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File: 34 KB, 362x444, ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16412088 No.16412088 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen to other cryptos once ETH scales to millions tps?

>> No.16412113

If my aunt had balls hed be my uncle.

>> No.16412123

>once ETH scales to millions tps?
That's a pretty big hand-wave right there

>> No.16412411
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desperation level

>> No.16412606
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Even if it only gets to 1k in the next year crypto market will go apeshit. ETH bears will most likely kill themselves.

I talk to every ETH bear I see on telegram, they are ALWAYS bagholding some "ETH KILLER" or don't understand the tech behind it.

I was playing a vidya online a few weeks ago and some guy mentioned that he had half a bitcoin and this idiot stoner went "WOAH D-D-DUDDDEEEEE.... THATS LIKE $4000 HOLY SHIT!" I then mention my stack of 100 ETH and he just asked "what is that a bitcoin copy?"

This lets me know that the vast majority of dumb money (if you think $4000 is a lot, you are typically a shit head) has no idea of crypto outside of BTC. Once the public hears people talking about ETH they will go in on it. My guess is the scaling could really take it to new heights.

>> No.16412613

Turing complete blockchains are for retards.

>> No.16413150

It's over maxi, give it up. BTC maximalism is for people too retarded to know the difference between Deep Brain Chain and Chainlinks white paper. Just because you got burned on your shit coining adventure doesn't mean everyone else will.

This is the easiest it will EVER be to make gains. Projects like RLC/ENG/LINK are gaining real adoption and momentum, meanwhile normies are scared SHITLESS from the shitcoin dump of 2018. They still don't know what is a real project and whats not. Buy now before the actual adoption is apparent.

>> No.16413158

Turing complete blockchains don't scale and are completely redundant and not worth the expense, retard. Unstoppable code my ass.

>> No.16413199

Eth2 going to 2k easy

>> No.16413209

It doesn't need to scale that high, RLC will handle most.

>> No.16413899

Imagine not holding at least 100 eth

Suicide stack 32
Make it stack 100

>> No.16414118

it scales to thousands of tps using zk-snarks in two weeks.
It's application specific, the first application is going to be a dex.
The zk-snark proving key is being generated right now.
This could genuinely kill Binance and nobody is talking about this. Funny.

>> No.16414142

Yeah it’s ironic that layer 2 scaling solutions might beat eth2 to market proving the pow chain more valuable in the short term

>> No.16414150

eth1 is going to be moved to eth2 once phase2 is on so I don't see the problem.

>> No.16414173

even if it scales to 1000 tps with phase 0, that's still probably enough to handle all load/development until phase 2. it seems too obvious to me that ETH is a good buy right now, so it's probably going to tank. after bitcoin halving and eth phase 0 do nothing to move the price i think we'll see another wave of capitulation that i will pathetically ride my stack down another 90%.

>> No.16414187

thats not even possible retarded zoomer

>> No.16414204

i'm holding a SHIT load of ETH (way more anyone's proposed "make it" stack) and i am extremely pessimistic just to brace myself for more capitulation. it's truly a sad scene right now. actually, I have a "make it" stake for several different coins/tokens and the better part of me knows this shit is going to 0.

>> No.16414219

the tech is nearly unbelievable. reminds me of playing chrono trigger when i was 8 years old. i've been sober for 4 and half years and have never thought more clearly about life and the future, and i just can't let myself walk away from this. but it's a fucked up scene and i'm pissed and sad about it.

>> No.16414224

All my money in the world is on the ETH network, but not in Ether itself. I usually make about 10-20Eth transactions a week.

Why do people think this shit will go up? The whole point is to pay for computation on the Eth network.... is the whole argument supply and demand? I feel like most Eth is held by people who just want to get rich off of it and dump on other people later.

>> No.16414228

>I then mention my stack of 100 ETH
>video dude logs your IP address

>> No.16414246

>The whole point is to pay for computation on the Eth network.... is the whole argument supply and demand?
Let's say ETH was worth $0.01 each, would you think the network was secure?

>> No.16414252


Utility is the ultimate factor and is the precursor to price. On chain mixers atomic swaps synthetic assets and dectralized stable coins are just the beginning . We’re just testing the grounds of adoption and store of value is literally the worst rhetoric in the industry. Issue is core tards have suppressed the true utility of smart contracts . The naysayers will be proven wrong and will truly drive fomo

>> No.16414255

this is of course The Great Debate right now, and the arguments are varied and evolving regarding what the price of eth could represent. i basically see it as a chicken and egg situation. in order for all the most exciting financial applications to be built on the ethereum network, the network itself will need to be have a value of hundreds of billions of dollars, as the value of ETH represents the security of the network. i'm a retard though so it is 100% going to 0.

>> No.16414268



>> No.16414270

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16414289

All cryptos will run on ETH. ETH Will become the internet.

>> No.16414298

Name 5 good dapps (apps running on ethereum). I'll wait. Right, Ethereum is done for.

>> No.16414305

Vitalik will just print more eth.

>> No.16414312

to add to this, i follow the DeFi space about as close as is humanly possible and the ethereum network (and really crypto in general) is experiencing genuine organic growth in utility right now and is poised to see that growth reflected in the value of the networks providing these services. i'm just chillin', wagin', and learning how to make chill beats and fruity loops and practicing figure drawing.

>> No.16414313

Crypto kitties. Unfortunately it kills the chain when used.

>> No.16414327

Weak bait bro but I’ll answer anyway
Tornado mixer
Token sets

>> No.16414338

after i get rich im just gonna draw naked women for the rest of my life

>> No.16414342
File: 140 KB, 1402x306, Screen Shot 2019-11-29 at 12.11.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, just go die.

>> No.16414361


>> No.16414384

>Tornado mixer
ok pedo, but that website will be taken down asap and since people aren't educated to interact with the contract from i.e. the terminal is worthless
>jpegs on the blockchain
good luck trying to find people to play a shit card game in 2019, if it even works
AML compliant, to the trash it goes
This shit is pretty cool actually. Ok so there's 1 good ethereum app.
>Token sets
>this erc20 tokens are totally worth it bro just buy high sell low amirite

>> No.16414402

i heard they're building a decentralized sex robot, maybe that piques your interest

>> No.16414418

They're teaching a robot how to give perfect blowjobs that can never be shut down by the government, i think it could be right up your alley

>> No.16414420

Fees from transactions go to stakers.

>> No.16414434

Token sets aren’t what you think dumbass go read a little more they are algorithm based trades based on moving average that’s calculated using smart contract you don’t buy or sell you just hold and profit

>this website will be taken down pedo
You’re joking right? Please god tell me you’re joking. The website is just a front. The contract can’t be taken down. On chain mixers are the holy grail of immutability

>> No.16414439

Get off this board you cringey piece of shit. Sex robots are cool tech tho unlike the pump and dump scheme that ethereum is

>> No.16414463

>since people aren't educated to interact with the contract from i.e. the terminal is worthless
This is wrong in general, when etherdelta got bought by chinks someone made a new interface called forkdelta.
>AML compliant, to the trash it goes
How is dai aml compliant? There's no ability to lock someone's dai in the contract.
>Issue is core tards have suppressed the true utility of smart contracts
They didn't, they have no influence at all. The problems are all due to slow development. Or maybe the development is normal and people were expecting new things way too fast?
Paul Brody from ernst&young said (a year ago) it's all going to take 10 years because the problem is mental - it seems too new and hence unsafe, like cloud in 2008.

>> No.16414468

Wtf is this real eth topic on biz with just few next eth shitcoin peddlers seething?
How is it not cespool by now?
Fucking nuo and snx are so good to
You need value to secure network and not all value is captured on application layer of rc20s, triple point accounting as ey nigtfall is using mainchain and transactions are payed in gas not tokens ALSO they waited for istranbul and zk rollups to go like 10-30x less expensive

>> No.16414479

I think I just realized what eth is.

>> No.16414482

Sub 80 IQ response

>> No.16414489


Said the door to door shitcoin salesman

>> No.16414491

>that’s calculated using smart contract
>doing any sort of calculations in a gas fueled slow as fuck global computer
That sounds like shit if you even think of it and good luck not getting frontrunned anyway. Tokensets are even shittier than I thought
>The website is just a front
A front (((they))) can take down at any time and normal people wouldn't know how to use the contract. Very niche app anyway. Who wants to burns money for privacy unless you are doing shady things? Do you understand how the world works?

>> No.16414514

Look man you first bashed MCD for AML now you’re saying mixers are only used for illicit activity , pick one

>> No.16414527

yeah because exchanges are surprisingly legal in most places unlike mixers https://www.coindesk.com/eu-authorities-crack-down-on-bitcoin-transaction-mixer

>> No.16414537

So we come to the only good application of decentralization finally: money laundering. Wow that really wasn't that hard

>> No.16414550


Anon what?

>> No.16414558

ok watch this, what happens if ethereum wins:
10 billion daily transactions (sharding, zk-snarks and similar)
average fee $0.01 per transaction
20M staked eth

which means $5 per staked eth daily
which means $1825 per staked eth annually
which means one eth is worth between $30k-$200k. High valuation multiples are likely as it's one of a kind asset: unconfiscatable and anonymous (zk-snark mixers).

try to disprove it, you can't. If ethereum becomes the global financial platform even a small stack is going to be worth an absolute fortune and stakers are going to become the new rentier class.
you didn't get the point, the site is only the interface, it can as well be on ipfs or on tor.

>> No.16414563

the vast majority of dumb money bagholds ETH and is terrified of anything and everything not on the ETH platform. bearish as fuck for your shitcoin

>> No.16414581

>Why do people think this shit will go up? The whole point is to pay for computation on the Eth network.... is the whole argument supply and demand
exactly. tether is on eth, defi on eth and all the extra transactions have done NOTHING for th price of eth. eth is headed to low double digits.

>> No.16414602

PoW coins are worthless regardless of the on-chain activity.
There's no connection between utility demand and coin price. Miners can just dump immediately all they get.

>> No.16414626

>you didn't get the point
I perfectly do. And I know how to interact with that contract from the terminal but how many else do? It's not a dapp that's going to take eth's price to the thousands
>Please-be-SMART-and-buy-my-bags, the post. Sure it won't work since a lot of zoomers follow that site but they don't have any signifcant money

>> No.16414629

So I guess this means BAT & link are worthless as well.

>> No.16414670

don't forget compound.finance

>> No.16414681

I have a question for anyone knowledable in ETH mining. Suppose I have a gtx1080 and I have a bunch of transactions I want to do at like .1 gwei. I know you can set up a miner to have custom rules on what gwei transactions to take from the pool, so I could just make mine the cheapest in the pool and sort accordingly. My question is though, how long would it take for me to find a block and process my own transaction? I'm trying to get an idea on the cost and if it's even worth doing.

>> No.16414690

Why would someone ever want to long eth?

>> No.16414777

>And I know how to interact with that contract from the terminal but how many else do
the point is that it's not a terminal, forkdelta was just made by someone unrelated. It's going to occur in every case, main site goes down/gets locked/whatever, somebody makes a nice replacement.
yes. It's all based on a greater fool theory. At the end every profit comes from somebody else's loss.

>> No.16414792

Fuck I know this is true because my whole life is based on it but it hurts to hear.

>> No.16414989

You are one of the few who get it. People don't seem to understand that if ETH really is THE public blockchain, then everyone will want a piece of it. You don't want to be drowned out of having a say in the network. Whether you are a small country, big corporation, you don't want this blockchain you rely on to fall into the power of a adversary. This means you want to keep the price high and try to control as much of the network as possible. This means you will BUY ETH, as it does both of those things. You also can stake for healthy gains.

If I had a company that operated on ETH blockchain, I would be buying it up once staking starts, as I want to have control of the network.

If crypto got lots of adoption and ETH was at its current price then it would be vulnerable to attack. People here keep calling ETH to bottom at $50, not happening because that means the entire ETH mcap would be about 5 Billion, which could easily be bought up by a saudi oil lord.

>> No.16415055

>which could easily be bought up by a saudi oil lord.
Well mcap is only last price x supply, it's not possible to buy a really large share anymore.
At the current inflation schedule there's about 5M new eth per year, but that's probably going down to about 1.6M after eth1 finalization (2021?).
At most, there's 15M more eth to be mined and that's it, or 13.7% more, but it's not like there's only one person buying.
Stakers aren't going to sell any noticeable amounts for years.

The disappearance of PoW (enormous drop in supply on the market) + new demand due to the interest generating nature is going to be a very interesting event.