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File: 20 KB, 553x420, Budget Snapshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16423559 No.16423559 [Reply] [Original]

So I finally figured out how to use Excel, and decided to take a look at my net worth. What does your financial snapshot look like /biz/?

>> No.16423570

>student loans
Good goy.

>> No.16423596

What's wrong with student loans? I wouldn't have been able to attend college otherwise, and my degree basically directly led to a promotion and more responsibility at work. The 401k is also great because I don't have to work at the same job for 50 years just to be able retire.

I would hold crypto, but I feel that little bit of money I do make is already spread thin.

>> No.16423597

YIKES pay off your loans bro

>> No.16423616

>>16423597 Only a partial Yikes depending on the following question.
What's the interest rates on your student loans?

>> No.16423619

I just graduated college and got on a payment plan. Thanks for the hot tip though.

>> No.16423629

>What's the interest rates on your student loans?

4% to 8% depending on the loan. I'm just gonna snowball them and pay of the smallest amounts first then tackle the big loans. It's really gay because the largest loan of like 8k is the one that's 8%.

>> No.16423636

Sell your Pepsi stock and put it in savings. You need a bigger emergency fund than $600

>> No.16423639

hahaha, this dumb cuck.

bro, i've got 15k solid cash floating around in crypto and other investments... no loans, dont even own a savings account.

hows it feel to be stuck in the oldhat boomer mindset?

nice (((642$ savings account))) mr. 'anonymousu'

that promotion at work is really paying off.

>> No.16423653

Sometimes I think my future is fucked, but then I see shit like this and I realize I'm probably in a better spot financially than 90% of people in my generation as a NEET.

>> No.16423660

That doesn't make any sense. I have a job and can just put more money into my savings account. I also live with my parents so most emergencies aren't gonna leave me homeless.

The worst part is that I'm a car next week because of shitbox is finally giving out on me and there is no way I'm putting more money into it.

>> No.16423668

>Student Loans - $44k
>Medical Debt - $1k
>Cash in Hand - $100
you've come a long way, Murica

>> No.16423674

Heh, I've got a steady job, 401k and a pension and zero debt to my name other than the house. Thank god. Not falling into the debt trap was the smartest thing I've done. Right now my worth is around 47k. After one of my major investments pay off soon that figure will jump to around 65/66k.

>> No.16423677

700 euros at 20 years of age

>> No.16423681

Cash: $260,107 CAD
Equities: $17,859 CAD
Crypto: 1.7 BTC ($17,369 CAD)


>> No.16423686

It's not cheap being the goodest of goys.

>> No.16423688

there are apps for this retard

>> No.16423690


did you do the math on that pepsi investment before you threw 3k at it?

you're getting like 3$ per year from it. complete waste of money.

that being said...... you should put it in a savings account either, the modern saving account is crypto. easy to cash out, easily beats inflation, and theres a chance for huge ROI.

personally? i recommend chainlink.

>> No.16423692

Opportunity cost, learn about it.

>> No.16423697

>43k debt
hope you got a good paying job
not a good idea, you have no liquidity. keep that money in a money market or ladder t-bills, kill the debt

>> No.16423698

> t. plumber

>> No.16423700
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>I realize I'm probably in a better spot financially than 90% of people in my generation as a NEET.

Not really. Debt is only scary if you fear working, and can't envision paying it off. My students loans should be paid off before 30. I currently work about 50-60 hours a week at my job for the OT, and plan on working two full-time jobs once I get my teaching certificate.

I honestly didn't I think was doing that badly, but I forgot that I was biz where if you're not plumber, electrician, or engineer, you're a failure.

>> No.16423706

It this bait?
Stop investing in stocks, and put all your extra money into your loans UNTIL your highest interest rate is 4% or less.

You stocks might return 6% annually, long term. You're losing 8% a year on the money you have in your 8% loans.
Apply the same logic to whatever other debt you have too. I'm hoping you have your credit card on auto-pay every month.

What is your annual income?

>Pepsi Co
Sell this shit and buy Coke

>> No.16423708

What did you study ?
I wouldn’t pay down the students loans until new time few election cycles.
If a democrat gets in they will erase them
Don’t agree with that but fucking liberals and democrats created the student loan scandal and made college expensive in the process. It’s a huge scam .

>> No.16423717

ffs stockpile maple syrup while can, anon.

>> No.16423721

i'm bearish on btc and every other asset market is at ATH, so i'm comfy in cash for now

>> No.16423742

>implying you would have been better off buying bitcoin or other shitcoins than developing a career

lmfao the absolute COPE of losers on this board who didnt do anything after high school but buy someones bags. You can tell they are getting increasingly nervous after the 2017 dump, especially the late adopters that bought in after 1000. Enjoy serving me fries at mcdonalds.

>> No.16423758

I invest all my money in VTSAX.

Am i fucked?

>> No.16423765

I started investing to learn about how it works and as part of the process of becoming financially literate. I LITERALLY just started my payment plan a week ago on my loans so calm down. If I hadn't started investing, I wouldn't probably wouldn't even understand what the interest rate on my loans meant.

>Sell this shit and buy Coke
I have personal reasons for not wanting to buy Coke shares, and it has nothing to do with the taste. If you know what's good for you, don't work there.

>> No.16423768

>being in cash right before hyperinflation starts

Buy Silver you idiot.

>> No.16423770

cash is good but definitely put a few CAD in GBP and USD. not much but just in case your own currency goes jack shit for whatever reason.
bitcoin will be interesting in the next 2 to 3 years.

>> No.16423771

At some point in the future I can say with 100% certainty that you will indeed be fucked

>> No.16423775

college is the ultimate bag buy, especially if funded by a student loan.

not only are you wasting large portions of your day that could be better spent working and earning a paycheck, but you're also paying 40,000$ for the privilege.

you think having a degree is competitive when thats the advice that every other normie was sold (and bought into wholeheartedly?)

unless you're going to school for free you got scammed, and even if it was a full-ride free tuition type of deal thats not guaranteed to be the right move unless its in certain fields.

>> No.16423777

working at a company and buying its shares are two different things.

>> No.16423785
File: 50 KB, 605x575, get fookin rekt on track peers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 24 year old boomer also
I love my 401k

>> No.16423795

>My students loans should be paid off before 30. I currently work about 50-60 hours a week at my job for the OT, and plan on working two full-time jobs once I get my teaching certificate.
>I honestly didn't I think was doing that badly, but I forgot that I was biz where if you're not plumber, electrician, or engineer, you're a failure.
checked, I don't think you're a failure, I barely know anything about your life, but you work so much more than I do and have so much less. It provides a strange sort of foil to my existence. My fear for my future is that I'm practically unemployable in the world of bourgie achievements on Linkedin (not that I'd want to work in it anyway), but when I remember I have more in assets than most of the people who exist in that world have in debt, it reminds that I do have the potential to make it outside that system.

>> No.16423796

>What did you study ?

History, I wanna teach but I know it pays dogshit so I plan on holding onto my current job that pays 35-42k and just working my 20's away until I make it.

My goal is to eventually teach overseas to pick up a foreign language, get a PhD, and hopefully work for three some letter agency as an analyst.

>> No.16423799

nobody will buy your shitty silver.

>> No.16423803

Im 26. The people I know from high school who got degrees are making way more money now and doing way better than the ones that didnt.

40,000 dollars of debt is nothing. I just got out of school and already make 50k a year more than I would otherwise with a shitty min wage job.

>> No.16423805

silverbugs are like the even-more retarded little brother of goldfags. Go look at the price of silver over the last 100+ years and tell me why THIS TIME it's going to break out of this range?

I just calculate the CAD equivalent of my holdings. I've actually got $118.6k USD

>> No.16423810

>implying you wont FOMO in at 100 dollars

>> No.16423817

Yea but coke shares are twice the price, and Coke doesn't make any snacks like Pepsi Co does. The shares were also half the prices, and I didn't want enroll in the employee stock option because reasons.

>> No.16423818

The fact that my link bags are hovering around 8x notwithstanding, I'm talking about your current investments, dipshit.

>> No.16423819

How much is that in real money?

>> No.16423822

Wow, what a broke nigger. Don't bother investing and pretending to have savings. Pay the cabal their money back and then invest in micro real estate. That's where the real money is poorfag.

>> No.16423840
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i'm old

>> No.16423843

$222.4k USD

>> No.16423847

LMFAO bro.

you do realize the entire history of the world is online for free?

you paid 41,000$ to read what amounts to a fantasy novel... no... thats not entirely accurate...

... you didnt even pay 41,000$, you promised 41,000$ of money that you dont even have to be taught a leftist deformation of a retelling of 3rd hand accounts, incomplete truths, and intentional lies repackaged on a timeline.

and you did it so you could make 30000$ a year brainwashing children.

wow. you're a financial genius. gonna need a lot of pepsi stocks to pay off that loan.

>> No.16423849

what app you using?

>> No.16423856


lmfao in crypto thats nothing and could quickly become -8x. When that happens you will have nothing and truly learn what 'opportunity cost' means

>> No.16423866
File: 3.97 MB, 400x224, daaaaammmnnnn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are apps for this retard

Yea but you have to literally give them access to your financial accounts so fuck that. Doing it in excel was actually kinda fun, and it's something I'll need to get used to doing for work anyway, so I figured why not.

>> No.16423869

mint.com, really good for a free service

>> No.16423873

>and tell me why THIS TIME it's going to break out of this range?

Yikes im talking to a brainlet. Maybe pay attention to global monetary and fiscal policy.

>> No.16423875

Another thing is if you get damn lucky with your house/apt. I got my house during the last housing shit fest. Also took advantage of the previous owners own incompetence (they attempted to redo the basement; make it into an entertainment room,they fucked up the electrical a bit). The result? I pay only $400 a month for a 3 bed house w 1 & 1/2 bath, basement w/garage and nice rear deck. The main level was totally redone; tile, high end appliances, gas fireplace. So people look at the house (and car) and they assume I'm a well off fucker when in reality I just got lucky.

>> No.16423876

Pepsi. Seriously? PCG is far from a sure thing.

>> No.16423881

age : 22
net worth : 500$

>> No.16423883

ok, but you didnt get a history degree either i bet? nor did any of your successful friends?

loans and colleges are not always bad i admit, but unless you have a specific career path in mind and have thought about it very seriously its foolish to accept a loan simply because its the expected life path.

if you're the type of person who thinks 'well, i liked history class' and impulsively takes on a $41,000 loan right after high school... you should probably just join the military.

>> No.16423896

Coinbase Wallet (Up 20%)
Car Loan
Monthly Income

Will I make it?

>> No.16423900

>silverbug telling others to go learn about global monetary and fiscal policy

if you really believed in your stupid fucking rock you'd buy silver miners which are a far more levered play on growth in the value of the underlying. Or you'd just buy real estate since it's heavily debt-financed and rates continue to move towards 0 while covenants get lighter and lighter

>> No.16423906

>you do realize the entire history of the world is online for free?

you do realize that historians work in other places besides schools right? You also do know that teaching is very often used as stepping stone into other fields/jobs?

If you have ever in your life applied to a job that wasn't listed on indeed, you would know that a degree is an absolute minimum requirement for a decent job. I honestly don't even care what (You) have to say because it's clear to me that you're a complete retard.

>> No.16423913

please just listen to peter schiff's podcast

>> No.16423923

how much are you currently making at your job? how much were you making prior to earning your degree?

>> No.16423929

Monthly Expenses

>> No.16423950

31k to 34k. OT not included (probably like 41 or 42k with OT).

I'm also eligible for another promotion to 38k once a position opens up. I don't plan on staying there forever though.

>> No.16423955

I reckon you will make it. Good work ethic obviously intelligent enough to plan and think about the future and willing to take calculated risks to learn.
Guranteed in 10 years you will be something entirely different than you envision now , but youl succeed.
Don’t pay down your student loans yet some socialist moron will write them off in a vote buy soon enough. They all talking about it . Even the at the Fed.

>> No.16423973

>peter schiff

you mean the man who has been calling for a total market crash for the last 10 years while the market has gone on the longest bull run in history? He's probably the most incorrect man of all time

>> No.16423975
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>I reckon you will make it. Good work ethic obviously intelligent enough to plan and think about the future and willing to take calculated risks to learn.

Thanks. The best part of about this whole thread is that nobody knew I'm black lol

>> No.16423981

>He's wrong because the bubble he's warning about has gotten bigger!

good argument

>> No.16423987

>spent 40k on a history degree for a job that pays as much as an amazon warehouse worker

based black man

>> No.16423989

while this is accurate advice i think youre thinking too hard about it
smart, vicious, and tenacious people will succeed
the opposite wont

>> No.16424017

Yeah I hardly know anyone that took a liberal arts degree. One guy actually and he still became a lawyer.

>> No.16424019

>impulsively takes on a $41,000 loan right after high school... you should probably just join the military.

Part of the reason I went to college was so that if I ever joined the military either voluntarily or via draft, I would be an officer. My father was enlisted for 24 years so I know secondhand how shitty that life can be. I'd take a 41k insurance policy for a better life in the event of national emergency. It's a longshot, but military service is still a potential obligation for every male citizen, and everyone should be aware of it.

I don't understand why anyone who can afford college would join the military though.

>> No.16424027

Need more BTC

>> No.16424033

22, engineering job once I graduate making 90k, 60K net worth from working since 14. pay off that credit card man

>> No.16424038

Yep, he assumes that everyone with STEM degree is some highly intelligent Type-A personality while everyone with a liberal arts a degree is just a lazy fuck.

>> No.16424047

That's literally just my monthly expenses on it. I have a 7k limit somehow.

>> No.16424049

No debt, own a 2011 Kia sorento 100k milesand a 2016 Toyota corolla 21k miles

10k liquid in savings, able to start investing 4000-4500 a month

Got my shit together Feb of this year really excited for 2020 boys

>> No.16424058
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>What's wrong with student loans?
Oh my god the absolute state of burgers

>> No.16424060

Your dad did you a disservice by not guiding you to get a cushy enlisted job in the air force for 4 years.

you could have worked an 8 hour day in a practical field, gone to college for free in your off time, and by the time your 4 years is up you couldve commissioned as an officer if you still wanted to.

you would've been paid money to get your fluff degree, no doubt, and veteran preferences for admittance to the 3 letter agency you said you wanted to be employed at...

regardless, you cant change the past - the best thing you can do now is aggressively pay off your debts as others have said.

>> No.16424061

Once you get too old military is not an option

>> No.16424090

I'm 19 and my net worth is $86k more than yours plus I live in yuropoor which makes the sum even bigger in purchasing power. All in LINK btw.

>> No.16424092

Nah, I have plenty of friends in the military either currently/formerly and they all sucks it complete ass. The bennies and veterans preference are nice, but can easily be overcome if you manage your money smartly.

Thankfully. Military History is actually what I want to study in grad school. There are plenty of civilian jobs out there for the DoD with benefits that are almost as good as joining the service.

>> No.16424111

>he doesn’t buy low
What, you gonna wait for it to be 40/oz before you start buying? Scared cuckboi

>> No.16424112

if they really hate it, they joined the wrong branch. if you're high IQ with a work ethic to match the air force is highly tolerable.

>> No.16424123

Is HSA really an asset?

With red numbers like that the cash in the CD would do more good paying off interests accruing things like the credit card debt and health debt.

>> No.16424142

I don't buy PM's period

>> No.16424143

>if they really hate it, they joined the wrong branch

I have friends that are in all four branches both officer and enlisted. Everyone except the girl in the Air Force hates their job. I'm kinda over it at this point. I used to be a hero worshipper and want to join the service, but it was ultimately because I didn't know how to manage money and just wanted my loans paid off for "free".

I've since gotten a lot better at managing money, so I see less reason to sign up these days. I would go Navy no matter what anyway outta respect for my dad.

>> No.16424164

>With red numbers like that the cash in the CD would do more good paying off interests accruing things like the credit card debt and health debt.

My credit card isn't accruing interest because I pay it off every month. And the medical debt doesn't accrue interest, and quite frankly I'm not paying it. I've been meaning to call up the collections agency and get it settled for a lesser amount so it stops fucking up my credit.

>> No.16424234
File: 9 KB, 180x180, didnt want to read that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately this isn't even a parody in many people's cases

>> No.16424317

> get fookin rekt on track peers.png

holy shit theyve gamified being a good goy and you fell for it

>> No.16424479

Networth 8k (95%) in link
Monthy income: 2k

Will i make it...

>> No.16424607
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they match my 6%... how is getting my money doubled bad?

>> No.16424635

i'm also about -40k

>> No.16424764

Age 22
Net worth -30K

>> No.16424771


imagine being this guy - I started to invest in crypto when I was 14 and now Im 19 and I have 270k, kek

>> No.16424802

Your education was a waste of money if you only just learnt to use excel

>> No.16424848

Soon 26 here, around 45k no dept. 2.5k net monthly + some random passive incomes

>> No.16424867

>Your education was a waste of money if you only just learnt to use excel

Not really. As a history major I only ever needed Word and PowerPoint for class. I used excel once before and that was for a science lab I almost failed. The important thing about education isn't just learning what they teach you. It's about learning to teach yourself, which I can easily attribute to the rigors of the college.

You don't have to agree and I don't care if you do. It was worth it for me because of the mindset it gave me more than anything else.

>> No.16425011

>medical debt

Good American

>> No.16425024

Why does college cost so much. It's s boomer rambling a textbook and testing you. Most of college is learning shit yourself. Yeah let me pay 30k a year for it

>> No.16425031

Keep working at it every day and never let up.

>> No.16425055

>student loans

I'm 24 as well. been a hardcore frugal since I was 11. Currently I've got:
>a house ~50k
>savings ~30k
>old truck ~1.5k
>crypto ~600
>401k ~1.2k
>no debt. no daddy money. no life either though

>> No.16425057
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>> No.16425063

Negative 10 grand or so back then. What’s awful is that still probably put me in like the top 75% or so as most people have many times more debt than that.

>> No.16425100

lel keep baiting zoomer

>> No.16425106

It's a piece of paper that says you know how to read/write/do basic algebra and most likely know the basics of using a computer. That's the basic part of it. In theory your major also says that you know more than average about what the specialty is.

Unless you did STEM or some professional certification during your bachelor's, it most likely won't pay off immediately. Where it does pay off is if you stay in a field where most of your peers are relatively uneducated, say for instance, warehousing, construction, food industry, trucking or some other job labor intensive job.

In these industries you have a higher chance at moving up the ladder because certain management positions may require an education. I've only been at my job for a year, and I'm already next in line for an entry level management position because of my degree and work ethic. The 40k it costs to go to school is nothing compared to the potential annual 70k-120k I could get for moving up in the company I work for.

>> No.16425126


>> No.16425142
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Like this

>> No.16425151

Did that 50k in student loan debt at least get you a job making 80k or more a year?

>> No.16425152

>200k liquid net worth
>no debt
>own my car which is probably worth 7k

I'm also black which makes me even more rare since I think the average black American has a net worth of $8

>> No.16425159


>> No.16425163


NVM the average wealth is 9,800. I feel like the $8 stat is from one state though.

>> No.16425165


$200k liquid and no debt. Did you win the money? Invest the money.

>> No.16425169

I'm black too. Get over it.

>> No.16425173

Man seeing shit like this and hearing about some of the rich folks who've got billions.. really puts things into perspective as to where we are on the pecking order. Shit's crazy. Imagine comparing this to someone like Jeff Bezos.

>> No.16425177


Nope. Inheritance from my dad, so I won it in a way. I never had debt to begin with though. Already started investing most of it.

>> No.16425184

Confirmed larp. Black people don't have dads.

>> No.16425185
File: 115 KB, 2030x604, loans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only having 43k in loans

are you some kinda homosexual anon?

Get on my level. I love checking my loan balance every day.

>> No.16425225

Honestly dude, if you inherited 200k don't bother comparing yourself to other black people, or even most white people for that matter. Inheriting a large sum of money and going "hurr durr I'm better than average" is like winning a foot race where all your competition is wearing lead shoes then bragging about getting the gold.

I'm fortunate enough that my parents were able to pay for my first car at 18 (which I still drive), still provide a roof over my head, and all other the hidden costs of sending a kid to college, but I still had to work my way through school if I wanted anything extra like booze.

>> No.16425233

I hope that's for an MD and not a PhD brother. The debt for my bachelor's doesn't scare anymore desu. It's cost of eventually going back for advance degrees that does.

>> No.16425275


You're right but this is how most people get wealthy. Through inheritance and off the backs off other people (in this case my dad). Im not even wealthy. I know not to take this opportunity for granted. I had to work my whole way through college and the only reason I don't have any college debt is because my dad was a disabled vet.

>> No.16425283

>because my dad was a disabled vet.

My dad's a vet too. Seems like the only black guys who have their heads screwed on straight are men in the service and their children.

>> No.16425298

how do people sleep living like this lol

>> No.16425302

Yes it's for an advanced degree. I have a BA in communications and Masters in Communications. It just sucked i had to move back home as not as much demand for the degree as I had thought. I currently operate a youtube channel and make around 7 dollars a month (before tax). I wish you needed a government license to professionally communicate. That would make my degree more indemand.

>> No.16425306

very true. i had my undergrad degree paid for, so while i am absolutely slaughtering my peers now i have to keep in mind that i was given the special gift of not taking out debt to go to college

>> No.16425320

if you're not lying i'd say you're deserving of the inheritance

>> No.16425323
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What do you mean friend? it's just numbers on a computer screen. You realize the US is back to printing money electronically, correct? The economy is going to collapse in the next ten years. These numbers will mean nothing.

>> No.16425345

At the end of the day it's just money. He'll either get rich if his degree pays off, or just live in a mountain of debt until he dies. If you're not in the .01%, and only make it to upper middleclass, it's honestly hard to tell difference because most people from all income groups have such extreme debt these days.

>> No.16425348


I think it's because the military instills a sense of discipline and duty that most black men don't get form their fathers. My grandfather was a marine in ww2 so my dad always had his dad around (even if he was a drunk). I wish what you said was true but my brothers live like thugs and deadbeats and they had similar upbringings. Not trying to go full race realist but there are some things that can't be taken out of the man.

>> No.16425358

no debt
100k in a high yield savings
45k in 401k

Don’t have a house yet though and I’m 36. Hoping to pay for one in cash eventually.

>> No.16425385

>I wish what you said was true but my brothers live like thugs and deadbeats and they had similar upbringings

Yea but you also have to keep in mind that career military guys are extremely aggressive people, even if they hide it well.

>Not trying to go full race realist but there are some things that can't be taken out of the man.
It's not a race thing. I honestly think too many blacks our buy into the rap culture that you selling drugs and shooting people is cool. I work with grown men in their late 20's and 30s with families who still idolized drug dealers and crime lords.

For whatever reason they think fast money is the best way to make it instead of realizing that most real wealth is built gradually over time.

>> No.16425392

100% chainlink tokens is the only based portfolio.

>> No.16425396


>> No.16425398

nah, you are fucked, let's be real.

>> No.16425412


>> No.16425447

>t. 50k in debt with worthless degree

>> No.16425451
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>Gold: 5 grams
>Silver: 7 oz
You're done for

>> No.16425457

>It's a piece of paper that says you know how to read/write/do basic algebra and most likely know the basics of using a computer.
Also known as high school.. wait no.. middle school plus some sit down khan academy lessons with your dad.

>> No.16425463

>get a PhD
baby boomer mind spotted.

>> No.16425496

Ask your average normie with only a GED/HS diploma to write you a 1 page essay or do a list of algebra problems and you'll quickly realize that either those skills aren't as common as you think. Our public education system sucks and most people don't actually polish or continue using their academic skills at work so they wither away.

A HS diploma used to be enough, but standards in schools have actually fallen over the last 30 years which is why degrees are required now.

>> No.16425667

Probably just starting his life out. Why you gotta be scummy about it?

>> No.16425722

This poster is retarded. History involves research and discovery of historical unknowns. Not just teaching and "brainwashing."

>> No.16425795

You went 150k in debt to get the easiest degree that every nigger who plays football gets. Congratulations.

>> No.16426507

Opportunity cost literally argues in favor of loans dipshit. Paying in cash would mean he'd be losing on potential gains with it otherwise.

>> No.16426640
File: 12 KB, 361x571, net.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My net at 28

>> No.16426653
File: 188 KB, 500x502, 1485903778003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps his savings in cash

>> No.16427149


>> No.16427185
File: 492 KB, 733x426, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 600 in crypto and 1200 in 401k, pls tell me you that's because you cashed out the top of stocks and shitcoin markets. also, don't call your father "daddy" it sounds really gay.

>> No.16427544

>credit card debt
I sure hope you pay that shit off and never carry a balance.

Don’t listen to the idiots hating on 401k. If you get an employer match, you should always be maxing that shit out. Stock market is setting up for another bull run like the boomers lived through, and we may NEVER see the late 2018 lows ever again.

What’d you major in and what do you do for work?

>> No.16427880

>My goal is to eventually teach overseas to pick up a foreign language, get a PhD, and hopefully work for three some letter agency as an analyst.
Wow I've never seen such out of touch stupidity. Why would the FBI need another history major teacher. Theres thousands of them all from better schools than yours.

>> No.16427901

>What’d you major in and what do you do for work?

History, and I do QC in a warehouse.

>Why would the FBI need another history major teacher. Theres thousands of them all from better schools than yours.
There are more three letter agencies than you care to know. And there are plenty of doctors, programmers, and soldiers so why would we ever need more?

>> No.16427923

Cash: 1.5k
Crypto: 50k
Student loans: 35k

Age: 29
Can I make it?

>> No.16427943

yeah but if you're american, you're dumb for not immediately paying off loans that could land you in prison someday and are gaining certain interest above inflation

>> No.16427971

The highest is at 4.5% and inflation has gotta be beyond that (not counting the CPI).

>> No.16428017

Do you have a security clearance?

Oh right, you can't get one because of your massive debt

Get fucked, retard

>> No.16428031

One of the few not larping net worth’s here so respect to you

>> No.16428034

oh apologies about your family

>> No.16428050
File: 515 KB, 1599x627, athreaddied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a promotion and more responsibility at work
goy, you have to go back lmao

>> No.16428051

My debt and credit score should be low and high enough respectively when it comes time to apply for those jobs. If you had read anything ITT, you'd know I'm not applying for those jobs at this second. And a security clearance isn't even hard to get if you get hired, faggot.

People on this site are always so quick to put someone else down just to feel an iota better about their own meager lives.

>> No.16428088

450k stocks
120k cash
400k crypto

32 y/o

>> No.16428100

tell me about it

> they don't know whats coming

I stack more crypto to secure them in the future