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File: 541 KB, 720x962, Screenshot_20191203-085123~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16447355 No.16447355 [Reply] [Original]

She got 45 million, and can't even pay her mortgage. She blames one of her 3 ex husbands. The court forced her to sell her car. How can you fuck it up this bad?

>Former glamour model Katie Price has been pursued by creditors after spending her £45million fortune
>Court ruling means trustee could now be appointed to sell off her assets, including her £2million today
>She is believed to have debts of £800,000, and has been failing to pay £12,000 a month to her creditors
>Price allegedly spent £120,000 on housekeepers, gardeners and nannies - and £25,000 on plastic surgery
In a train rant the former glamour model and TV star blamed Peter Andre and called him 'worst person ever'


>> No.16447373
File: 326 KB, 1002x1113, Screenshot_20191203-000108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>45 million dollars

How!? If I had that much money I'd split it with my family. Even after that I wouldnt be able to use it all in an 80 year lifetime, not counting giving it to my own children if I ever have any.

Also is that a car in the pool?

>> No.16447380

she continued to spend money in that lifestyle despite her not having a job. even if she dis it sure as hell not as much as her husbands

>> No.16447450

How? Even sticking the whole 45 million in a 1% savings account would give you over 225,000 a year after tax, more than enough to live off and pay those nannies.

She obviously should fire her gardener though, her garden looks like shit.

>> No.16447463


>> No.16447478

but in the way she used to live.
High quality food is expensive, insurance is expensive, healthcare, college fund for children, "maids and what not", "yoga, tennis", drugs,bills etc.
45 mils is enough but depends on what you spend it on. If I had 45 mils I'd be living like a king in Eastern Europe tbf

>> No.16447516

This. Low IQ

>> No.16447631
File: 84 KB, 720x503, Screenshot_20191203-095734~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comment is so funny.

>> No.16447645
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45 mil is certainly enough to live on for the rest of your, but the comes with the assumption that you invest/save some of it in order maintain your wealth. If 45 million is your starting point, it's still a small enough sum to spend with poor habits.

It's rich, but certainly not to the level of "fuck you" money.

>> No.16448181

Based retard

>> No.16448232

He's not wrong though. For someone living a fast lifestyle in a big city, going broke on 45 million is incredibly simple, especially if they didn't invest a single dime and didn't even know how to.

>> No.16448245

She never had that much money. These brainlets are so obsessed with appearing like they've made it they grossly inflate their earnings and spend it all superficially. So even as she was running out of food money she will have been renting sports cars and paying photographers to catch her.

>> No.16448258

45 is easily retard proof money. You don't have a real conception of just how much that is. Even if she was using $1000 of coke a day she still wouldn't come close.

The simple truth is the numbers are fake and she was outspending what she was earning.

>> No.16448261

Its probably the hose for the pool vacume as she didn't get a built in system, poor cunt

>> No.16448271

women have zero hobbies outside of sex, socializing, partying and shopping

they can go through money at a ridiculous pace

>> No.16448307

Spoken like someone who has never been in VIP. People will drop $1000 on a single bottle of champagne with some shitty firecrackers and pinwheels in it, dude. 45 is by no means retard proof money, unless you're a retard living in a flyover.

>> No.16448343
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>45 is easily retard proof money

There is no retard proof money. Most wealthy families lose their wealth in the 2nd generation. Hell, even some of the richest family in history like the Vanderbilts pretty much lost their entire wealth in a couple of generations. Anderson Cooper inherited $1.5 Million from his mother


>> No.16448368

But thats 45k bottles of champers with pin wheels & firecrackers!
Hope this whore has to resort to smut porn for the rest of here life. She was obviously a cunt, she is getting what she deserved.
Like this cunt didn't make other girls lives hell while at school.

>> No.16448378
File: 90 KB, 615x681, katiesopretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROFLMAO get fucked slut.
Imagine marrying a low IQ ugly chavette. Model my ass, Her children will be raised like poor brainlet chavs with no intellects or money.

>> No.16448400

Hahahahahah look at her fucking son

>> No.16448446

then how come jews don't lose their wealth even after so many generations?

>> No.16448459

She could have bought 27 million LINK OTC.

>> No.16448481

A person and their entourage going through 45K bottles over about a decade isn't that crazy of a prospect, honestly. Though more likely, its a combination of things including those kind of bottles, coke, luxury travel, dining, extra apartments in different locations, etc. Put all of that together at least 4 or 5 days a week for years while also realizing she doesnt have a job and is literally just losing money, and it's honestly more amazing that it took her this long to go bankrupt.

>> No.16448494

>have a half black baby out of wedlock
>scam 3 husbands out of $60 mil
>become public figure by using looks rather than skills
>fights to criminalize free speech
is katie /our girl/?

>> No.16448506

>it's honestly more amazing that it took her this long to go bankrupt.

>> No.16448512
File: 291 KB, 639x445, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burns the coal
>gives birth to a creatura that she exploits for money
>hits the wall hard
>goes bankrupt



>> No.16448514

Yes but even a $1000 on a champagne bottle is nothing. You really have no conception of 45 million.

Yes over generations, divided by number of kids, death duties etc.

>> No.16448518

because the jews are the ones that print the money

>> No.16448596

>Yes but even a $1000 on a champagne bottle is nothing. You really have no conception of 45 million.
Now imagine getting a measly 3 of those low end VIP bottles 4 nights a week for a decade to split between yourself and your entourage. You're already at $6.24 million spent on bottles alone, and nothing else has been factored in including travel, living spaces, clothing purchases, fine dining, or anything involving the kids, other drug habits, or the fact that $1000 is literally a low end cost for a VIP bottle, and that you have to purchase the seating in the first place. $45M isn't close to retard proof.

>> No.16448619

fwiw promoters usually give a free booth at minimum and sometimes even a free bottle to ‘famous’ people, because they want them to be seen in their club and they’ll usually spend more than the free shit costs.

>> No.16448628

3 $1000 bottles 4 times a week? Of you're drinking that much you're doing it at home. However i agree a lot depends on how many people she was also covering.

>> No.16448656

They invest ridiculously large sums of money and get paid dividends that outpace the spending rate of their retarded children. On top of this, most of the time they dont actually leave money to any one person. It's left in an estate fund that no one person is allowed to fuck up. Other races on the other hand, will piss all their hard earned money down the toilet by leaving their retard addict child(ren) completely in charge of the funds when they die.

>> No.16448666
File: 17 KB, 236x282, 1436216450432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're drinking that much you're doing it at home
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.16448669

She has a 20 room mansion in a city, 5 cars, a probably some rare expensive dog breed and care takers plus maids. She probably eats out at restaurants that cost 40 dollars per person daily. Add the cost of drugs, vacation homes, parties, traveling to resorts, and a closet full of retarded designer clothes each costing thousands. Heating that house is going to cost.

45 million isn't retard proof. 10 mill a day every day of your life is retard proof.

>> No.16448676

If you think that's degenerate wait until you find out about their child sex orgies

>> No.16448708

>pays for a gardener
>still has a shitty-ass lawn

>> No.16448750

based and redpillede

>> No.16448758

It's not hard to make back your money when you're charging $600+ for an $80 bottle. Spending money clubbing is for absolute losers, winners go to the club to sell coke.

>> No.16448897
File: 32 KB, 650x488, 2a800c31b890dfe4cb8c948f98746fb6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that this is her son
shes not known for making the best life choices
(would still hit it tho)

>> No.16449034
File: 631 KB, 720x1165, Screenshot_20191203-104358~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16449058


Hybrid vigor

>> No.16449061

Do you think she gives him relief blowjobs?

>> No.16449084
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true jews are immortal

>> No.16449094
File: 21 KB, 300x239, 50269766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16449120

what really happened:

the jew borrowed her money (both in the literal sense and the figurative, since they knew this would happen 30 years ago), in the meantime she encouraged millions of impressionable teenage girls to follow in the footsteps of her and attempt to imitate her lifestyle such as tit jobs, negro kids, several divorces, plastic surgery on face, all in all being a whore in public.

all they are doing now is taking back that which they gave her 30 or so years ago. her time is up, there are new projects they have going so it's time to recycle

>> No.16449134
File: 159 KB, 1024x1479, katie-price-in-bikini-on-holiday-in-turkey-05-16-2019-6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would totally hit it

>> No.16449139
File: 174 KB, 1280x1504, katie-price-in-bikini-on-the-beach-in-thailand-07-18-2018-11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16449142

it's easy to say "hur dur all you have to do is not spend it" but realistically she probably had managers of managers of managers and the state of her finances probably wasn't even revealed to her until it was all too late. not to mention when she has been living with a certain standard of living it's probably difficult for anyone to just stop all of that immediately and she isn't some financial wizard, she's just a dumb fucking whore with big tits.

she got thoroughly jew'd and recycled, happens all the time. happens to movie stars and musicians both male and female

>> No.16449147

Those are some fat pussy lips.

>> No.16449164

Is there a leaf removal system that doesn't involve a hose?
Even the robots use a hose.

>> No.16449166


>> No.16449192

We had it built into our pool in the good old U S A. search 'in floor pool cleaning'
Basically it shoots water around the floor through pop up jets that is supposed to push the dirt to central vacuum hole thing.
The hose ones get in the way.

>> No.16449212

would hit it... again and again.

smokin hot milf

>> No.16450056

It seems the story confirms retard proof doensn't exist. Retards going to retard.

>> No.16450199

>tfw your retarded son has a higher IQ than you

>> No.16450246

Had to look this bitch up. She's not even hot. How the fuck was she a glamour model?

As for losing $45M... Just like lotto winners I guess. idk why these people don't just invest everything and leave some play money. Why is that so fucking hard to do?

>> No.16450292

>going to a shitty club 4 nights a week

Just end my life now, senpai.

>> No.16450298

>infinite money is retard proof

Well ya

>> No.16450300

>Woman blames men for all her problems

Wow. That has never happened before.

>> No.16450309

>all these disabilities, plus black


>> No.16450369

>. idk why these people don't just invest everything and leave some play money. Why is that so fucking hard to do?

If they didn't learn how to make the money and immediately come to a huge wad of cash that came with an extravagant lifestyle, how would they know how to maintain it?

>> No.16450407

It can be done and done even worse. NFL niggers and professional boxers do this shit all the time and no one talks about it

>> No.16450430

>cmon katie

>> No.16450451

tokyo driftin in the spectrum

>> No.16450493

shes still fine af and you can tell shes a high T nympho who would probably drain your soul through your cawk I would totally go raw in this bish and then have her serve me pancakes while Im sitting next to her retardo son

>> No.16450518
File: 629 KB, 2000x1426, frjog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is that anon who says you have to be smart to be rich

>> No.16450624

So many here seem surprised but this is poor person breeding. She could have had billions, and it is guaranteed that within one or two generations, this family would be right back at suare one. Most lineages are genetically predisposed to a particular class rung, and will do everything possible to stay within their natural place in the hierarchy. Just because modernity artificially selects poor person traits to be exalted and elevated for higher status doesn't mean any of them will be there for long.

>> No.16450646
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Clown world

>> No.16450697
File: 1.65 MB, 2200x3140, NINTCHDBPICT000514776001-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still fine af
shes a fucked-in-the-head Frankenstein doll

>> No.16450708

>If I had that much money I'd split it with my family
Bad idea.

>> No.16450963

In addition to this, the Patriarch (or more rarely, matriarch) will usually choose a suitably savvy successor to run the show. If you look at a lot of these long-running wealthy families, such as the Rothschilds, you get a succession of not-fuckup to competent men passing wealth to each other and shedding small amounts off to their siblings (who are idiots that die in poverty, or are given an allowance and kept in place by armed guards).

But many Jews do just squander their wealth. Look into Soros' sons, a bank teller at 40 and a fuckup partyboy who spent 10 years getting a BA in history and only graduated because his dad bought the uni like four buildings. Neither of them will continue Soros' legacy, but, and here's the important part, his wealth WILL go to a Jew. Jews are cannibalistic, the wealth stays internal.

>> No.16451022

she must have done some nasty ass drugs while she was pregnant with that mutt

>> No.16451150

>This comment is so funny.
it's also created by an incel

>> No.16451199

Soros has another faggot son besides Alex?
So what could destroy their wealth, estate confiscation? A bank crash?

>> No.16451266

it's all about having a lifestyle that can only be sustained by blowing $20MM a year or whatever. once some people start that, they cannot stop. especially women, they find "downgrading" absolutely unacceptable.