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16406564 No.16406564 [Reply] [Original]

The power just got turned off by PG&E at my GF's rich mom's house in the California bay area. This is a rich community and her and her neighbors houses are all in the 1.5-3 mil range. It's actually fucking over. People have turkeys to cook. what the actual fuck is happening?

>> No.16406572

>that image
How do I short America

>> No.16406574

>living in California

>> No.16406583

buy bitcoin/monero.. it's shorting itsself right now.

>> No.16406585

just goes to show fast food is mostly eaten by plebs

>> No.16406586
File: 105 KB, 1024x462, 1573237675845m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you post with no power? Phone?

>> No.16406595

go buy a $500 diesel generator.

>> No.16406598

> living in a leftist state ever

>> No.16406599

brand loyalty can not be summarized by pounds of meat

>> No.16406616

>How can you post with no power? Phone?
I'm in the city where there is still power. She texted us.

>> No.16406627

>People have turkeys to cook.
Will this be enough to get burgers up in arms?

>> No.16406634

How can she text you if she doesn't have power? Checkmate, incel.

>> No.16406637

the lefties in this state could find a way to get mad about that.

>> No.16406643

dam..scam exposed. cant get shit by this place?

>> No.16406651

>power metal
>time to pray by listening to Dragonforce

>> No.16406668

I bet its a lie, like most 'facts'.

>> No.16406672

possible solution.. thx

>> No.16406698

100% planned. Probably a liberal rich neighborhood full of assholes who complained enough to force the wiring upgrade. Owners are getting back at these people.

Also if its 1PM on Thanksgiving and you're still cooking you are a failure.

>> No.16406701

Dumbfucks could have fixed it by calling it the 2/6 or something.

>> No.16406712

1/5 pound burger, brainlet.

>> No.16406717

Or maybe its because theres like 100 A&W's in the U.S. they had next to no marketing and their food tastes even worse than McDonald's.

>> No.16406728

American who travels a bunch never seen an A and W in my life

>> No.16406734

Ya right retard. This is where the owners live. You have a pleb brain and you don't know shit about this place or cooking. You are probably in a basement in south bumfuck right now

>> No.16406735


>> No.16406738

A&W claims they did a "blind taste test" and people liked them equally. But is there any other supporting evidence for this claim?
were the fries as good? was the burger & toppings really as good? Were the locations as good? Why aren't any of the other dozens of explanations considered before blindly accepting a butthurt business owner's BS claim for why his business failed.

as far as fatties go, I think they'd trust their bellies more than numbers. sounds like complete bullshit

>> No.16406753

It's probably more because you cant pronounce 1/3rd pounder.
Whereas 1/4er pounder...

>> No.16406756

Theres alot in canada apparently havent seen any in the U.S.

>> No.16406775

You don't travel enough in the middle US then. Pretty much anywhere you find excess methamphetamine abuse you also find A&W employees buying the methamphetamine

>> No.16406802

Gave me a good chuckle thanks breh.

>> No.16406809

A&W is the highest quality fastfood there is

>> No.16406853

Thats actually chick fila but nice try.

>> No.16407257
File: 95 KB, 932x944, 1537248158919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16407273


Kek, amerilards are retards.

>> No.16407282

You are retarded if you actually believe what is said in the image.

>> No.16407288

>Californians suffering on the holidays
This truly is the best timeline

>> No.16407367

What the fuck are you going to do about it goy, seethe about it ITT?

>> No.16408205

Yeah and Coca Cola said that people preferred new Coca Cola over the original formula in a blind taste test. That didn’t turn out so well for them.

>> No.16408862

>not having enough solar panels to generate more electricity than you consume

Are rich people really that dumb?

>> No.16408965

Western bumfuck you ignorant city faggot

>> No.16408976

>Rich community
>No superior Jenn Air gas ovens

>> No.16409003

Good. I bet the voted D.

>> No.16409006

We're slightly inconvenienced rather than gorging on our 5,000 calorie meal! Western society is in its death throes!

>> No.16409014

Monopoly power at work in Northern California right now. My friend worked for the judge that created the ruling that's causing power to be turned off all the time. The only way NorCal will stop being a huge shit fire hazard is if people are inconvenienced enough to fight against the monopoly power of pg&e. Sad but true this is the logical conclusion of libertarianism.

>> No.16409029

Solar panels don't actually give you power, they give electricity to the grid and the grid then gives you credits. I shit you not, your solar panels are not yours but you had to pay for them.

>> No.16409109


OP, post real time updates on the turkey - are you grilling with gas if no electric?

>> No.16409183

That all depends on how you set it up. You can charge batteries locally but afaik fewer people do that because it costs more than just sending it to the grid and getting credits.

>> No.16409256

No, this is not how it works if you do it correctly.

>> No.16409303

You're thinking individual level, we're talking societal level. Normies do not think to ask "how does this store energy?" and then spend the extra $12k for an enormous ugly battery.

>> No.16409329

>I wonder what the Chinese will do to Americans when roles are reversed.
