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16394714 No.16394714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16394721

0. You just have a shittier personality.

>> No.16394726

If you're uglyand boring and only bank on your net worth to have a girlfriend, well gold diggers are expensive and not worthy.

>> No.16394758
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You need to generate around 3k in cash flow every single day. That's just 3k as spending/bling money, meaning the real number is probably closer to 30k per day.
This is for top of the line brand name thots. If you're ok with some off-line thotties you can cut that down by as much as 50%. Hmu if you need more chadvice, you have my id.

>> No.16394770


Thots don't care about net worth. They care about what your lifestyle is like, cash flow determines what you're lifestyle is like.

10 Milli in the bank, but living off beans and rice = no results.

However if you spend 250k per year on your lifestyle (nice house, nice car, eating at nice resterants, cool trips/adventures/parties) your lifestyle will be more attractive to sloots.

It's relative, and you have to live somewhere where you can enjoy wealth.

Shoot for being able to spend x3 the Median income of your particular area.

>> No.16394778

Depends how good looking you are, start at 10/10 being $0 and add 500k every level below that

>> No.16394781

DONT BE BORING you fucknuts

>> No.16394790

Please elaborate on
>potential origins of 3k/30k cash flow daily for a Chad
>what is this money spent on (name of items and services specifically; and how often)
>what items and services attract top of the line thots
>at what income / wealth level will the looks of the man not matter anymore
>at what income / welath level will a thot be loyal to a otherwise bland man
Much appreciated.

>> No.16394791

When you say the word "hot thots" I'm assuming you are reffering to young women in their teens or early 20's. If you have money any woman will want to be your gf, Doesn't mean they fuck you or are attracted to you. What you really should be asking is how attractive do I need to attract these type of women. No woman is different than another, Net worth will just make a woman want your money rather than be attracted to you which doesn't guarantee sex. If you want them to always be thinking about you, You have to be attractive physically to them, So at the very least get skinny if you're fat and invest in a pull up bar.

>> No.16394842


This too Looks, Status, and Game also effect how attractive you are.

-Looks is obvious (Face, High, Frame) Fashion and grooming can help boost you 1/2 points

-Status is a social circle, being a celebrity, or being well known. This helps for many reasons and opens doors for you.

-Lastly Game this is a complicated variable. You can fuck hot girls with game alone, however, it's much more difficult if you don't have the other factors working for you.

***If you're doing things right money should buy you what you need to take care of the other three.

Also best advice is to be at least 7/10 in your worst area... If you're bellow 5/10 in any area it will really hurt you vs. if you're only 7/10 it just wont be a deciding factor.

>> No.16395476 [DELETED] 

How does money fix you from being mentally fucked up, having childhood trauma, and being somewhat autistic?

>> No.16395700

You only need one of these to be honest. I’ve seen really ugly guys with chicks. Loner guys with chicks. Autists with chicks. Just pick one to really maximize. Your lowest score really isn’t going to hurt you.

>> No.16395728

My brother makes about 60k in about 4 months running his above ground swimming pool installation business. At one point, he couldn’t keep a girlfriend because for 8 months he would sleep in and play video games until pool season. The bills were all paid and there was no issues. These women couldn’t handle the fact that they had to wage cuck from sun up to sun down all year to scratch half that. So it’s not about the money anon. Some women are just fucking crazy.