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1643846 No.1643846 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a worthless NEET my parents have finally given up and offered to buy me a house and pay for it. Would you take this if it was offered to you? Or would pride prevent you from taking it?

>> No.1643853

You have none to begin with. May as well take the house.

>> No.1643855

came here to post this

>> No.1643859


>> No.1643990


Take the house but don't ever tell anyone because they will laugh at you for being pathetic.

This is because you really are pathetic by the way..

>> No.1644002

I'll only accept it after my parents have past away when money's no good to them anymore. It's their money and they should spent it on themselves.

>> No.1644183

Depends how rich they are.
If they are an average/middle class family or below don't take the fucking house. It'll just be a burden.

>> No.1644230

this, fucking neets

>> No.1644367
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take a free house.
Get a job in trades off of craigslist...
They are easy to get, and sometimes you might learn.

It's a great time for trades with Obama's deportations!

>> No.1644416

It's not that your parents success are a part of you, it's that you are created by your parents and their success passes down to you.

They're the main characters, you're an asset for their genealogy, inheriting before their death is not shameful in the least.

Also, you're making this up.

>> No.1644491

no I'm not, the thing with all the hate is what should I do instead? if I had a gun I'd kill myself, I know how pathetic I am. but them buying me a house would prevent me from being homeless

>> No.1644519
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Yeah, take the damn house. Rent out a room or two to properly vetted tenants. Use that money to turn a hobby into a career.

>> No.1644691

There's nothing wrong with being a NEET, lad. If your weren't lucky enough to be born rich, mentally and physically health, and/or attractive then it's not really your fault that you're a NEET.

Always remember: your parents didn't ask you to be born; your parents are 90% of the reason you turned out the way you did. They have an absolute obligation to take care of you at their own expense if it is their fault that you were unable to take care of yourself.

>> No.1645211

>If your weren't lucky enough to be born rich, mentally and physically health, and/or attractive then it's not really your fault that you're a NEET.
How the fuck is it not his fault? Even spastics and disabled can hold down a job. But no, OP can't because of "muh anxiety". Fuck off. Truth is, OP doesn't WANT to work or better himself. That's fine, but don't make some bullshit excuse why it's all his parents fault when he has the agency to change his situation.

>> No.1645273

Didn't read past "how is it not his fault?"
It's not his fault because it's nearly impossible to succeed if you do not have one of those three qualities. Doesn't matter if the person is in a wheelchair is he's attractive and sociable.

OP is neither, and it is absolutely a result of his parents. Either their poor genetics, poor parenting, or both resulted in OP. He likely wouldn't have chosen to live had he been asked if he knew how it would end up for him.

In short: it's not his fault; it's his parents' fault, and buying him a place to live out his miserable existence is the least they can do to make up for what they have done to him.

>> No.1645283


shut up faggot, i know people who are blind, dont have limbs, and dont even speak english that work...its all made up bullshit to enable him to just stay home and jerk off to porn all day

>> No.1645287

>Who are blind
Seriously doubt it's complete blindness, and if it is, then that person must have been lucky enough to learn a valuable language to translate or something similar they can do with only their voice and ears.
>Don't have limbs
I already covered this.
>Don't even speak English
Not really that much of a handicap... Certainly less debilitating than ugliness or social ineptitude.

>> No.1645379

My mom is Bipolar, my Dad's OCD. I myself have severe social anxiety and psychosis. These conditions are much MUCH more debilitating than ugliness or social ineptitude yet don't prevent you from having a job.

Fuck me man. You don't want to work. I get it, it's comfy. I've had a couple of periods being NEET myself and it's nice... for a while. BUT STOP MAKING FUCKING EXCUSES. You put yourself into the position you are in now. YOU are the only one who can get yourself out of it. YOU have free will. YOU just lack ambition and a sense of self worth.

>is the least they can do to make up for what they have done to him.
What? Given him a comfortable life in a 1st World nation? Oh no, the horror of such a brutal existence.

>> No.1645385

as if being 'sociable' is a quality set in stone like your height. Its something you can learn, by taking action. Something Neets tend to forego when they CHOOSE to sleep in.

>> No.1645397

Says the top overnight security guard in Boise Idaho. Keep voting Republican and keep talking out of your ass.

>> No.1645402

You talk about work like it's the pinnacle of human existence. How mind fucked are you from those Walmart training videos.

>> No.1645452

>Says psychosis as if it's a diagnosable disease and not a symptom
Guarantee you have no idea what psychosis is and just claim to suffer from it, which calls into question the anxiety claim.

Also stopped reading there.

Very introverted people who did not develop and learn the ability to socialize properly as a child will never be able to competently do it.

>> No.1645517
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dude, I'm in a similar situation. My parents offered to help me get a house.

My wages are shit. I live on the money I get from sells on ebay, etsy, and amazon. I also have two youtube channels that pay for internet and gas.

I haven't really done shit with my life other quitting my wage cock job and getting my little online enterprise going. And just last month my parents offered to give a huge down payment on house for me. So, I would end up with a $500 a month mortgage. Something that I can easily afford and give up my shitty apartment.

What really fucked with me is that my dad mentioned it in front of my brothers. I know they will give me shit for eternity if I take the offer. If he would've done it in private; I'd be perfectly okay with it. i would of just said... "Look fuckers I'm an internet Success story" or some BS along those lines.

>> No.1646006

Take the house.

Rent it via Airbnb.

Make money doing nothing.

>> No.1646012

>would pride prevent you from taking it?
you have to learn to graciously accept a gift, anon.

when someone buys you something, you say "thank you," and you appreciate it.

>> No.1646026

of course do it, your parents create you so they must support you, this society is putrid and there is not future so words like pride doesnt care. If you can live without anything do it, got a house and spent time till your death, the Internet give you everything that you need, is the new GOD for modern society who cares? do that you must, if you got a PC and a house you dont need anything more, if they give you the money, pick it.

At the end there isnt heaven or hell, just the end.

>> No.1646035

Thats how i make 800 dollars a month (100 a Night 8 nights on average each month)

>> No.1646039


Literally every normie has parents that bought them a car or pay their student loan bills or their tent. Its not pathetic. Having a parent that doesn't give a shit about you is pathetic

>> No.1646126

Top kek mate, I've been diagnosed by a psychiatrist, had various sessions and even been hospitalized before because of it. Are you a pissy little teenager or something? You seem to have an infantile mind and think you have the whole World figured out. You don't know shit.

>> No.1646133


>> No.1646146

Psychiatrists don't diagnose you with "psychosis," unfortunately, so your lie doesn't quite work.

Try again.

>> No.1646150

Again. Compared to Whom? Sure, he might never reach the same level as fucking will smith. But that would be the unfair comparison.

Instead, he should compare himself today, to himself yesterday. If today he can talk to one stranger and hold a convo for 5 mins, he became better than yesterday, although still not as good as will smith.

Its defeatist to compare to others, compare to former self, ALWAYS.

>> No.1646206

Compared to any random cunt you might find socializing in a college party or bar. He'll never be able to do these things like they can.

It's a lot like learning Chinese, for example. A native English speaker will almost never be able to master the tones and intricacies of the language.

>> No.1647095

>tfw can't afford tent bills this month

>> No.1647100

beat me to it.


>> No.1647138


Quality thread, I always get a good laugh out of NEETs trying to justify their pitiful existence.

>> No.1647158

thread should have fucking ended here