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File: 25 KB, 1000x543, Hex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16423119 No.16423119 [Reply] [Original]

We're talking about wife changing amounts of money.
Just send all your ETH to the smart contract and stake your HEX, easy as that.


>> No.16423123

People who fall for this scam deserve it entirely.

>> No.16423127

>okie dokes boomer jpg

>> No.16423128

It's literally free money tho

>> No.16423151

Jeez, didn't you watch the video?
ETH pumped 10000x in 2.5 years, from $0.15 to $1500.
Hex is designed to pump harder and faster and stay there.
Richard can't be more clear than that.

>> No.16423188

Ita designed to pump and dump. Not stay there. Its a fucking ponzi you idiot. As soon as you see some x’es gains, drop that

>> No.16423237
File: 239 KB, 2208x1242, 3CB08531-9014-4D1E-AE7C-91E4777D62A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry desu but the only ERC token that will stabilize after reaching massive gains ($360) as a result of acting as collateral for a mere 1% of the underlying asset value of the global derivatives market.....(wait for it).....is LINK.
>mfw even $360 per link is fud.

>> No.16423355

Smart contracts suck for derivatives because the money needs to sit in the contract and wait for execution.
Deutsche Bank alone has roughly $50 trillion derivates exposure. Do you think they actually hold this much money? No and they don't have to, because most of the puts/calls/futures cancel each other out.
But with smart contracts you would actually need to hold the funds for the derivatives.

HEX is way more realistic to see adoption. Time deposists are the most popular banking product and no other crypto project allows you to get more interest for locking your funds longer.

>> No.16423408

>HEX is way more realistic to see adoption.


>> No.16423423

Who knows when they will pay out though. I prefer staking Algorand on Binance, highest APR and they pay out...

>> No.16423454
File: 64 KB, 1144x512, selling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttcoin dominance increasing

>They're selling alts for BTC
>They're moving BTC to the chain
>They've got their private keys

Progress so far looks linear, I expect BTC dominance to pump hard the closer we get to the snapshot

>> No.16423489
File: 118 KB, 1000x400, 1556229131456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow the "give me 1 ether and I give you more ether"-scam is still alive

>> No.16423977

Why not bring them in too?

>> No.16424087

no it's a fucking shitcoin and a scam stop giving money to that asshole!

>> No.16424136


Please illustrate how this scam is designed to profit Richard Hart? Does anyone have Legit FUD?

From what little I've read into it, it just an attempt at incentivizing holding BTC with a declared amount. Otherwise it's just another staking/payout coin. Airdrops legit made money for bizlets in the past this is no different.

>> No.16424149

Apparently there is some sort of whale penalty in the code.

>> No.16424162

He'll get free ETH through daily auctions ("adoption amplifier")

>> No.16424173

Richard profits in two ways:
1) He owns the "origin address" which is hardcoded into the smart contract to receive a copy of all the different bonuses that get paid out, like the speed bonus for early claims, or the "we-are-all-Satoshi" bonus and so on. The origin address will hold roughly 30% of the total supply.
2) There is a so called adoption amplifier, where you send your ETH to a smart contract and get HEC in return, depending how many ETH got send there in total. Resets every day, start with 1 billion HEX in day 1. Richard gets all the ETH.

HEX is really just an ICO in disguise.
ICOs created their ERC20 token out of thin air, sold about half of it and kept the other half to sell later on the open market.
HEX is similar: Richard sells about one third of it via the AA (adoption amplifier), keeps one third (the origin address) for himself and the last third is airdropped.

Doesn't mean it won't pump like crazy, just look at Ripple or Eos.

>> No.16424183

Day 4 of Hex shilling

>> No.16424191

>The origin address will hold roughly 30% of the total supply.
what a fucking piece of shit scam...
>adoption amplifier
>Richard gets all the ETH.

>> No.16424207
File: 26 KB, 713x611, 1524515771425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designed to profit Richard Hart
he's literally begging for free eth and calls it "adoption amplifier". so if his scam flops out of the gate which it most likely will, he has a bunch of eth. then, if for whatever reason enough stupid people exist to give value to his scam token, he has a "genesis address" which has a considerable amount of tokens with said value on top of the eth. he'll make enormous profits with this shit even though it's an obvious scam. why? because crypto space is like a magnet for low IQs. and honestly they deserve it, i got no hate for richard

>> No.16424228

>Time deposists are the most popular banking product and no other crypto project allows you to get more interest for locking your funds longer.

Sure, you make more hex for your time deposit.
Hex Returns. Built in 20% inflation.

>> No.16424229

Yes, totally agree that Richard's greed is endless.
However, we have to acknowledge that other cryptocurrencies with similar scammy distributions have market caps in the multiple billions (Xrp, Eos, Stellar).

The only thing that matters is marketing and hype, which Richard is a master of.
So I invite each of you to stop the fud and jump on the hype train. We're going to drop our HEX on Reddit for a nice 10x.

>> No.16424241

Fuck off richard

>> No.16424250

Richard Heart is an alias. The person playing Richard Heart has several felonies for fraud in Central America

>> No.16424275
File: 157 KB, 409x409, 1571157337996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You lost your time and your attention, two of the most valuable commodities we have as human beings.

I Know I should be reading the King James Bible and impregnating roasties tho, good point

I've spent 2 hours lol

>You probably stressed about the money, and will continue to stress about what might have been, if only you had better timing.

Nah, once I'm staked it doesn't matter

>You paid the opportunity cost of not focusing on your relationships, your work, and your real contributions to society (which can make you actual money, by the way...)

Make more clown money for clown world, got it


>> No.16424442


Thanks for the replies, It's interesting that they address this in the FAQ at:


Even stating that Dick Hart could flee with all the eth LOL

I find the risk of an exitscam to be somewhat minimal, Hart is a know quantity and can be tracked down and dealt with if he just bails on peoples money. It is just as risky as any ICO I have seen before, however, this one could see a form of adoption by a majority of exchanges in a tighter regulated market on a longer timeframe.

I think the safe bet is Claim the freebies, minimally invest ETH and Stake until volume and liquidity builds. Alternately HYPE the shit out of it now and bail in one year?

>> No.16424560

bro, just don't put more into it than you can afford to lose.
I have been scammed so many times because I wanted to believe what was shilled to me. I just have to listen to this guy for 1 minute to find out that it is a scam. Of course the scams have to become more elaborated than in 2017.

>> No.16424654

the ETH is percentage base
if you send 1 wei and you were the only nigger sending you get all of the pot from that day
people will camp the AA until the last second

>> No.16424668


I've invested in 5 ICOs total since early 2017, Only 2 so far has returned any meaningful profit(LINK, obviously)

So my track record is already pretty shit, but crypto has outperformed anything I've ever done. So yeah, risk is here, So is real profit

>> No.16424703
File: 13 KB, 1174x771, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the adoption whatever is going to look like
because it's % based, makes no sense sending a full ether
people can compete for the % with weis

so it ends up in a game of who can send the most wei at the last minute

>> No.16424705

did you buy into hashocean too?

>> No.16424713

Cant wait till you all run back here, screamind SCAM fucking idiots

>> No.16424741

don't you have bitcoin? lol

>> No.16424749

get on the scam train guys, we are pumping the fuck out of this shit, its literally a fucking scam but without the dump, we are all going to make it

>> No.16424760

I also hold link, reasonable risk to reward ratio I guess

no couldmining never made any sense to me, either I dot it myself or I rent it.

My biggest fear as of today is that Alex vom Celcius runs away with my money, not sure what to think of it. Thats another case of I want to believe it but it feels fishy.

>> No.16424768

Richard is literally trying to convince people to give him their private keys in exchange for a literal scamcoin.

>> No.16424796

There are ways to fud HEX, but this isn't one of them.
At no point do you ever have to reveal your private key to anybody.

The only fud for HEX is that Richard is trying to get thousands of ETH in exchange for a worthless ERC20 token (reinventing the ICO model of 2017).
However, there is a high chance that we can hype this shit up and dump our tokens on Reddit

>> No.16424807

You literally have to give Richard your private key to get HEX. Stop scamming Richard.

>> No.16425124

literally nothing gives the token value other than dummies buying it

>> No.16425135

>wife changing

You have my interest sir

>> No.16425206

>Claim your free HEX
>Loses your Bitcoin

>> No.16425429

Lots of people are going to lose crypto in this space. But the biggest losers will be those who never dared to risk their private key.

>> No.16425495


Brainlet Squad


Kinda like Bitcoin

>> No.16425604

HEX is better than Bitcoin is almost every way:

>> No.16425613


To dispel this idiot FUD


Made the trip in case I can help other bizlets with this in the future, as always DYOR.


unironically link

>> No.16425622


im with u bro

>> No.16425661
File: 97 KB, 1860x1016, wth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to "sign a message"
yea... you have to sign it with your seed phrase that's fishy af

>> No.16425687


I wish for the old biz as well, when altered screenshots could legit create FUD and FOMO

different times tho dude

>> No.16426644

you just explained the whole token
he's trying to make something that there are more people buying than selling