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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 854x476, tai lopez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1638482 No.1638482 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on tai lopez

>> No.1638489

Anyways, S/fur thread!

>> No.1638498

marketing genius.

has some good advice but don't buy into his program. most of the useful shit he says is free on YouTube.

>> No.1638511

By marketing genius, he means con-man

He makes 20 minute videos giving very obvious already known information

Literally don't watch anything he makes

>> No.1638517

>Saved some money
>May or not have took some loans
>Invest everything in a Youtube marketing campaign
>End up 400k subs in a year
>Make videos shilling some book, program or shit like that
>Make money by afiliate programs

It's just like most people that work with Youtube do, he just got there faster by using ads to bait people

>> No.1638556

I'm seriously considering doing this.
I have way better screen presence and video skills than him. Although I fear that if I'm too slick then it looks like I'm trying to sell something too hard.

>> No.1638559

Scam artist that preys on gullible retards.

Kudos to him for making his scam work and making bank on gullible retards but he's just a scam artist.

>> No.1638599


you cock sucker you. why did you tell me his name? All this time he's been "that guy with the punchable face" to me.

>> No.1638649

He rents a house 10 minutes away from here, and charges people to attend parties there.

>> No.1638780

he sells an ebook with general broad success advice. its not a scam but its a huge waste of money

>> No.1638828

what does redpill mean? (newfag)

>> No.1638918

post a video or fuck off

>> No.1639026

movie tip: Matrox rebloated

>> No.1639055

take the red pill neo, and see how far the rabbit hole goes.

>> No.1639450

He's great for motivation

>> No.1639455

Sharing knowledge that the mainstream media, Normie's professors, and other sheep of society don't know and don't want you to know.

It usually turns you into a cynical piece of shit, but on rare occasions, you can benefit from your newfound knowledge and become a better person.

>> No.1639456

As all these people said, all the advice he gives may seem like he wants to teach you something, but in the end its all basic "knowledge" if you will. the houses he has are just rented so this guy isn't worth much either. Though he did make for some great memes when he was more relevent.

>> No.1639466

he has a few houses though
renting doesn't always mean you can't afford it

>> No.1639469

Can't think of a topic though. I'm rareing to go, I just don't have a fucking niche.

>> No.1639475

if you don't have experience no one will watch or listen
people like tai or especially grant cardone are people who have gathered a good bit of wealth and now market and sell motivation/advice to others

>> No.1639480

i have a big channel mysef, but i never show myself on cam since i dont want to be famous

i dont understand how famous people sleep at night. you become a target for endless people

i want to be rich and anonymous

>> No.1639490

>if you don't have experience no one will watch or listen
I'm far too cynical to believe that. Where did Tai make his money anyway? Seems all pretty snakeoil salesman to me

>> No.1639503

from what i remember reading, it was from a bank job and then a bunch of dating websites. not sure how true it is, but i'm assuming that's how he raised the initial capital to build his marketing business.
honestly though you're right, people will still listen. just make sure to set up a bunch of great instagram pictures like dan bilzerian or something. as long as it's motivating.

>> No.1639515


"Redpill me" = "Tell me the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth."

>> No.1639521


Holy fuck, four replies to a self-confessed newfag, and none of them were intentionally misleading? I had my doubts but I guess >>1639128 was right about this board

>> No.1639665

I dunno, I should probably try it. What's the worse that can happen? I become a widly mocked meme... I'll just twist it around with some self-satire. Any publicity is good publicity.

What's more likely is it'll just sink without a trace, I can take the video off youtube and move on with my life.

Probably should start writing a little script now.

>> No.1640517

>rent a fararri
>park it in your garage for an hour
>record an advertisement for a self help video series
>make said self help video series by curating freely available information

>> No.1640525



>> No.1640691



>> No.1640700
File: 46 KB, 599x347, lamlamlamlamlamborghinighinighinighinighini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post tai lopez memes

>> No.1640702
File: 27 KB, 490x343, starwars7spoilers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1640706
File: 268 KB, 875x875, garagethrowpillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1640707


lurk moar

>> No.1640708

valuable contributions

>> No.1640711

So much stupid misinformed people on here lol.

Anyway, anyone have his social media agency program to share?

>> No.1640775
File: 104 KB, 750x1125, schall-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doesn't he ever show the car title or house title?

think about that.

>> No.1640829

Is there any reason he would do that even if he had them?

>> No.1640866
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>> No.1640871
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to prove ownership??????????
he can obviously read the sceptic comments on his videos....

>> No.1641007

Lol, I would just ignore them even if I owned the home. Poor skeptics can stay poor.

>> No.1641017

>doesn't own a home
>dreams of telling "poor skeptics" to fuck off
>obviously poor himself but pretends to be rich through fantasy

Wow, sums up the average /biz/ user, doesn't it?

>> No.1641027

Yup. My point still stands. He owes the commenters nothing.

>> No.1641048

I'm loving this weird culture of NEET conservatives. It's like these kids intentionally cuck themselves to fit in or something.

>> No.1641053

a master in architecture who can put a lambo in every room of his house with minimum space.

>> No.1641060
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>> No.1641161
File: 20 KB, 300x183, multitasking-san-antonio-car-accident-lawyers-300x183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having books in garage so you spend minimum time transporting book to car so you can read while you drive for maximum biz-fficency
you only have 24 hours in a day anon. You got to squeeze all the productivity out of each one bro!

>> No.1641248

Being a decent human = free money

>> No.1641319
File: 1.06 MB, 640x480, kim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1641331

he's the most persistent viral marketer. he beats HOW TO BE INVESTMENT BANKER guy for sheer spamming.

>> No.1641334

i'm now adding tai to my list of filters. GG.

>> No.1641345
File: 62 KB, 500x399, LiveLeak-dot-com-6f1_1457288093-ron_1457288116_jpg_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tai recycles old (good) advice for an inflated amount.
Just watch many YT videos, read books at the library for 'free' (tax subsidized).
Join an investor club, many are < $100/year, tax deductible.

>> No.1642581
File: 62 KB, 662x364, Tai Lopez Income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tai has a lot of skills that helped him get rich like persistence, drive, and being a good salesman. What he's best at though is networking and marketing, the dude is basically a prodigy when it comes to these 2 things. He hangs out with, gets advice from, and interviews crazily successful people from all kinds of fields, he throws a lot of "influencer" parties and has become very well known. His social media game is completely next level, people like to talk about Donald Trump using social media well but compared to Tai Lopez Donald is a complete amateur who barely uses it at all. I can't really explain what's so good about it just in one post but anyone who watches his snapchat story knows exactly what I'm talking about. Overall he's good for motivation, inspiration, and he shares a lot of true and tested advice, but his programs aren't worth it at all you can get that type of shit for free and from better sources.

>> No.1643823


Based conman, faked it till he made it.

>> No.1643875
File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's basically a lesser version of Elon Musk - a complete conman.

>> No.1643878

It means fuck off

>> No.1643890

how does that work? whats your niche?

>> No.1644499

Cars and houses are rentals.