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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 870 KB, 1400x940, wholefoodsmarketext_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16430509 No.16430509 [Reply] [Original]

you do shop at whole foods, right anon?

>> No.16430524

who would even buy broken foods

>> No.16430547

most of their cashiers are black and i don't like them touching my food.

>> No.16430558


>> No.16430580

Went in there once and this guy in a suit was picking out his lunch from the prepackaged fresh food. I'm not sure what sandwich he got but a half a ham and cheese was $10.23 and the half a p&j was $9.73.

This was before amazon bought them.

>> No.16430582

this bothers me too, and I’m in a white area, so where the fuck does whole foods get all of them? They also flirt with my wife and one time she pulled the “let’s try some roleplay” “sweetie I just fucked by the nigger cashier” fucking flipped my shit. Still came but now she does this all the time, nigger dick this, whole foods black balls that

>> No.16430656

whole paycheck

>> No.16430687


>> No.16430707

Whole foods is a scam

>> No.16430712

no, i only go to stores where i'm accepted in my sweatpants

>> No.16430720

>whole foods
normie thread identified

>> No.16430897

HEB is better. Sucks if you live in Texas

>> No.16431187

do you hold LINK?

>> No.16431205
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, SoyCrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and all my gay friends love Wholefoods how could you tell ?

>> No.16431210


>> No.16431213


>> No.16431228

No way they produce food based on slave labor. Does it taste like oppression to you?

>> No.16431231

literally a simp. Either control your woman or divorce her, because she's already become part of ((their)) scheme. It's probably too late to save her already, but you can try.

>> No.16431328

>Not shopping exclusively at Natty Grox
keep sucking off Bezo's teet, soibois

>> No.16431354
File: 62 KB, 720x757, 5B9BC7F1-2EAF-4963-A623-7A5010814DDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431393

I like their pizza

>> No.16431407

>taking the bait
Fuck you faggot autist scum.

>> No.16431903



fuck Jeff

>> No.16431923

I don't give pieces of shit Bezos money. So no.

>> No.16431939

HEB and central market all the way if ur in texas

>> No.16431950

I love Whole Foods. Lots of poorfags ITT

>> No.16431953

Looks like the communists are upset their utopian food market was bought out.

>> No.16431964

I forage all my food from the dumpster out back.

>> No.16431965

this is some nice cope, but you can admit that you're too poor to shop there, fren.

>> No.16431972

Try their corn nuts. Pretty delicious snack.

>> No.16431979


Not really. I just go to my local food co-op now. I can get the same quality food without having to line that scumbag kike's pocket