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16422939 No.16422939 [Reply] [Original]

I inherited some money. It isn't enough to retire. Conventional wisdom is that I should just invest this in the market, not touch it for a long time, and let it grow passively at whatever the avg return is.

How do I get a better return than that? Assuming I'm willing to put in time/effort, but want about as much risk as I already have in VITAX or whatever fund.

>> No.16422942

invest it all in link and you'll have $1k eoy

>> No.16422980

All in link unironically

>> No.16422981

Put it into a basic ETF stock and sit back and enjoy the dividends. Any other answer is just wrong, it sucks but wait 10 years and you will be stacked.

>> No.16422983

Put it all into Nexo or Celsius to make a comfy 8-10% APR on it. If you do that, it's easily enough to retire. You'd still be making more then I do yearly just from interest payments.

>> No.16422997

This is solid advice. I'd probably do something similar but would save 10% for physical silver and gold

>> No.16423004

Anon listen, if this is not larp, unless you want that relatives inherentince to go in vain- you need to preserve that wealth in Bitcoin. That legacy will live on for generations. If I was seriously in your spot, I’d buy a nice 250K house for rentals and put the rest in Bitcoin.

>> No.16423009

Ok if you're not larping listen here.

25% into S&P 500 (SPY)
25% into Berkshire Hathaway (BRK)
50% into a money market fund

The money market fund will make small interest amounts for you. When the crash does come, you will be able to buy more SPY and more BRK at better prices.

Don't put any of this money into Crypto. This is something you don't want to fuck around with. Use the money you earn from your job to speculate in crypto.

t. Financial Analyst

Listening to the above will save your financial life

>> No.16423012


>> No.16423061


Thanks, I'll probably do this. Why 25% BRK and not just 50% SPY?

>> No.16423075
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All in RSR

>> No.16423089

this is reasonable advice. i would also encourage you to work at least another couple years before you decide you are comfortable making the finances work for you if you have no other income. do not gamble on crypto with a single dollar of this.

>> No.16423103

also do not tell anybody about this

>> No.16423113

classic boomer advice

>> No.16423120

Use it to move to Czech Republic or Poland or something. You'll live for the rest of your life like a king without having to work.

>> No.16423122

if you want to make it big, screencap this and watch
>in the next seven years, another Hitler will be elected
>war machine manufacturing will hit ATH
>safe ways of making money will become traps for the delusional and gullible
>new "gold rush", old Wild West vibe

>> No.16423137

this guy might make it

>> No.16423191

basically inherited a tenth of what the OP did. obv cant invest to the same degree or with them choices as him but does the same idea apply to someone looking to invest with 150k?

>> No.16423198

same advice but you have to work the rest of your life like every other shlub in the country

>> No.16423205

afaiu none of the advice thus far has been specific to the magnitude of the money. I expected some non-linear responses like "with that much you can buy rental properties and likely make 10-15%" but it's just the typical crypto bs as well as smart "capture alpha" response.

>> No.16423207

Aren't stocks at all time high though?

>> No.16423278

>afaiu none of the advice thus far has been specific to the magnitude of the money

Did you not notice the guy who told OP to buy shares of Berkshire Hathaway? Assuming he is talking about Class A shares, those are going for 330k a pop. With OP's amount he could only buy at 2 most two shares. The you guy replied to couldn't buy a single one.

The magnitude of your inheritance does indeed matter when it comes to financial advice because your options vary greatly depending on if you millions of dollars available or just hundreds of thousands.

>> No.16423319

sorry, good point

>> No.16423416


>> No.16423419

>Nintendo is developing a mobile phone with modular controllers not unlike the current joycons. Their market dominance will be huge.
Digital sales will increase while hardware costs decrease. You'll also see more frequent hardware updates.
Brand loyalty will skyrocket.
It will rhyme with apple.

I'd put 10% in link and 80% in nintendo, and the other 10% towards a house so that you don't have to touch your money for 1-4 years

I expect LINK to have higher returns, but it's risky.

>> No.16423426

Invest in something that you know best and feel passionate.

>> No.16423429

>trusting an autist with bum eye

>> No.16423445

The next crash is going to cause a bank run. All your digital funds (ironically other than crypto) will be nationalized and used to bailout the bankers. BUY GOLD SILVER AND LAND

>> No.16423467

You are on this site specifically because you only trust Autists.

>> No.16423499

i'm here to shitpost and dab on retards, not take advice from anyone

>> No.16423517

>uses word 'dab'
>thinks he himself is not retarded

>> No.16423540

i have more money than you do. i guess that makes you even more retarded.

>> No.16423560

that’s easily enough to retire. live in a van and get on unemployment welfare

>> No.16423582

Take it all to a PE shop and hope to God the recession is a few years away

Could just do real estate, you’d get probably 4M worth of property yielding ~200k annually perhaps

The guy saying SPY/BRK/MM has probably the best net strategy though idk about BRK when ol fuckboi dies. Maybe VTSAX. Or BRK when the next recession happens. Fire up excel and see how you can run a scenario analysis on a recession happening within three years and what DCA’ing does to your gainz.

>> No.16423625

disappointing but realistic. certainly not gonna risk it in crypto.

>> No.16423766

Unironically he could potentially a billionaire if he did this. He won’t though.

>> No.16423852

Unironically this. Also google bogleheads, you'll find a forum. At top of forum you'll find a sticky, some really good books in there that go over the pros of ETFs

>> No.16424238

park it in real estate. buy a building. this is probably the safest advice.

if you go stocks, might as well go all the way and speculate. you have enough that a moderately risky bet on a low priced pharma company could make you "fuck you" money / generational money

>> No.16424255

It's not all or nothing.
Break it down:
* 500k to not have a mortgage
* 50k crypto
* 100k time the stock market
* 30k no car payment
* 320k invest in your business or w/e active investment you want.
* taxes
Don't be a pussy

>> No.16424269
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>Don't put any of this money into Crypto. This is something you don't want to fuck around with.
>do not gamble on crypto with a single dollar of this.

t. never gonna make it

Not putting any of this into Bitcoin is financial fucking suicide. I get the feeling you're both top buyers. Anyway see you in a couple of years when I'm retired and you're still shopping for knee pads.

>> No.16424284
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For the love of God, don't do anything until you've read the Bogleheads' Wiki and the book Bogleheads Guide to Investing.

Then think real hard about your personal goals and risk tolerance.

This isn't enough money to retire--yet. But it is a free "get out of work" ticket far bigger and better than most normies will ever have. If you keep the bulk of that small fortune safe, you'll be light years ahead of most people and far freer than many wageslaves can dream.

The safest option would be carve off no more than $200-300K of that you're comfortable putting into riskier investments.

That. Does. Not. Mean. Shitcoins.

By all means, put a small amount into Bitcoin and shitcoins that could become vaporware in a few years.

Then consider a longer, safer game of dividend stocks, or just squirreling that amount away in a bank CD until the next big market crash (probably in the next year or two). Then you can buy a ton of low priced stocks and get 4-5 X gain when the market recovers.

You also have enough money to start a low risk, very low work digital business if you so desire.

Set up a blog and hire good ghostwriters to do articles. Learn FB ads to drive traffic. Build an Instagram or Youtube following. Focus on traffic and quality content for the first year to build a real following, if you create something valuable the money will come.

>> No.16424287

Then why are you poor if any of that works?

>> No.16424303

If I were in your shoes I’d consider a 40-60 portfolio

>> No.16424390

I would take 500k of that and use it on the downpayment for a 2.5 million loan. Use that to buy multiunit properties. With that, you're probably already looking at a positive cash flow in the six figures. (please reinvest all the profits from your real estate if you want to /make it/) The rest I would put into regular securities. This is going to give you like 800k as a reserve in case there are any vacancies on your properties. You'll also be getting, maybe 50k per year from these stocks.

Based and conservative-pilled.

>> No.16424398

The only true answer...

>> No.16424407

50% BRK.B
30% Emerging Markets
10% Gold
10% REITs

>> No.16424470


kill yourself

>> No.16424484

You can put a very tiny amount of that wealth into crypto and you could be rewarded heavily. $5,000 into a low cap coin born in this bear market with a good prospect can potentially be $250,000-500,000 by 2022. Look out for ONE, FTM, NKN. These little shits are on Binance just waiting for greener times.

Or you can play safe into coins that will 100% go up like XLM which is guaranteed to make 20x minimum. $10,000 into a guaranteed $200,000

>> No.16424500

Buy Ethereum

North Korea FUD

Ether $10k

>> No.16424532

Invest in mining rigs and mine GRIN

That shit getting accepted on Empire

>> No.16425413

>Or you can play safe into coins that will 100% go up like XLM which is guaranteed to make 20x minimum. $10,000 into a guaranteed $200,000

why are you so confident that XLM will see 20x return?

>> No.16425528

>It isn't enough to retire.

yes, yes it is

>> No.16425560

I love ya Mike!

>> No.16425586

>1.2 Million dollars isn't enough to retire on

>> No.16425590

Go to college and get a career

>> No.16425593

I think he means to say it isn't if that entire sum remains in bank savings accounts

>> No.16425601

If you want to live your best life, go all in on QQQ

>Disclaimer: DYOR

>> No.16425624

invest it in something that will give you enough returns to not pay rent. use your money from job to reinvest more and more

>> No.16425630

I have more than that in bitcoin and retired because I'm not retarded and know it will 25x at least in my lifetime

>> No.16425865
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>> No.16425894


>> No.16425915

ATH was 93 cents. Development, usage and awareness of XLM has only went up since, and the price is actually 6 cents now. 10x is nothing, 20x is very likely. This doesn't mean it will be soon, buy 2021-2022 is a good estimate.
This thing does 2x every few months, but gets dumped hard since BTC can't stop shitting the bed.

>> No.16425924

Also they got rid of inflation, burned 50 billion tokens that everyone was wondering how they would enter the market and killed most airdrop programs except for a few that are ongoing right now and have little to no impact on price


>> No.16425937

Zero out your debts. Set up college for your kids (if applicable). Buy a couple BTC and a couple eth. If you’re not a knowledgeable investor put the rest into a high yielding savings account for a year to see if this bubble corrects.

>> No.16425952
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>invest in boomer banks, boomer retail, boomer Kraft Heinz
>sold all his tech stocks like Apple

It’s as if he hates money

>> No.16425962

>all in weed cuz muh belief
>(managed by Canadian retards)

Old man crying

>> No.16425978
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Figured I'd post this ITT since there are already people here who seem to know what they're talking about. I'm expecting an inheritance of about 40K sometime in the coming months. Should I do the same as OP, or is the advice different for smaller amounts?

>> No.16425988
File: 75 KB, 1034x1200, EB7608BE-8DD4-42E1-B20A-4772B81F2DA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in nmz municipal bonds with 5% yield tax free. Cities aren’t going bankrupt anon cuz they can always tax the plebs. 600k x 0.005 = 30k/yr tax free that you can further invest in.

>> No.16426974

Low risk 5% return? What is NMZ?

>> No.16427125

ok boomer

>> No.16427649

BRK always goes up.