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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16403492 No.16403492 [Reply] [Original]

I'm always ahead of the trends. Here is your future.
>weight vest workout programs will be the rage
>phone plans that dont offer mobile numbers (everyone communicates with apps)
>Job Interviews conducted in VR Chat or a similar program
>Getting rid of your mailbox will catch on (checking mailbox is for boomers)
It happens all the time. Anything I do or want to do, normies do it years later. I'm always packing up camp and moving to the next thing. The above is the next thing.. Now go forth and attempt to profit off this. Maybe create a Job interview VR app.

>> No.16403622
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I fucking hate talking on the phone and everyone else does too. It's really just 35yo+ thing. I haven't answered a call in months.