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16414282 No.16414282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>one jug in the living room, another in the bedroom
>piss in jug repeatedly until 1/3 full, then empty into toilet, flush, repeat
>sometimes forget to hide when guests come over
Anyone have any suggestions to improve this workflow?

>> No.16414303

why not just piss in the toilet everytime?

is it because you live with parents and dont wanna come out?

play online video fames?

i live bymyself

>> No.16414306

Bloody hell man. Just go for a piss you lazy fat fuck. Are you a base human?

>> No.16414324
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>Print a sticker of pic related
>put it on the jug
>no more embarassment when guests come over

>> No.16414329

there has to be a good reason these neets have the jugs anon, lets try to understand first.

>> No.16414353

what we really want to hear about is your pooping system

>> No.16414365
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It’s the way of the road bubs

>> No.16414368

I think it's partly because they don't want someone else in the building to know they're awake. Anxiety can get ridiculous especially when you add drugs or mental illness that keep you up for days

>> No.16414370

based yellow ID
based fuck REQ I'd

this thread is gonna make it
>go over to my NEET friends house to play smash ultimate
>crunchy looking yellowish cum rag by his bed
why do NEETs think their friends don't immediately notice their awful living habits? is it because they're blind to them? If I pointed out to him that it was obviously a cum rag he would have been humiliated. is it worth it to humiliate NEETs even when they're your friends?

>> No.16414372

Be a real man and just throw your piss jugs on the roof.


>> No.16414376

Dunno man, huge jugs go quickly rancid. It's a mess when you're pissing the last liters. But comfy af when you toss into trash for wagie.
Pro tip > leave the cap slightly loose

>> No.16414378

Hey anon can I have a glass of lemonade?

>> No.16414385

Not a NEET and proud jug pisser since 2015, it's just more practical and saves water too.

>> No.16414390
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>> No.16414392

I have 1 3litre jug, i keep it in my room and empty it in the garden once a day.
Enbironment, OCD, monitor how much piss u can produce in one day, depression.
See above
Maximum efficiency
Once a day at 8:30 or 9am, if i miss that window, i hold it til the next day.

I only shower when i leave the house or am expecting guests. The clothes i have on now havent been wqshed in 6 weeks.

>> No.16414396

One of these days I’m just going to hook up a tube to my dick when I sleep so I don’t have to fucking wake up

>> No.16414397

Manky pajeet. You scumbags need help

>> No.16414406
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Thats what i do, based

>> No.16414411

Imagine seething at other people pissing in jugs. Get some testosterone.

>> No.16414417

Ive thought about this and tried it, it doesnt work, the air displaced by the pee coming out of your dick makes everything spray out like a hose attached improperly house tap

>> No.16414426

i like the big gatorade bottles because they have a big hole for my dick
and for shit i use protein powder tubs. i can just squat over them to shit and screw the lid on tight when im done and no smell gets out
you can fit a lot of shits in a protein powder tub

>> No.16414436

Unbelievably based and redpilled super test filled chad.

Dont let the weakings jealousy get you down fellow piss jugger


>> No.16414446
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>> No.16414445
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How do u empty it? I may have to start doing this, based.

>> No.16414450

I have a glass container that holds about a 1.5 liters of liquid. It's in my separate garage/home gym that doesn't have plumbing. Takes two full bladders to fill it up.

>> No.16414460

You have to swish a little bleach around in it after you flush the piss away.

>> No.16414472

no. but you can have a glass of fresh, precious Lipton tea

>> No.16414490
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True story
My mommy buys me gally jugs of water because tap water has chemicals in it
I use a gogirl with an extension tube, and used warhammer glue to attach the extension tube into the top of a slightly slanted pvc pipe with a 90degree turn at the end, this part I will explain later
Attached straight end of pvc pipe to me desk slightly below knee height to my desk, imagine the pipe sticking out of my desk, slightly slanted downwadd and then curling upwards at the other end.

I drilled holes into the underside of the pipe, put small diameter pvc pipes into these holes and sealed the edges with more glue.
I place the empty water gally jugs under each of these smaller tubes.

Basically, I piss into my gogirl which I sometimes attach to me with a belt when I’m gaming. My peepee drips through the go girl and extension into the top of the angled pvc pipe, and it ends up in the first gally jug. When first gally jug is full, my peepee travels down the pvc pipe to the next jug, and so on. When all jugs are full I know because I can see peepee pooling the curve at the end of the pvc pipe.

>> No.16414497

Based, try duct tape next time

>> No.16414521

Based, can you send a picture of the assembly. Asking for a friend

>> No.16414523

Holy shit anon. This is some of the most deranged and degenerate shit I've read in a while.

>> No.16414532

make a little hole close to the bottle neck to avoid closing the bottle hole with your dick and causing backlash of pee as air inside the bottle has nowhere to go. this can be a problem in a dark room.

>> No.16414565

yeah and on /biz/ as well. what the actual fuck. i hope an asteroid smashes fuck out the planet soon so regular pissers and shaggers can take back the planet from these incel fucks as we rebuild.

>> No.16414571

This is why I browse this site 10/10 need pics of your set up tho

>> No.16414590
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my shit tub? i just throw it away when it starts to get full
it takes me about a month to fill one and i eat a lot of protein powder so I have a lot of shit tubs
i throw away my big gatorade piss bottles when there full too

>> No.16414591

pics or diagram?

>> No.16414693
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, Tq0ZovJ-TF8unf5RAqQ7e7LcTD0zOXCHf_0hPNO08GY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message in a bottle

>> No.16414707

Lmao I bet the cleanup was horrible. Gap in the market for anyone that can solve man's oldest conundrum: get out of bed and piss or risk pissing the bed?

>> No.16414741
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There you go 12 pound

>> No.16414758

Holy fuck anon this is amazing.

>> No.16414776
File: 26 KB, 386x386, 463E0737-E492-4EEA-952D-177ECFE07277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it’s brown - flush it down
When it’s yellow - let it mellow

>> No.16414829
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I piss in the sink in the bathroom, then as you wash your hands it all washes down nicely. I've been doing this for years and never had any smells. Saves about a gallon of water each time by not flushing the toilet.

>> No.16414880
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This reminds me of the guy who has several-hour long masturbation sessions using.... DMT was it? Don't recall. He mentioned having to lock his cat out of the room because it got distressed. I hope to fuck someone has those screencaps. Late 2017/early 2018 iirc.

>> No.16414894

Thats bs DMT doesnt last more than 20 mins MAX

>> No.16414906

Those pipes are not made for withstanding piss for a long time.

>> No.16414919

What will it do to them? I pour drain unblocker down them every few months or so anyway... I'd have thought that would be harsher than piss

>> No.16414944

Why throw it away after 1/3? Make it full. And toss it out of the windows so you save water by not flushing the toilet. You are going to make it fren

>> No.16414956
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way of the road bud

>> No.16415005

Yeah the only other drug I could think of was meth but I'm pretty sure it wasn't meth he was using. Can't be DMT either. Fuck this is pissing me off.

>> No.16415008

>I only shower when i leave the house or am expecting guests. The clothes i have on now havent been wqshed in 6 weeks.
fucking disgusting

>> No.16415038

>fucking BASED


>> No.16415053


>> No.16415089

why are you such a gross monkey

>> No.16415161

Sounds like someone gave him meth and told him it was DMT. DMT does not make you wack off

>> No.16415188

Lol, did you just made that shit up?

>> No.16415299

sort yourselves out, buckos

>> No.16415331

stop being so beta, piss you are. always

>> No.16415583

"Piss bottles" are a red flag for mental illness, every time. When you tell them to stop pissing in bottles, you're basically screaming "stop being insane!" at a crazy person, like that would ever work.
And, the humor part is some of these crazies have turned it into a fetish. Like the OP, who gets off "sharing" about his insanity.

>> No.16415595

Stop being a lazy shit and go to the toilet.

>> No.16415662

Did you know if you do meth your piss is still full of it and you can get high if you drink it? There's junkies at truck stops that look for piss bottles with the right dark color and smell

>> No.16415668

fuck off back to plebbit, fucking 2019 newfags.

>> No.16415671

That or drugs. If you live with roommates or neighbors behind paper walls you don't want them hearing you go to the bathroom every hour for 4 days straight

>> No.16415685
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ficikng plebit and fscebok needs to go back

>> No.16415688


>> No.16415706

>Anyone have any suggestions to improve this workflow?
Just find a degen woman who likes to drink piss (yes they do exist) and have her follow you around the house. Whenever you need to go, she opens her mouth. Problem solved?
Oh and you can take videos of it and post them on an adsharing pornsite or sell the clips to make some cash off of it

>> No.16415711

fucking based

>> No.16415768

can you sell it online as thot' piss?

>> No.16415793


>> No.16415847

All I gotta say is some years ago I lived in a basement, only bathroom in the house was upstairs and I primarily worked down there. Started a piss jug in a huge thermos, took about two weeks to fill it up, woke up in the middle of the night cuz I heard a rat and accidentally kicked over the jug. I have not used a piss jug since. God bless.

>> No.16415962

i used to pee in cups and leave them on my dresser and desk until i emptied them but one night i woke up accidentally grabbed a piss cup instead of my water cup and itook a sip of stale piss
i no longer pee in cups. i been using half gallon gatorade piss bottles ever since

>> No.16416188
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becareful if you masturbate on dmt you'll have an interdimensional baby

>> No.16416401

Yeah it was DMT, i thought it was a larp though. it was a good post to read for sure.

>> No.16417207

I sometimes can’t leave my computer for several hours because of work. That’s why I have to use piss bottles. I use these large 1L glass bottles with wide openings. I hate when a bit of pee gets on my floor by accident. Any suggestions?

>> No.16417233

>Anyone have any suggestions to improve this workflow?
Buy one of those solid plastic milk jugs that you can't see through, so when you leave your piss jug out by accident there is plausibly deniability as to the contents of the jug.

>> No.16417237

>taking time away from watching charts to piss in a toilet
not gonna make it

>> No.16417250

>he doesn’t use a catheter

>> No.16417264

Btw. I usually just pour the piss out of my window when it’s full. I live on the 5th floor of an apartment complex. It must smell pretty bad down there. I hope no wagies have been hit.

>> No.16417279
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What a clever and handy boy.

>> No.16417414

"Piss bottles" are a red flag for basedness, every time. When you tell them to stop pissing in bottles, you're basically screaming "Have sex!" at a redpilled person, like that would ever work. And, the humor part is some of these gigachads have turned it into a reddit-filter. Like the OP, who is based for "sharing" about his hate for niggers.

>> No.16417458

You need to go back

>> No.16417478

i was a NEET for 8 months five years ago and pissed in a gallon milkjug the entire time and now i make 110k annually working from home where i continue to piss in a jug. if you don't piss in a jug you're probably a stuck up bitch who will never make shit.

>> No.16417509

I use a litter box, people often ask what I feed my cat.

>> No.16417521

If you are a real friend you should definitely call out your friends so they can improve their shit life. Also, they left it out and would probably laugh at it. If you see it next time say “nice rag, I have the same one”. Why would anybody use a crusty ass rag over and over again? I used a crusty rag once and it was like rubbing sand paper on the tip

Would there not be a hint of piss in the air by leaving it loose? I left mine sitting in a window and it wouldn’t smell that bad. Also, if you stay hydrated it doesn’t really have that piss smell

Its actually a mix of tea and lemonade that I’m letting ferment. Maybe next time”

I don’t do it to be lazy, it’s just really fun have different types of piss apparatus’. I have probably built around 10 different ones over 4 years, mostly due to increased weight. I have perfected every single one and if I ever lose weight I will always have a back up that won’t need to be made. I have a model called the Trifecta v3 (final version unless size upgrading to support my weight). I can pump coom from my cock, piss, and go poop. I have this awesome pump system. I don’t get dirty from pooping either. The only thing that sucks is that I have to spread my ass cheeks as much as possible when sitting on the Trifecta v3, but it holds due to the seat mould. I have hemorrhoids but don’t really feel it any more. I can’t really see down there but it might be infected. I have a penis pump that I keybinded with LSHFT+PPPP (Pee Pee Poo Poo [3 second interval before reset]). Penis pump obviously takes my piss and coom out and has another pump which is primed that leaks down my asshole (acts as a bidet) into a tank built into the seat of my chair. A hose is connected to that tank and primed like a real toilet which pumps into a tank about 4 feet away. It’s really a pain in the ass to put all of it on but I stay in the same position for hours on end and it’s well worth it

>> No.16417569
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>> No.16417571

nut bottles are better than piss bottles

>> No.16417608

The amount of time you have spent thinking about piss bottles you could have gone to the actual toilet 1000+ times i bet.

>> No.16417617

Based and inspirational. And here I am with my run of the mill piss bottle setup.. Good to know I still have a lot of room to grow. God bless.

>> No.16417663

Yeah wait longer before emptying. Only 1/3? dafuq u doin...

>> No.16417684

I wish you newfags would fuck off and die. You fedora fags act like the most tame shit is crazy. I get it, you missed out on the golden age of 4chan but no amount of over exaggerating is going to make it come back. In fact it does the opposite. So lurk more.

>> No.16417707

>duude remember 2017
This place has way too many newfags

>> No.16417755

I see that you use glass. Do you use a cap by chance? I prefer to keep the lid of my final tank a little open but I have a urinal refresher right at the opening so I get that genuine bathroom smell. My dinners are usually really greasy so I leave the window cracked a bit. I kind of feel bad for my nurse when she has drain it but she is a cocaine addict and can’t really smell that well. Believe it or not my setup is really sanitary besides the ass sores. I should have her put some cream on it when she comes back Monday. What don’t you like about your setup? I can give tips if needed

>> No.16417863

Milk jugs like that are too flimsy to be sure they won't leak. Use some Ocean Spray Cran-Grape plastic jugs to be sure. The opening is a lot more comfortable too.

>> No.16417976

Shut the fuck up pajeet

>> No.16417981

>identifying yourself with a website

>> No.16418009

You've seen alot I get it, you're old. but no amount of returning to the place you grew up to relive "the glory days" will make it come back grandpa.

>> No.16418012

Since I made it I use double-insulated sports bottles. Keeps it nice and warm for 18 hours.

>> No.16418042
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Mine looks more like OP's... but you have to admit the plastic jug (with cap) is technically superior to this circa 16th century chamber pot even if it isn't half as fun to piss in

>> No.16418064

>not having a foley system


>> No.16418099

>tfw have no idea how much PISS i produce in one day
i knew something was missing in my life

>> No.16418703


its true, the piss will corrode the pipes, only do in rentals

>> No.16418712
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We are saving water goddamnit

>> No.16418747

Mike Watt - Piss-Bottle Man
