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File: 236 KB, 3000x2100, World-Population-Growth-1750-2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16403115 No.16403115 [Reply] [Original]

>13.7 billion years
>tfw born during this bullshit

>> No.16403239

you could've been born during the black death period too

>> No.16403249
File: 3.64 MB, 760x358, Just.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At leeast you did not born in africa.

>> No.16403467

Statistically you'd be more likely to be born than any other time, you're not a victim of overpopulation, you are overpopulation, and so am I, and we're both victims of overpopulation

>> No.16403471

Fucking deep. And true

>> No.16403487

Whats the problem? Population growth is at an all time low as shown by the chart

>> No.16403504

food collapse is going to that bad but on a global scale. the more i read about soil degradation and neocotinoids and fresh water use the more you realise just how insanely fucked we all are. Some billionaires might survive in biodomes but that's about it.

>> No.16403525

I think they lie about population statistics and that it ties in with this "scarcity" and overpopulation nonsense.

>> No.16403533

Studies have sugested at one point the human race was down to 5k - 10k humans for thousands of years. Possibly down to 40 adult pairs at one brief time.
The fact that we are at over 7.5 Billion is a testament to the human race.

>> No.16403542

48% of the worlds biomass has disappeared since 1945 and 1mm of topsoil takes 100 years to regenerate but we're losing billions of tons a year.
there is no nonsense. Humans are at the "euphoria" stage of the bubble chart as an entire species.

>> No.16403565
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>> No.16403569

We'll figure it out sweetie

>> No.16403575

yeah shitposting our way to utopia, that's the spirit

>> No.16403654
File: 86 KB, 412x344, 10%nigger90%lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh overpopulation

I hate humans probably more than you do OP but it's time to get used to it because we are nowhere near full, technology is going to continue making farming more efficient and the world is still practically empty, once we solve the fresh water problem (desalinization) on a large scale its gonna be a human infestation, at least you were born in a time where you can experience both pristine wilderness AND the benefits of a city in the same life time you ungrateful jerk

>> No.16403657
File: 14 KB, 333x293, 6905379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is believing our scientists

>> No.16403671

b-but i read on the internet its all a hoax

>> No.16403672

any time humanity can see a problem thats coming along 20, 40, 100 years or more down the line we tend to find ways to solve it. in 50 years im pretty confident we'll have the ability to clone or bio-print food thats 100% identical to the food we make today, even considering that its very hard to pin point every molecule in food and that even top food testing labs dont know everything about every piece of food.

we'll almost certainly be able to do stuff like that though. pop a command into a machine, throw some raw goop material into it. and it'll you out a $14.99 12 oz steak and potatoes on sale now at select applebees locations come on down to applebees and get the 2 for 1 deal - 2 people eat for the price of one!

>> No.16403687

Georgia Guidestones

>> No.16403688

Pretty much this.

We GMO all of our food, not in a weaponized way but we make our potatoes and shit grow way bigger than they otherwise would be, and make them more resistant to the elements, etc. I can only imagine the shit we will be able to do in 50 years. Probably grow cheese enchiladas off of a tree or some shit.