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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16383737 No.16383737 [Reply] [Original]

It doesn't feel like we're all in this together. I hate my studies and am alone in a big city. I cried to my mom for the third time this semester and I can't fathom doing this for another 2 years. I'm all alone, have no friends here and soon no money which means I'll have to part time wagecuck somewhere which will increase my misery even more.

>> No.16383750

cool blog faggot

>> No.16383756

im not in this for anything but the gains

>> No.16383759
File: 480 KB, 746x718, 6707D896-8A7B-440D-9693-9B5391C25E52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever you feel this down, just remember you can masturbate your pain away.

>> No.16383874

It's going back to 50 cents

>> No.16383916
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I hope things get better for you fren

>> No.16383942

Thank you so much, fren.

>> No.16383946
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, Yeess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing stays the same, it'll get better fren, you own link, have faith that that already sets you on a different path. Try smoking CBD flower, or taking oil if you can't smoke, it'll help

>> No.16383963

>have no friends here
This is literally the worst thing bro honestly. Friends are usually an outlet for me at least where i can talk shit with them and get things off my mind but I know what it feels like not having any. Fucking sucks bro, please hang in there. I hope things change for the better for you.

>> No.16384011

find some friends and stop falling for the /biz/ wagecucking is bad meme. Some of the best friends I have I met at work. You need male friends and gym bros that will lift and shoot guns with you so when you feel like calling mommy and crying you hit them up and go do something awesome instead.

>> No.16384018

Sorry that my IP switches all the time, I'm on the go right now. You're so kind, thank you. And yeah I struggle a lot in uni and personal life because I have no one to ask or help me when I struggle with something, also nobody ever visits me which let's me off the hook and basically I'm living in shit, tried working out but I'm too depressed to eat enough. I really feel like I'm depressed, I haven't slept many nights last week and when I'm home at my family's I can sleep for 14 hours sometimes. I really, really hope I get healthier in my head and that chainlink does not fail, I bought 12k in 2018 and that's ok but not helping right now.

>> No.16384033

That also makes sense, maybe I will call a childhood friend who I know lives in my city or maybe I'm gonna ask someone autistically who goes to a gym to go together.

>> No.16384035

feel you bro, also literally no friends.
university is hard and i have to study all day.
dont have any fun and getting more and more depressed.

>> No.16384079

I'm not even motivated enough to study anymore because it's a meme degree anyways. I'm thinking more and more of going back home and learning a simple job.

>> No.16384095

So, here's what happened.
Chainlink got big briefly, and you got Reddit and Twitter retards like Juice involved.
The newfags came in, briefly celebrated, and then started spamming flavour of the month soijack when shit dumped.
Chainlink is still doing well, it's just that we got an influx of idiots posting for a while.

>> No.16384100

bro, i study medicine but im a complete autist.
my only way out of this fucking bullshit is going radiology and never meet a patient.

>> No.16384142

No worries man. Also heed this anon's advice

Having friends makes going through your studies a lot more easier bro. It's hard sometimes when you have shit luck and cant find like minded people but its always good to make small talk and keep in touch with other classmates. Get their numbers and in case you need help with anything - questions about assignments, tests or whatever you have people to refer to. It's very important to take the first step and initiate conversations. Good luck bros. I'm in uni as well and only partially enjoy it because I have some friends who I can relate to and they help make the journey less boring.

>> No.16384178

As for your personal issues, I cannot recommend enough Elizabeth Laugeson's book, "the science of making friends".
Well researched, evidence-based information about how to make and keep friends, socialize, converse, etc. If you can get into a PEERS program, that would be even better, but they can be expensive in the US of A.
Friends are important, they provide protection, support, etc. They're one of the most valuable elements of life and having them will improve your life greatly. It doesn't matter if you're the most important guy at work, if you have no friends, you're on the chopping block when they "downsize". Whether in school or work or otherwise, friends are necessary.
The stuff the other posters have said is accurate. Even going to the gym alone is good if you've got something to watch on your phone while you do cardio. Regular aerobic exercise 30 minutes, at least 3 times a week can help improve mood, memory and sleep. I watch Japanese variety shows while I work out, you'd think that Chad and Stace would be disgusted by it, but in reality at the gym everyone is pretty self-conscious and worried more about their own shit.
Don't check your LINK prices every day. Just set up an alert for a price and leave it, if you have to. As much as it's nice having another well-intentioned anon here, you should probably avoid /biz/. This place is a rollercoaster of emotional posting and schadenfreude.
We're all in this together anon, whether some of us like it or not.

>> No.16384189

i have people i can ask when i have questions, but i dont consider them as friends.