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16436566 No.16436566 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say starting tommorow I do a 3 month coding bootcamp, and I currently know fuck all about coding, programming.
How could I, as a western male, turn this into a semi-lucrative career once the boot camp finishes considering I have no prior experiance or expertise?

>> No.16436569
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>Why should I learn to code?
You shouldn't.

>> No.16436578

This is exactly what I thought.
No one is going to hire me when they can hire Pajeets to do the same job (albeit 4x because the first deliverables will be shit and so much will get lost in communication) for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.16436620

Wow, someone who gives up before even doing the minimum effort decides to blame pajeets or the jews!
How original

>> No.16436647

He’s justified to be discouraged by 24/7 Jewish diversity propaganda, but he shouldn’t give up. Learn those skills and keep applying to jobs. Eventually, you will be given an interview, and eventually, you will be hired.

The market is flooded with junior developers, so stand out by communicating clearly and being honest about your limitations.

Lastly, consider whether you need an expensive bootcamp. The internet has tons of resources for free.

>> No.16436652

He wants to go to a boot camp for 3 MONTHS and get handed a job. But actually the prospect of spending 90 fucking days doing something other than jerking off seems too much for him so he gives up.

>> No.16436653
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P.S. Open borders for Israel :)

>> No.16436662

Nah it's more like why should I waste my time learning something from scratch, when I should refocus my energies and efforts exploiting skill sets and experience I have in other fields.
It's the same reason I never bothered to learn guitar, way too much competition, so I've learned to play the bouzouki.

>> No.16436665
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Tons of women are hired directly out of those bootcamps. You’d have to be closing your eyes not to witness this, assuming you were also in the industry.

His expectations are reasonable given what he has seen and read. Be nice to him.

>> No.16436667

I don't give a fuck about any of that, the only person I care about is myself. I'm tired of reading losers justify their failure on some imaginary enemy, sure if you are successful then go ahead on your autistic rants about immigrants but it's just pathetic

This applies in regards to virgins who complain about women too..

>> No.16436674

>He wants to go to a boot camp for 3 MONTHS and get handed a job.
Will you pay me for 3 months of not working? If not shut the fuck up.

>> No.16436680
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Learning to write software is almost certainly the best investment you can make financially, even if you are starting from zero. A very low starting salary in the US is $50K. That’s very comfy.

>> No.16436693

Why? Where would I get employment from?
Do you need a portfolio of sorts? Is it better to work directly for firms or to be a freelancer and pick up individual projects?
I'm not in the US.

Really I'm just pissed off by people oversimplying shit to "learn to code" when I have plenty of skills, but no idea how to market any of them, so learning another skill seems like a waste of my fucking time because it's the same problem on repeat.

>> No.16436696

I'm sorry did you just drop into life or something?
If you are american no matter how poor you are you had the safety net of public school and if you were not braindead you could go to a state school and study STEM without paying a cent.

>> No.16436697

I got through my entire 2nd year of cs at boston college just paying Indians to do my projects for like 20 a piece on some freelance code site. Shit was addictive. Then I dropped out on eth money. Coding is literal 3rd world monkey work now

>> No.16436705

Not in the U.S. but how do I pay for food and rent in the meantime?

>> No.16436723

reroll at life or work with what you have.

Don't expect anyone to tell you what to do, especially if you want to drastically change your situation. You need to be self driven and look for opportunities, all this shit you're asking could take you 10 minutes to google.

>> No.16436743

What a cop out!
Just say you don't know! No it can't be found out on Google, because everyone always leaves out the real practical details and makes things seem easier than it really is.

>> No.16436774
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You're right. The advice is simplified.

A small portfolio is nice to have, yes.

When applying, simply... apply! Check Indeed for job listings, or check the Careers pages of various companies in your area. You'll be surprised by the level of interest you get if you act human when applying. Admit your limitations, admit if you're nervous in the interview, just... avoid being generic candidate #87. Generic candidate #87 will be hired eventually, but you'll be hired first.

>> No.16436796

It literally can, there used to be something called "google's developer roadmap" or something.
It literally listed all you had to learn with resources to learn it to basically get hired at google.

Having a "I will do it but you have to tell me exactly what to do or I give up" attitude won't take you far.

>> No.16436799

kek! That's some lateral problem solving!

Thanks for the advice.
Is this something I should be doing before I actually investing my time in learning to code? In the sense of looking at how many and what kind of job listings are in my area and then basing my training decisions of that?
Where is generally a good place to do this? LinkedIn? GitHub?
Assume I know fuck all about coding, and thus nothing about how things actually 'get done'.

>> No.16436821

>Having a "I will do it but you have to tell me exactly what to do or I give up" attitude won't take you far.

Having a "I'll just figure it out myself" attitude has fucked me over for 11 consecutive years. I've finally admitted that when it comes to career decisions and self-promotion I am the least qualified person to help myself and I need someone to hold my hand and obey them blindly.

>> No.16436920

You are not smart enough or you were not really trying. And if you want to be a good developer you need to know how to ask the right questions/how to figure stuff out yourself.

>> No.16436997

Why hasn't it worked for you, faggot?

>> No.16437150
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Python and JavaScript are always good bets regardless of location.

Indeed.com and companies’ websites’ Career pages are the best source of what’s un-demand for junior developers, but you’ll never go wrong learning JavaScript and Python. But don’t worry too much about getting it right the first time. Once you’ve learned one programming language, the next one is dramatically easier. 20 times easier, perhaps.

I’ve been in your position before, anon. I understand your frustration and your anger. Both are justified. But you can drag yourself to a better place, even though things are stacked against you.

>> No.16437158

Are you the math grad in the other thread from UPenn?

>> No.16437315

Is getting a CCNA worth it with no experience and self study?