I should probably make scam coin called hex and list it on forkdelta, you would probably buy that.
Holy shit I thought /biz/ was smarter than that but damn you are actually legit serious.
Ok lets go through your "statement", I thought you're just a shill but god you're clueless.
>guaranteed interest
ponzi 101, 400% fucking interest in a year, yep, guaranteed my ass
>interest on a coin they can stake
in other words inflation
>guaranteed interest on a coin they can stake
aka hyperinflated ponzi
and I thought days of masternode shitcoins were over, but look, retards like you would buy anything
Also that guy keeps on moving funds to his wallet and already made a mil off fucktards like you. Wave goodbuy to your money.

>> No.16449274

>but that people are going to be refunded
lol no, wave goodbye to that shit, cause if you dare to even open your retarded mouth about the money you gonna end up in a cell next to sheuler since participating in ponzi schemes is also illegal.

>> No.16449281


I would check the contract, retard. You think you are smart but you are actually not, you look like the retards who were shittalking bitcoin in 2010.

>> No.16449295

Yeah, go check the contract, retard. And after you've done that check internal txes. He literally pocketed a mil in eth already.

>> No.16449306
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>in the fucking telegram chat, a retard asked for a refferal link and I pm'd him saying "lets trade refferal links so we both get the bonus", top kek.

>> No.16449313

it inflates over years
anybody can see the number of HEX that gets stakes and predict future supply

I don't think you know what the definition of ponzi is

so what, nobody is allowed to profit from their own project? you go make a token for free shithead

you must be a broke shitcoiner with no BTC to claim, and no ETH to send

>> No.16449324

He knows these things move slow. He can move 10 mill out of country and fuck off to some non extradition shithole.
Pretty based if he pulls it off

I hope he fucks it up and cries on youtube before going to jail though.

>> No.16449327


I couldnt give more fucks about it. Look at Ripple and EOS, founders hold almost half of the support and they are top market cap. Im literally buying bitcoin at 1 dollar, you will end up buying my bags in a few years, retarded asshole. Will laugh my ass of when I see the post "I missed the opportunity of my lifetime, I had it in front of me eyes, how do I kms"

>> No.16449339


fuck empathy. I would sacrifice everything to make it.

>> No.16449344

HEX will go near 0 in value when the supply of new suckers buying in runs out which can be next week or next year at which point the interest you get will be worth 0$ no matter what the % being minted is

>> No.16449351
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>> No.16449366
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no new exchange buyers
price go down

>> No.16449373

Richard can if he wants to send all the ETH he's raising to the contract again and again to get almost all of the supply.

>> No.16449376

>its not a ponzi
oy vey!
>it inflates over years
it literally has 400% inflation in its first year, retard, where do you think your interest comes from?
>you must be a broke shitcoiner with no BTC to claim, and no ETH to send
Well, now you don't have any of those!
> Im literally buying bitcoin at 1 dollar
Peak delusion lmao, tommorow when this shit starts """trading""" on delta you will be posting pink wojaks and I will be laughing my ass of.

>> No.16449379


pm me when you capitulate and buy and I will send you 1 hex for free

>> No.16449384

we don't need new people
all the unclaimed BTC will be given to the stakers

less people involved = higher payouts, it's win-win

>> No.16449386

that retard legit has no fucking clue how inflation works, don't even try explaining
also he probably never saw masternode shitcoins in his life ever before

>> No.16449392

>we don't need new people

>> No.16449399
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>fuck empathy. I would sacrifice everything to make it.

>> No.16449411
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>> No.16449415

He can make good gains if he gets out in time

Just sell at 10X or so or get rekt

Im not down for the stress of ponzi profiteering

>> No.16449424


>> No.16449430

throughout the whole life of the project, it has utility as a CD, at anytime

even if it's worth 1/1000 of a penny, the millions of HEX you get from no early users still equates to value
what other blockchain CD is it competing with?

>> No.16449432


Im chasing a 1000x, fuck 10x, I would buy Bitcoin if I were for that miserable profit

>> No.16449440
File: 92 KB, 700x690, Richard-Heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pm me when you capitulate and buy and I will send you 1 hex for free
why would anyone buy?
Now that's he's made you rich, invest in medical research...

>> No.16449443

thats how you get rekt in a ponzi

>> No.16449458

He can't get out. It already has more eth in than delta had volume in last 3 months. He's fucked.
its a erc token, it has no utility, you literal nigger

>> No.16449469


I prefer space exploration ^^


a ponzi is when I promise you money, I pay you (with the money of others) and repeat with other retards, in a moment it crashes because the amount of money that comes in isnt enough to pay the interest. But in this system the contract will always pay you, you mint the coins.

This is a 100x guaranteed, I'm going for a 1000x because I'm crazy, fuck it and stake it till you make it

>> No.16449478

>the contract will always pay you
contract has no money in it, faggot

>> No.16449493


thanks for proving me you are unironically retarded

>> No.16449501

I'm not even claiming my airdrop.
You can only sell 10% of your airdrop, the rest goes into minimum 350 days stake (i.e. it's worthless). That makes only 1300 HEX for 1 BTC, while the price by determined by the ETH raise will be about 1 ETH per 50k-100k HEX.
That's 0.03% maximum.

>> No.16449502

you absolute moron

>> No.16449515
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Holy shit you are fucking stupid

>> No.16449523
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>contract has no money in it, faggot
it has HEX in the contract ok!
that's as good as BTC in 2010!
HEX pays interest in HEX so it's going to replace bank CD's

Eventually HEX will trade to buy physical gold via PAXG and $'s via BUSD.

The question is at what rate...

>> No.16449550

> 10x, miserable profit
Outstanding business sense. You got rekt several times already in your life, didn't you?

>> No.16449572

you won't even get a 2x profit, you're going for 0.001x over the course of a year
good luck

>> No.16449575
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>I prefer space exploration ^^
Is that because HEX is going to moon?

>> No.16449576

>contract will always pay you
in HEX, retard, which only retains its value if there are people buying it on exchanges.

>> No.16449604
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>> No.16449623

and why wouldn't somebody buy into a blockchain CD compared any old shitcoin?
enough of you faggot retards on /biz/ have bought your useless stinky linkies

so I'll bet on HEX you bet on stinky linkies

>> No.16449652

>and why wouldn't somebody buy into a blockchain CD compared any old shitcoin?
because its price relies on more people buying in exclusively. There is no business, no usecase. The amount of people willing to buy is finite. Depending on how good they market it it can last for a year or more.

Just realize the only way to profit is to get out before the suckers run out anon.

>> No.16449702

>before the suckers run out anon
they already run out
its gonna be traded in etherdelta which has 0 volume, some literal who exchange and forkdelta which has 15k daily volume
to put things into perspective heart already got $1.6 mil, it would literally take them 100 days to maybe sell at a price where they can break even, but in reality they are already fucked forever cause nobody is going to buy that shit on forkdelta.

>> No.16449739

>He can't get out. It already has more eth in than delta had volume in last 3 months. He's fucked.
No. He already controls a massive bag of ETH and another of HEX which are independent.
With the ETH, he can do whatever he so chooses, including sell in any exchange. The HEX he can also dump to zero tomorrow if he wants to, without affecting his ETH holdings.
He'll wait for now, though, to see if the project gets traction.

>> No.16449782

>With the ETH, he can do whatever he so chooses
hmm, what would I do if I suddenly got 10k eth, let me think...

>> No.16449937
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Can any of you morons *prove* that this is a Ponzi scheme?

No? Have you even read the whitepaper? Do you know how price positive game theory works?

That's what I thought. I'm dumping all of my Ethereum into HEX, and none of you can stop me.

>> No.16450374

Yeah I feel you
I'll still take it as it's free
and not like I got anything better to do, my schedule is pretty vacant other than fapping and video games (also I already moved my btc to new addresses after the snapshot)

>> No.16450447

he's making it look like a ponzi, but in reality it's just an ICO scam where he's pocketing all the eth he can make gullible retard send to his "adoption amplifier"
so it's not an actual ponzi, it's just build like one. since there's no reason for new suckers to buy in, it will be dead on arrival though

>> No.16450449

>he's already a multi-millionaire.
that's what he wants everybody to believe. he's really not. he has less than 1mio net worth

>> No.16450474

if you think all that talking about longterm price gain is making any sense, you're sub 80 iQ and don't even understand the basics of speculative markets. it's really easy to foresee how this one is going to play out, bitconnect did a better job at tricking people and even then people made fun of bitconnect retards. hex is the new laughing stock of crypto

>> No.16450494

>Depending on how good they market it it can last for a year or more
kek it won't last a week

>> No.16450523
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I would not touch this even with a two meter stick.

>> No.16450534

>he didn't buy link at 20 cents
>he buys hex
i see a pattern here

>> No.16450597

>Can anyone prove this is a gun? No? Do you understand EVOKERS? Do you even know how personas work? Thats what I thought. I'm gonna shoot myself in the head right now and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Based retard.
fucking fool

>> No.16450809

Do I get this right? He's giving away 1B HEX today to all ETH payers, in proportion to their contribution. So if by the end of the day a total of about 10k-20k ETH have been paid, then 1 ETH will have bought about 100k-50k of HEX. And by his very own estimate, the total supply of HEX will be about 500-1000B. So this means that 1 ETH will have bought you about one tenth of a millionth of the total HEX supply.

So for these buyers to get even eventually, HEX will at the very least need to have a market cap of about 10M * 1ETH = 1.5 Billion $, which would put it at the tenth place on Coinmarketcap, around Stellar and BSV.

>> No.16450837

yeah you're pretty much right, but the total supply is unlimited. he meant 500-1000B after the first year, but he lowballed. if everyone claimed their free airdrop hex, the supply would already be above 1 trillion

>> No.16450866


took 15secs to notice that.

we are certainly near bull run, this reminds me of bitconnect hype.

get rekt noobs

>> No.16450870

>stake it till you make it
where have I heard that before...

>> No.16450950

If youre wasting eth on this youre an idiot.

>> No.16450991

was that confirmed?

>> No.16451009

Freindly reminder That fat fuck richard heart know /biz/ can meme shit so he comes here same fagging his shit

>> No.16451060

ok whatever dude,
just make the 20th daily stinky linky thread, that will be more cool and interesting

>> No.16451071

Richard pls fuck off and stop trying to scam these idiots on here

here he is again.

>> No.16451101
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Give me ONE REASON why youre not investing in this man right now

>> No.16451111
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>I believe in the proyect

>> No.16451144
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Seems like someone has his fake IDs ready in case he needs to gtfo the states

>> No.16451155

>implying this is a bad thing

i know thats you richard

>> No.16451156
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Thanks for all the ETH guyz

>> No.16451172

Take one look at the fucking website


It's a ponzi, and not a very subtle one. Anybody giving money to this scammer deserves to lose it all. Fuck you Richard, you're fat.

>> No.16451176

hes a kike yeah im glad i didnt put money into this

>> No.16451181

I wonder...if you forget about the scammy vibes of this project and just look at the game theory: what might the long term evolution look like? There will be some average stake length. People that stake shorter than that will have the value of their coins inflated away and given to those that stake for longer. So there should be no rational reason to buy this if you can't stake higher that this average. Doesn't that mean that there's a constant arms race for longer and longer stakes? With fewer and fewer people participating?

I don't see any reasonable equilibrium here.

>> No.16451185
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This guy? No idea.

>> No.16451195

Why the fuck would i want to keep my money locked into some crypto shit instead of holding it in my wallets. I can spend it then.

>> No.16451216

>Do you know how price positive game theory works?
Yeah, Bernie Madoff used it.
Get bent Richard.

>> No.16451272

Well the claim of HEX is that by locking it down you will be rewarded by "interest". But the interest it paid for by inflating the value of the whole currency. Which is a weird idea, that doesn't really seem to make sense. Just wondering what this idea actually leads to in term of game theory.

>> No.16451308

no i get it. There is no incentive to keep your money locked into something forever. You cant use it

>> No.16451531

Niga you just answered yourself
>Only way to pay stakers is by inflating the value
>Only way for price to go up is for ppl to keep buying
>Price only goes up only usecase

I get where is he comming from It worked for btc but this shit is not btc and by this game theory it will pump before it runs out of early buyers than bleed to nothing and all staking rewards will be nothing because 100k of 0 is still 0

This si just tokenised fomo 3d

>> No.16451902

>This si just tokenised fomo 3d

sounds about right

>> No.16452110

so he gets to keep all that eth?

well played, though, i gotta admit.
and the guy already knows how to change his name/id, so he should have no problem hiding from mad bagholders.

>> No.16452196

I'm watching the money (ETH) just pour into the HEX contract. Some dude sent the 99.5 Eth. How stupid can one be? It's like people like to be scammed.

What started out as you get x amount of HEX for the x amount of BTC you own has turned into sending him ETH in return for HEX.

Anons, do you guys have the short video of when some youtuber asks richard about the eth that gets sent in, and he responds by saying that he considers it a donation?

>> No.16452219

13,4k ether

>> No.16452300

Daily reminder that Richard Heart is a scammer who wears plus size women's clothing

>> No.16452314


>> No.16452388

That's about the contract address, that doesn't return HEX
not the AA lobby where you get HEX for ETH


>> No.16452392

You have to keep in mind that a HEX token right now is worth a lot more than a Hex token a year from now.
If you stake 1 HEX for a year, you're easily getting out 20 HEX after one year, because all the unclaimed coins will get distributed to the stakers.
I can't imagine more than 1 million BTC claiming HEX (so its a 20 to 1 ratio of unclaimed to claimed).

>> No.16452409

Thanks /biz/ bro!

>> No.16452549

each btc is worth 12k hex
21,000,000*12,000 = 252 billion hex on day 365
and this doesn't include the "dividends" or "bonuses" from holding

right now 1 billion hex has a value of 14k eth giving a token value of $0.0021

so on a minimum the market cap of Hex is currently $529,200,000

>> No.16452553

if you retards want to gamble better buy argentine bonds instead of literal ponzi scam

>> No.16452632

Again, because of the distribution of unclaimed HEX, the price could go down 90% from here and the stakers would still make gainz overall because they're going to 20x their HEX stack for staking early.

>> No.16452645

Retards throwing money at this makes me hopeful for another altseason.

>> No.16452677

the shitcoin you're talking about outperformed every other coin within the top 100 during the last 2 years. your scamtoken is dead on arrival with no new suckers to draw in, it's a quick ether grab. i usually say "if you're dumb enough to buy this, you deserve it" but in this case, you'd have to be mentally retarded to not recognize hex for what it is. those people don't deserve it, it's like telephone scammers preying on 90year olds with alzheimers

>> No.16452703

the actual market cap of hex will probably be around 20-50 million$ soon as it's listed, with a steady decline following

>> No.16452803

whats a blockchain cd?

>> No.16452815

Telephone scammers... looks like richard has something to say about that too.

>> No.16452819


>> No.16452842

I guess if this first day is an anomaly raising over 14k eth

>> No.16452874

answer this

>> No.16452951

you stake hex for a fixed term and earn interest on that. that's called cd. in this case some people might be mislead into thinking that earning interest would result in a profit for them, but in reality they'll just lose their money since their hex will lose value over time and ultimately become worthless

>> No.16453353

>mined btc back in 2010 because he saw potential
>2018 kinda semi broke went full seehting maxi route
>finally gets how valuable eth can be and whats going on
>but its to late to buy eth in ico or mine it fuck
>hes not buying small bags like rest of us poorfags
>only levrage he got are social capital and social media followers
>makes scam markets it as "same as btc back in day but noone can dump on you"
>walks away with 100k+ eth in the end


>> No.16453379



>My name is Richard Schueler I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day like I do. I used to work for USAPrescriptions.com and now I operate my own Online Pharmacy Business, and is the single largest SPAM E-mail marketing company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS PER DAY, every single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and Kick-ASS aggressive worldwide marketing partners and also through our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to wage an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game". We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY the HIGHEST! - FACT - FACT -FACT !!!!

Shameless fuck

>> No.16453521

even if I fall for it at least I will risk it :) every time I listen to biz I miss the fkin train damit!!!