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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16407856 No.16407856 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up too early
>drink coffee, browse internet
>get in to work
>have my daily morning professionalstential crisis; consider quitting job
>do work
>actually finish bits of work throughout the day which feels good
>go to a lunch run by a different division that my manager says everyone in my division has to go to
>end up having a conversation with three other people, including a qt / Stacey hybrid
>end up feeling in a better mood because of it, like a pathetic beta who has had pity showered on him by a higher being
>go back to flat after work; finish reading non-fiction book on my phone on underground train
>go back to flat, eat tendies, waste time online
>now in gym; lifting going ok; have long meeting tomorrow

I keep alternating between wanting to work long hours to wanting to work only the bare minimum.

>> No.16407873

Can you start using a trip so I can filter your insufferable asss

>> No.16408266


>> No.16408277
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>> No.16408741

Start doing something risky and thrilling at least once a week

For me it was putting on a mask and beating up homeless with a collapsible baton.

>> No.16408759

Thats stacey qt hybrid is put fucking chad as we speak, while youre being a pathetic virgin in your room. Haha pathetic virgin loser

>> No.16408791

Take the cocainepill

>> No.16408796

maybe shave your eyebrows and draw them back on to look like a Latina...or beat off homeless people like >>16408741 said.