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16403818 No.16403818 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder if you live in the USA you don’t have to pay capital gains tax on anything under the 39k

40k-434k = 15% tax on gains
435k+ = 20% tax on gains

>> No.16403828

Really? Tax free?

>> No.16403831

Daily reminder that is if you don’t have other income exceeding 39k.

>> No.16403832

Yep. As of 2019 you owe zero taxes if you haven’t made over 39k

>> No.16403837

Wrong. Capital gains tax =\= income tax.

Also you can add your capital losses to the 39k amount

>> No.16403852

Also, you can get a nice tax return the year after on your capital gains tax you pay the year prior

>> No.16403880

I’m a tax attorney.
Zero tax rate is based on the sum of income from ALL sources. Salaries and capital gains. Unless you make less than 39k a year you won’t pay zero.
But I’m sure 12 year old zoomer neets are right too.

>> No.16403883

>being taxed on fake money
lmfao the absolute state

>> No.16403890

this is just to get NEETs to be more likely to report their shitty gains so if they make more next year the IRS already has them on file lol

>> No.16403927

Holy shit you’re retarded AND a larp. Capital gains is completely separate from income tax they have nothing to do with eachother. I confirmed this with an actual tax attorney

>> No.16403975

Oh one more thing, under the 2019 capital gains tax law you have to hold for at least 1 year and 1 day to qualify for 0% tax under 39k profit

>> No.16403993
File: 124 KB, 1442x1084, Fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you are fucking retarded. Yes there are separate tax rates you fucking zoomer sack of shit, but to determine your capital gains tax bracket you take income from ALL sources, holy fuck you are a fucking idiot.
You did not ask a tax attorney because you are 12 years old and work at mcdonalds. Suck a fucking dick.
God damn I hate these pieces of shit. So fucking autistic and retarded.

>> No.16404029

You're wrong.
He's correct.

You have to count all income, interest, dividend, capital gains and that has to be under $39k

OP is a retard

>> No.16404057
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Even on crypto to crypto tax?

>> No.16404069
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dont forget about the standard deduction, i think it's 12k?. so basically is you make 51k, you are allowed to deduct 12k, which leaves you with 39k that is taxable

>> No.16404076

Can you answer this please? >>16404057

>> No.16404078
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you are correct sir. op is probably a zoomer faggot that makes less than 39k aggregate

>> No.16404088
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yes, god, you are impatient, you dont need to make a second post 3 min later

>> No.16404092

Crypto to crypto is capital gains. I'll say it one more time OP is a fucking 12 year old dumbass faggot who works at McDonalds and doesn't know shit.
God damn the quality of this board is absolute garbage.
Imagine just resorting to the words, "Larp", when someone proves you wrong. Holy shit zoomers are fucked. So weak and whimpy

>> No.16404106

thanks and fuck u OP

>> No.16404136
File: 940 KB, 2730x3675, 2remhbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is this true? >>16403975
>you have to hold for at least 1 year and 1 day to qualify for 0% tax under 39k profit

>> No.16404148
File: 571 KB, 594x589, tumblr_inline_o8kazt051W1tyi0a9_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, dear

>> No.16404152

god dammit

>> No.16404155
File: 11 KB, 242x209, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get one digit wrong on your tax return
>spend 350 years in federal prison
>your dog gets shot by an obese cop


>> No.16404254 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16404316

>imagine not having 5 kids to get tax credits to offset crypto gains.
>"honey i'm cashing out...i want you to make twins this time...."