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16435128 No.16435128 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure severe brain fog?

>> No.16435134

Slee, HIIT, omega 3, vitamin d, no fap, fasting

>> No.16435135

masturbation, listening to music 12 hours a day, and constantly staring at screens

>> No.16435139

Also keen to know. Honestly, going to bed at 10pm and getting up at 6am is the best treatment I’ve found, along with magnesium.

>> No.16435142


>> No.16435157
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Don't fap more than once every two days, stay off drugs, drink water, exercise for 20 minutes or more every other day, get plenty of sleep.

This is the bare minimum, but greatest ROI on your suffering

>> No.16435158

paleo autoimmune protocol
vitamin and mineral supplementation
GI-Map to culture your gut, clearing herbs to kill gut infections that you have
broad spectrum probiotic including s. Boulardi
Prebiotic fiber supplementation
adequate sleep
light strength training

>> No.16435159

The blackpill is to accept that you're getting older and that all the boomers you criticized have been dealing with this shit the entire time you whine about them for being lazy or slow. Just wait until your short-term memory follows suit and days start passing in what feels like hours.

This is the standard advice although the omega-3 evidence grows sketchier with each passing week and nofap is a meme that's only effective for evasive type addicts. Vit D, sun, HIIT, good sleep, and dry fasting can all help.

>> No.16435160

Ok. Obviously compliance is in your own hands here but 8 hours of sleep at around the same hours. Cut out video games, tv, 4chan(nel) entirely. Take a walk every day and exercise at least every other day. Clean your room. This is all advice to myself. Just using your thread as an excuse

>> No.16435163

Can you speak more on the gut health stuff? I'm very interested in actually, unironically doing a cleanse or supplementation or w/e for a month, the emergent research on the the neurological systems of the gut and their impact on mental health is very promising, but don't know anything about it and the internet is full of absolute meme-tier mom research.

>> No.16435164
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>tfw depression and age has killed your ability to learn or remember anything
>tfw even basic math is too hard for you now

>> No.16435170

Ah, you're me at 20. You need to throw your computer out if you really want to achieve this. This advice actually works: You make the decision at the store, not at your fridge.

Apply it to everything, food or not, and you will force a change.

>> No.16436040


>> No.16436054

Flora is very important. Probiotics are alright, but we can only grow a few, whereas there are hundreds.
Prebiotics are food for bacteria, consume more cooked veggies, look up prebiotics.

>> No.16436066


>> No.16436085

Piracetam 800-1600mg daily

Once a week:

Phenibut 600-1800mg
Phenlypiracetam 1-2 scoops (usually comes with a scoop for 1 dose)

Also take choline bitartrate daily if you do this

>> No.16436124

I just drink like 5 coffees over a few hours, and by the mid afternoon my brain is switched on and I can start doing both physical and mentally draining work again.
Ideas flow more freely, courses of action become clearer and more actionable, I start tidying shit up - and more than that, actually knowing
>"I should put it in THAT draw because it'll be more accessible and it's also next to the other items I use with it" instead of
>"Thing here, make desk dirty, me put some place where... uhhh?"

Having a shower and a FILLING thing to eat also helps.
If you're working at a computer or pen and paper or tinkering, have a beverage on the desk with you - it means you're less motivated to get up, and less likely to break your concentration.

>> No.16436145

At least 1 serving of dark leafy greens every day. I recommend a green smoothie, as it is the easiest way to pack them in.

>> No.16436181


any recipes?

>> No.16436183

Citicoline is a better form of choline just as a note.
Interested in the prebiotic stuff. Does chugging that fermented yogurt stuff help too?

>> No.16436219

Fucking hell man just do this stuff in this order...

1) Fap
2) Eat a meal with carbs (Rice or Noodles or Corn)
3) Take a B12 Supplement
4) Shower
5) Drink some water to hydrate
6) Go to sleep

>> No.16436297

Based and fasting pilled.
Fasting is repair mode.

>> No.16436842

Turn off WiFi. Really, it is neurotoxic

>> No.16436847

Ketogenic diet

>> No.16436899

Also some mental training such as simple math or learning a bit every day. Like a gym basically

>> No.16436991

Based answers
>nofap is a meme
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.16437012

What about 5g? I tried sleeping on airplane mode for a couple months next to my phone, but didnt feel any different :/

>> No.16437019

Have a feeling dropping screens entirely would do the trick, for a host of mental problems people have now. Makes it very easy to ignore problems.

>> No.16437123

I'm really tired of hearing people freak out about wireless and its "detrimental effects" on health/brain activity etc. without these people ever describing how that is at all biologically possible.

Industrialized society has been swimming in EMF radiation for over a century.

And even if you turn off your WiFi, you can't turn off your neighbor's, or AM/FM radio waves, or cell tower transmissions, or any of the dozens of other sources of EMF constantly passing through any person living in an urban environment.

>> No.16437137 [DELETED] 

>industrialized society has been swimming in EMF radiation for over a century [where's the damage?]
Are you being even remotely serious with this? Have you never once looked at a graph of the incidence of suicide, mental illness, or cancer over time?
It'd be one thing if it accelerated a linear fashion after a certain point of psychology's academic saturation, but it doesn't. It just keeps growing exponentially.

>> No.16437148

>seems based
>then says no fap is a meme

>> No.16437154

>industrialized society has been swimming in EMF radiation for over a century [where's the damage?]
Are you being even remotely serious with this? Have you never once looked at a graph of the incidence of suicide, mental illness, or cancer over time?
Ignoring cancer because it's too easily conflated with other causes, it'd be one thing if the other two grew in a linear fashion after a certain point of psychology's academic saturation, but it doesn't. It just keeps growing exponentially.

>> No.16437173

It's a meme that literally only works for evasive type addicts who fap 2-3x per day, and it works mostly because it forces a behavioral change with all of the free time and weird social trappings that come with locking yourself away 3x a day to masturbate.

For healthy individuals, regular, infrequent masturbation lowers cortisol levels, which promotes good sleep and creates a virtuous cycle of lowered stress. There's no point in arguing with every medical professional in the world over this, and if you do, you're probably not someone worth talking to anyway.

>> No.16437183

>gets cancer

Enjoy giving all your money to doctors. Don’t forget to suck their dicks.

>> No.16437184

are you insulin resistant?

>> No.16437211

stop cooming
stop overeating

>> No.16437276
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Why do so many incels believe in no fap? I always ask no fap incels these:

is no fap better than getting sleep? "yes"
is no fap better than a proper diet? "yes"
is no fap better than having a hobby? "yes"
is no fap better than working on your school career? "yes"
is no fap better than crypto investing? "yes"
is no fap better than working out? "yes"
is no fap better than socializing? "yes"
is no fap better than plastic surgery? "yes"
is no fap better than steroids? "yes"
is no fap the most important thing in the universe, and you dont have to do anything else in life. And just never stroke your penis again? "yes"

i mean, its a literal death cult

>> No.16437415

Exercising regularly

>> No.16437930

I'm sure "every professor" wouldn't argue for consistent high dopamine and prolactin surges into the brain. You people seem to think "something isnt physically bad=good for you!". In fact theres a tried and consistent science on dopamine and the effects of desensitized receptors. NoFap is more about neurological health, not physical, no matter how many times you scream that strawman.

>> No.16437934

Get bloodwork done and have your thyroid checked.

>> No.16437940

How to repair dopamine receptors again? L dopa right?

>> No.16437958

Are you taking any meds?

>> No.16437962

And NE Semax or w/e its called? Want to strengthen my dopamine receptors in a healthy way

>> No.16437963

>start going to the gym every day
>become zombie-like in my lack of energy
>can't stop due to being addicted to them gains

>> No.16438410

Also modafinil if you're desperate.

>> No.16438523

Exercise (cardio and weights)
Eat clean and lots of vegetables
Get plenty of sleep
Reduce stress
Stop drinking alcohol
Stop taking drugs (unless it's test or sarms kek)

>> No.16438576

But anon...I’m 19 and have an IQ of 135

>> No.16439245


>> No.16439258

How are you doing today, inu?

>> No.16439322

Don’t spend so much time on the internet or any activity that calls for immediate gratification and information overload.

>> No.16440346

Keto diet.

Eat 20 net carbs, cut out sugar and eat moderate protein. About 1 to 1.3 grams per lean body mass.

You'll lose weight, feel better and eliminate brain fog.

Google keto clarity, it's a thing.

>> No.16440352

the coomer

>> No.16440375

A solid bedtime is the most effective. Why? I don't know.

>> No.16440413

Be sure you're getting plenty of fats in your diet. Fats from vegetables and nuts are best.

>> No.16440420

Life forever:

>> No.16440439

Fecal transplant bro, it's amazing

>> No.16440478


>> No.16440520

>light strength training
can't stress the LIGHT part well enough

>> No.16440530

phenylpiracetam will make you reek like meth
t. used it

>> No.16440542

1. If you drink alcohol, completely stop.
2. Physical exercise
3. challenging mental stimulation

>> No.16440576

desu, not only do fecal transplants cure antibiotic resistant c. diff, but it can also fix ibs caused by flora imbalance or flora killed off by antibiotics.
Obviously you want the shit tested for e. coli and other nasty bugs, but it works so well and is so cheap, it’s literally shit, that the burger government tried to ban it since you can’t patent shit and price gouge. The best donors are family members or friends who is known for never getting sick with stomach problems. That uncle with an iron stomach, get his poop tested and cleared, a few rounds of tests to rule out false negatives.

>> No.16440673
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Fasting. A 48 hour fast cleared me up pretty well. Solved a fuck ton of nagging issues that day.

>> No.16440876

The spice melange, we must procure it.

>> No.16441017
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>> No.16441403
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I know I'm late, but repairing your receptors is done more through behavior than products, although I'm sure there are supplements that can help. The activities you'll want to wean off or at least temporarily cut out entirely if you partake would be:

>NoFap first (sex with a real woman is perfectly healthy though)
>vidya, 4chan (good luck LMAO), web browsing, TV
>going to bed late
>Very frequent eating without fasted intervals

And of course many swear by meditation having profound abilities to rapidly heal their neurological conditions and lack of motivation. I recommend 30-45 min every day.

>> No.16441778
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Check out Natasha Campbell-Mcbride. Too much to say here.

>> No.16441834
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>> No.16441840

you can't if you live by yourself, wageslave and already got lack of sleep. your brain is getting too much data to process and you're exhausted, you would need to stay in the countryside with no screens and tech, like I said you can't if you wageslave. diet, sleep, fap, health, exercise, all this is tried and tried and it does nothing, except for the lucky who get tricked by their brain that it works. it only affects your future health, not brain fog.

only solution is to hold bitcoin and chainlink.

>> No.16441843


>> No.16441878

>just accept it goy!
>it's always been around!
Fuck off faggot

>> No.16441899
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have you tried not excersing, eating like shit, staring at a screen every waking hour and never leaving the house

>> No.16441914

My productivity is really cyclical but I also don't come online until later. I swear I gain like 30 IQ after maybe 6 hours of being up.

When I wake up I just can't do a single fun thing, I have to start work right away or I can't focus. Every once in a while I really just need to play a game or something for an hour, it really wakes me up. Other days I'll go 12 hours with good focus and get a lot of work done

>> No.16441978

Beer and weed daily. Also fast food.

>> No.16442582

Exercising regularly doesn't imply exercising with the same intensity everyday.

>> No.16442711

Try the Keto diet. Cut out gluten, you could be allergic. Stop eating sugar because you might have some kind of gut bacteria that's messing with your head (the gut and mind connection are real).
I was on the Keto diet last year and never felt better.

>> No.16442747

Eat vegetables, go to bed in time, work out, take vitamin D.

If you have a fucked immune system, then there is nothing you can do other than wait and hope it goes away.

>> No.16442762

>Ketofag leeching out of his /ck/ontainment board.

You have to go back.

>> No.16443051

Keto is like 3/4 of fasting anyway. Not bad for maintaining a clear head once you get there.

>> No.16443323


>> No.16443434

Why does this diet always trigger you fags so bad? Sheeple get so upset when someone takes a different path

>> No.16443572

When you guys say fasting, what exactly are you doing and for how long?

>> No.16443718

Reasons for brain fog typically are sedentary lifestyle and bad diet. Fix those and you should be back on track!

>> No.16443952

>I was on the Keto diet last year

Why would you stop?

>> No.16443995

>Just wait until your short-term memory follows suit and days start passing in what feels like hours.
31 yo boomer here. Ouch.

>> No.16444906

stop taking finasteride

>> No.16444919
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>brain fog
Jesus christ the excuses fucking millennials come up with. Go pop a few pills I guess you fucking failure snowflake

>> No.16444949

You can attribute increased cancer rates due to falling mortality rates, processed foods, sugar, unhealthy inactive lifestyle and so on. Like the other guy said, correlation does not imply causation.

>> No.16445252

Keto is low IQ

>> No.16445283

anon be very very careful with phenibut. it is nasty nasty stuff. not only extremely addictive but you can die from it as well. this shit ruined life 10 years ago

>> No.16445287

get a good amount of sleep
get regular exercise that involves both lifting weights and cardio
eat healthy

and even better

have a fulfilling career that demands your attention and forces you to think
have a wide enough social circle that you've got distractions to engage you on weekends
have a significant other that loves you and pushes you to do your best

last 3 aren't needed but really help