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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16441461 No.16441461 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the biggest bust in /biz/ history?

>> No.16441470

if thats holo then its one of the biggest successes in biz history, it was shilled on very low cap

>> No.16441489

It's a gamble. If they manage to get the product running, it will be huge.
If they fail, it will go to zero.
Holo's mascetcap is just barely 140 million dollars.

>> No.16441750


>> No.16441772

The shills don't want you to know but this Boomer/IndieGoGo scam has been dead for over a year.

The dream is unironically dead.

The HOLO team have embarrassed themselves in various ways, including but not limited to not having a network, and selling people hardware and not delivering it.

Unfortunately this was probably their best move.

If they would have shipped the (now obsolete) warehouse PCs they sold people, it would be painfully obvious that they are just perpetuating a scam.

Now they have no choice. It has been too long. They have to make a move because people are running out of patience.

This shines a light on the most glaring issues: there is no working software, no Holofuel, and Holoports are about to be declared paperweights in videos and reviews on youtube and all over the internet.

So not delivering looks bad, but it gave them the opportunity to squeeze out this last big PnD before they are caught red handed selling useless legacy hardware with no real software platform to speak of.

At this point there is zero hope for this zombie project and the slow exit scam is underway.

I guess that's what happens when you steal your product strategy from a parody show about Silicon Valley.

To sum it up, if the ports ship it's going to zero. If the ports don't ship it's going to zero.

This latest effort is just a poorly paid shill group hired by the team and the few ramaining bagholders that know they are stuck with this garbage.

The team is exit scamming on you right now. There is no software and the hardware they sold and never delivered is outdated now.

Dump now or learn the hard way how fast dying scam coins under 10sats can crash to zero.

>> No.16441838

are you getting paid for this?

>> No.16441858

community service. helping anons avoid boomer scams since 2017(tm)

>> No.16441894

and paid by who? there is no organization on earth that would be threatened by a few 50 year olds stealing from NEETs.. There are however a lot of bagholders and scammy founders that would pay people a few rupees a day to keep this dumpster fire from completely fading from view and getting delisted. Why are you shilling it?

>> No.16442640

Actually, it does happen. https://medium.com/relex-cryptocurrency/paid-fud-admission-shines-spotlight-revealing-nefarious-manipulation-e3de50d21961

>> No.16442660

It’s unreal how high the market cap still is

>> No.16442679


Yes, it's a scam.

>> No.16443027

no this is the greatest opportunity and wealth transfer we will see since bitcoin. get in now or weep.

>> No.16443043

holoports for Christmas

>> No.16443064


still depends on btc

>> No.16443085

if you know you know, if not then go get a insider friend.

>> No.16443318

If you know, you know

>> No.16443362

You should be able to tell from the low effort zero-substance shill posts for weeks on end. This is the team attempting a slow motion exit scam on a budget. It’s not working obviously but they need to do what they can before the ports are declared “not to be delivered” or they deliver useless legacy hardware that does nothing. Either way. One of the biggest scams yet in that they delivered absolutely nothing over two years.

>> No.16443375

In this case everything seems verifiable, in that they sold people ports, delivered nothing etc.

>> No.16443426


This. Holo had an edge if they had stuck to their original timelines but as it turns out, those were just lies. I had 30m near the peak and feel burned as fuck by this fat fraud and his SJW clan.

>> No.16443431

there were good reasons for not delivering though, like code re-write into rust, which will bring long term benefits. It's not unusual for a company to fall back on deadlines at all, especially with new tech in uncharted territory such as this. As you've seen the fud is relentless and OTT, not your typical angry investor but more like a targeted attack. That's how it seems to me atleast.

>> No.16443462

>biggest bust in /biz/ history?
>literally has chainlink tier performance.


>> No.16443465

Exactly. It’s more targeted fud than shills

>> No.16443573


Laugh out loud. This article was written 10 months ago. What relevancy does it have today? Nada. Things move so fast and with unmet deadlines and lies, this project has turn into an absolute shit show.

>> No.16443579

doesnt count unless it sticks and we're here teetering on ATL

>> No.16443584
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no this is

>> No.16443671


>> No.16444024

Things have moved on and every other coin has been doing worse.

>> No.16444649

The holoports are not important. The real milestone is the development of Holochain apps. Now that Holochain is stable these are maturing. Mark my words. This is where the action will be. People will forget about their ports the week after they arrive. When one app bridges to another and volume testing cranks up Holo will fly.

>> No.16444688

This seems plausible and the relentless FUD tells me this coin could be huge, but what kind value will go through the holo network that would justify high prices for homofuel?

>> No.16444705

sweet vishnu

>> No.16444710

The ports help because thousands of people will be able to witness these apps being tested and eventually working.
There won't be, but this is crypto. Is there any reason ETH should be worth what it is based on the value running through it?

>> No.16444883

Eth has BAT and Link on it, while Holo has nothing at all

>> No.16444915

Don't forget UPT, the ultimate BAT and stablecoin mixed play

>> No.16445034

if you know you know. this thing will pump bigger than your fat mamas titties.