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File: 16 KB, 300x300, Peter-Schiff-photo-via-Twitter-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16392519 No.16392519 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't he get it?

>> No.16392522
File: 193 KB, 262x368, supercharged schiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he already has it

>> No.16392549

Controlled opp

Cringe tbqh

>> No.16392554

If you rat on the Parade of Hope, you'll be lucky to find your toenails. These guys are the roughest of all the charities.

>> No.16392571

jewish boomer tells people that gold is a good investment, in other news water is wet and the pope is a pedophile.

>> No.16392577

Because he's happy with Gold. Gold has the thousands of years of history and what have you so you can see where he's coming from. He's had some good publicity from the Bitcoin fudding so why not?

>> No.16392584

wouldnt a jew want everyone to think gold is bad?

>> No.16392586


>> No.16392589

Yeah they might even create something like Bitcoin to get people to sell their gold for it

>> No.16392595

I guess, Maybe he's telling people the obvious so that people will give him credibility when he shills something else. Gold has been known for centuries to be a store of wealth, Literally nothing new. Jews are a strange breed, Sometimes when they subvert they tell truths to later feed you lies, It's part of their trickery and nature. Anyone with a brain knows investing in gold and silver now and thousands of years ago was a good investment, Which the jews did.

>> No.16392612

>Gold has been known for centuries to be a store of wealth, Literally nothing new.
>Anyone with a brain knows investing in gold and silver now and thousands of years ago was a good investment
Maybe you're right if you ask everyone since Roman times, but if you ask most people today they won't really understand what makes gold and silver valuable or why they should own it. go ask your family if they own gold, and most likely theyll say no, then ask them why not and theyll ask why

>> No.16392621

>but if you ask most people today they won't really understand what makes gold and silver valuable

That's exactly the problem. Nobody except the jews own the wealth. It's why jews are ruling us and will probably enslave us in the future.

>> No.16392637

>in the future
oh no no no

>> No.16392646

Well I guess you are right, We are enslaved in a way right now, But we still are semi free just enslaved by waging. People need to start investing in gold and silver, Keeping it in fiat does no good. Me personally I'm 50/50 in gold and chainlink with my savings of 100k.

>> No.16392859

But if jews wanted to rule us forevermore, then they wouldnt tell us to own gold. Peter Schiff tells us to own gold.

>> No.16392872

Yea his advice is common sense which most smart people should know, He's not wrong. To me it seems as i've said, He's telling normies this and then when he gains a following when price inevitably goes up he might shill something. Jews never have good intentions at heart, To me it seems weird.

>> No.16392897

He does get it, he's just a Joo. It's in their genetic makeup to lie ALL THE TIME.

>> No.16392912
File: 5 KB, 274x318, JQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he's an exception to the rule? something to think about...huh

>> No.16392955

he gets it
but he is coming from a 10 year low position
he NEEDS to pump gold to break even from 10 years ago
then he will dump his bags and go all in BTC