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16385000 No.16385000 [Reply] [Original]

Great Tier:

McAlvany Weekly Commentary: https://youtu.be/iP66S0A08Z4
David McAlvany is the CEO of a very well-respected pro-gold wealth management firm. Kevin Orrick is one of his senior associates. Together they create one of the very best and most entertaining economic podcasts out there that you can listen to for free.

George Gammon: https://youtu.be/pQyMvy797hc?list=PLdIZc_RaumFAkb0upgnpV4qAk1Fr64pGA
This guy is a retired entrepreneur who specializes in real estate investment, but also has vast knowledge about macroeconomics and does a very good job explaining it for the average person. He only recently started posting videos on general economic topics and I'd label him as "up and coming", but still his videos are among the best out there on YouTube that I've found.

ITM Trading: https://youtu.be/gVejnTjkj_Q
Lynette Zang is a very experienced and respected market analyst and has been at it for decades. She knows her shit.

>> No.16385001

Good Tier:

Wolfstreet: https://youtu.be/bswyrpfYwTg
Wolf Richter is the main author behind wolfstreet.com, known for its well-researched and cutting economic articles. His videos are meandering at times and he's not the best speaker, but it's worth a watch all the same.

Keiser Report: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQmW1ZcPKiAZ2ZP_3naA1kA
This is one of those guys you have to take with a grain of salt, because he goes off the rails into crazyland a lot. Still, when he's on point then his economic commentary is among the best, and his wife Stacy helps keep him in check and on topic most of the time. Big gold and crypto proponent, take that as you will.

Peter Schiff's podcast: https://youtu.be/VW8T4r92pns
Same thing as Max Keiser, except obviously he's anti-crypto. This boomer could go on ranting forever if you let him, and surprisingly all of his rants are insightful and enjoyable for one reason or another, whether you agree with him or not. Just remember that he is a Jew and he wants you to buy into his gold-based funds.

Real Vision Finance: https://youtu.be/Jvrgmbb5vEE
Honestly this is a mixed bag, because there are many different hosts/shows/guests on here. A lot of crypto shilling too. But many videos are well worth watching. Real Vision is a paid service with its own website, but they release many of their interviews for free on their YouTube channel, usually months after they air on the main site.

Chris Martenson: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2-QVBQi48RRQTD4Jhxu8w
This is the guy behind the Peak Prosperity blog, which can be quite tinfoil at times (ZH publishes many of his articles). His videos are overlong and a big mixed bag of good and bad lectures/interviews. There's plenty worth watching here though if you have the time.

>> No.16385005

Poor Tier:

The Money GPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngq92xrmmsfEgGdfAJ6giQ
The dude mostly just reads verbatim from zerohedge articles without any novel thoughts or analysis of his own. Not horrible if you want a sort of cliffnotes collection of information from publicly available articles that you don't have the time to read.

WallStForMainSt: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0iTb2U2nWkm5X3XRityENw
Has potential, but it's hard to see him as anything but a kid who just isn't knowledgeable enough yet to recommend. Usually lecture-style, but does have some interviews where he brings in equally inexperienced kids to talk about economic topics.

Bull Boom Bear Bust: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuldJPtmI0x0DVQFsB9cSg
Similar to Money GPS

Jeremiah Babe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaJ-6IXnfIL3js2-facsB7A
He will speak for half an hour and by the end will have said nothing of any real value. Basically just says "wake up sheeple!" many times in many different ways without much useful data behind it.

>> No.16385008

Shit Tier:

Most other youtubers just trying to cash in on views with cheap clickbait.
- Epic Economist
- Financial Argument
- Atlantis Report
- Lots of other copycats
These are the absolute bottom of the barrel shit-tier channels. Mostly made with stock footage and text-to-speech voiceover usually with scripts paraphrasing articles from economic news websites.

>> No.16385014

Any good ones I missed?