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File: 271 KB, 720x922, 20191201_123901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16430768 No.16430768 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16430770

based money skelly

>> No.16430775

ETH and Vitalik are so cringe and gay, imagine defending this crap.

>> No.16430778

This is not a hill worth dying on.

>> No.16430784

>reasoning below
>doesn't post the reasoning

come on spin doctor give us the whole truth

>> No.16430785

>teach the norks about bockchain (public domain information all over the internet)
>get arrested

>> No.16430791


Check out @VitalikButerin’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1201182901062307840?s=09

>> No.16430793


>> No.16430803



>> No.16430804
File: 61 KB, 512x429, dindu-nuffins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the case is being handled by the department of justice's terrorist unit
free virgil the terrorist! he dindu nuffin!

>> No.16430817

When will this shitcoin be back to 1k?

>> No.16430823

he thought them how to launder money and avoid sanctions which is a big no no for the US of ZOG

>> No.16430829

Probably never. EF is about to get torn a new asshole.

>> No.16430834

2021 at the latest

>> No.16430842

Both side’sing John Wolpert and a murderous dictator currently running death camps. Pretty cool imo, great job Vitalik, you beautiful fucking retard.

>> No.16430869

bootlicking cunts

>> No.16430886

The US Federal government is about to investigate every single high ranking member of the Ethereum community, all because this retarded faggot Virgil Griffith. This entire situation was avoidable. And here you are defending him. Unironically kill yourself

>> No.16430888

Communism will lose, again and again.

>> No.16430900

> Support NK the biggest group of faggots on the world stage, who's rulers boots are literally locked
> Or else you're a bootlicker

Or possibly, you're just retarded.

>> No.16431331

i just can't believe he could have told them anything they didn't already knew... don't get the fuss about this. norks were doing bitcoin ransomwares when this cuck was still in school.

>> No.16431352

you are literal robots

>> No.16431370

>Bootlicking literal communist dictatorship of North Korea

What did he mean by this?

>> No.16431545

>btc challenging the US Gov. for freedom
>eth challenging the US Gov. for communism
guess which one will have a future

>> No.16431562

And you’re a faggot commie and probably a kike

>> No.16431575

This coming from someone who apparently can't forumulate a sentence with any substance or more than 4 words. If you have something to say then fucking say it otherwise get the fuck out of my thread

>> No.16431633

Vitalik's his own man. Of course he's going to stick up for his friend.

Virgil is a fucking retard though and needs to understand his actions have consequences. I don't fault him for going to North Korea, but come the fuck on, you know what you're getting into when you do something like that. The US Government doesn't fuck around.

>> No.16431670

>a petition

Hello Mr. Government of the United States of America?
Can you please release my friend for trying to help a country dodge your sanctions? Thx


This whole situation is fucking retarded, what did the guy think was going to happen?

>> No.16431677

>asks US government for permission to attend conference
>permission denied
>goes anyway
>posts everything on social media
>decides it's safe to set foot on US soil
>doesn't lawyer the fuck up immediately after feds mentioned North Korea
>incriminates himself even further without a lawyer present

>> No.16431706

Close your butthole for a second & imagine if Sergey Nazarov were to talk about his project on Twitter like all other "leaders" in the spaceship including Vitalik. Imagine the price of LINK if Sergey talked about the partnerships, hyped about the developments in progress and what's on the horizon

>> No.16431709

nothing he did is a crime you faglord

>> No.16431720

what is the point of a petition? what does it actually do?

>> No.16431731

>mfw buttcorners now unironically and literally defend the US government
almost feels like this is 4d chess to evidence ethereum as the only credible libertarian option remaining
what a shit state of affairs

>> No.16431741

You're an Ethereum Foundation sock puppet. Evan is that you?

>> No.16431757



>> No.16431758

>buttcorners now unironically and literally defend the US government
because we don't support and defend terrorist regimes?

>> No.16431763

>implying the average ethereum faggot would hang out on a problematic rice trading message board
projection being the name of the game, YOU are actually a bitcoin twitter faggot, aren't you
jesus christ you tards are deluded

>> No.16431804

defining NK as a terrorist regime is already proof of pro US govt bias
even then, there's a whole spectrum between not supporting "terrorists" and actively cheering for the US govt to imprison people based on going to places and talking to other people. try to coincide that with libertarian principles, retard
but why do i even bother. it's painfully obvious most of you are 2017 bagholders and joined this space solely for muh number go up. we need a normie purge badly

>> No.16431811
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Vitalik is defending the aiding and abetting of terrorist organizations cuz muh freedom? good god, fuck this shit

>> No.16431827

please keep on acting like the state has no legitimate power. i want to see all the lolberts arrested on terrorism charges.

>> No.16431833
File: 115 KB, 1132x1080, Charls pilot the EVA or sam will have to do it again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man if vitalik goes to jail I'll be massively butthurt. He's too pure. I'm fucking baffled by how naive the galaxy brained autists that are involved with this shit continue to be. I don't even hold any eth at all either.

Am I the only one that thinks this will be the start of government acknowledging the threat they face from fake internet money and actually coming down really hard on anyone publicly associated with it?

>> No.16431837
File: 438 KB, 1879x1081, 1564194717631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>libertarian option

>> No.16431989

NK is a terrorist regime. NK always threatens nukes and pussies out. NK is always actively advancing their nuclear program. NK isn't even supposed to have a nuclear program. they are terrorists, plain and simple. the country makes all of it's income from crime. from selling large arms, pure methamphetamine, heroin, slave labor, counterfeit pharmaceuticals, you name it.
that's also why NK diplomats are banned from over half the countries in the world. they trafficked drugs and large arms with diplomatic immunity and the other countries said fuck that and banned them.
they are a terrorist regime and i don't know why you're trying to defend them.

not to mention how they treat their own people and the atrocious living situations they are stuck in. their own people are starving for crying out loud.

>> No.16432006

How is one Indian sperging out on twitter 'not libertarian'? It's not like he has any actual power.
Libertarian doesn't mean white nationalist. Ethereum is open to them but also to jews, black supremacists etc.

>> No.16432020

Commie coin needs to be shunned by Trump

>> No.16432032
File: 101 KB, 302x265, übermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.16432063

At least he's got some semblance of testicles

>> No.16432098

LOOL what a madlad

>> No.16432156

This. So much this.

Vitalik is fucking tonedeaf

>> No.16432168

>forgets that the country was founded by people who would've been called terrorists

>> No.16432651
File: 284 KB, 807x544, Vinaygupta_ethereum_communists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are commies. They admit they are commies.

Some of them like to larp as libertarians or anarchists, just like antifa - another communist organization - larps as anarchists yet they all worship Marx and employ pure marxist dialectic. Now KYS.

>> No.16432670

all you did was repost the exact same tweet. this fud is way past boring at the end of 2019

>> No.16432683

Of course, you didn't read it the first time. I can post it again with extra zoom so your slow brain has a chance to process the words.

>> No.16432689


>> No.16432730

>trafficking large arms

fuck off pajeet

>> No.16432737

Ohhh no no noo



>> No.16433681
File: 67 KB, 1190x408, EKkVdNbWsAAAvmK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, fuck neocons and fuck central bankers

>> No.16433767

Holy fuck vitalik. Anyone else considering selling their entire ETH stack?

>> No.16433777


>> No.16434357
File: 32 KB, 446x391, virgil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]