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16380711 No.16380711 [Reply] [Original]

And how much money will you be betting?

>> No.16380720

I put $2020 on Trump

Long live the glorious state of Israel

>> No.16380723

No betting

>> No.16380740

$2020 on warren today is free money
called that back in 2017, shit was obvious

Dems will win (sorry /pol/sters) in a landslide, and they need to unite progressives and rust belt white women. Pocahontas'll be taking this one home.

>> No.16381012

Im betting on Trump by buying BSV

>> No.16381017

Trump ez won't even be close

>> No.16381022

I’m betting on ftm

>> No.16381024


>> No.16381027

People are too comfy to show up to the polls. TRUMP

>> No.16381033

Trump is going to win in a landslide. I'm a Democrat and plan on voting for him in the upcoming election. Democratic party is a joke right now

>> No.16381052


>> No.16381059

where can I bet btc on the election that lets burgers without kyc bs? Trump will win

>> No.16381088

Is Bloomberg not a real threat, i got worried when they said he's running

>> No.16381093

Lmao imagine actually believing this. Stay Poor.
Anyway Trump will win in a landslide.

>> No.16381094

nah he won't make it out of primaries it'll be Warren

>> No.16381127

all on trump

>> No.16381140
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Elizabeth Warren or bust!

>> No.16381194


>> No.16381675


I'd guess that Trump is 60%-70% to win. Biden is 15%.

Warren, Buttigieg and Sanders are unelectable. The first two have essentially 0 support from the Democratic base (which is old black people). And Sanders will have trouble with moderates, too, although he has some support from black people.

If any of them get the nomination, Trump is 80%+ to win the election.

>> No.16381696

nah it'll be a huge virtue signalling event for democrats everywhere, this is the closest you'll ever see a liberal get to a war. leftists will literally be telling voting stories like war stories.

i hope you remember this post when what i said comes to fruition.

you're gonna get dumped on, tell me where you're betting so i can be the one to take your money

you too

>> No.16381709

alright clearly i need to invest in smug warren memes to prepare, thanks for this huge buy signal

>> No.16381712

got a small punt on hillary winning the nomination at +1800 but betting trump after the inevitable october surprise seems like the play here.

>> No.16381731
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The Chosen One

>> No.16381745


> orange man bad cuz jew pick globojew

nice try shlomo

>> No.16381905

>tell me where you're betting so i can be the one to take your money
Literally anywhere dude. They all give roughly similar odds.

>people can win elections while neglecting their base
Well, you seem like the kind of campaign strategist that several of the Democrats want to hire nowadays.

It's a shame that electable people like Booker get ignored for some White lady that keeps labeling herself a "Person of Color". Or it would be a shame, if I wanted the Democrats to win an election.

>> No.16381975

no i want to take your money specifically, or at least to have a chance at it being your money when i win

but you wanna know what i really love about her? how assblasted y'all are gonna be that she's obama 2.0 in every sense

>> No.16382140

>i want to take your money specifically
I didn't bet anything, retard.

>she's obama 2.0 in every sense
Except for charisma, black people voting for her, or common sense.

Even Obama/Hillary didn't get completely outmaneuvered by Trump. They lost, but not because Trump baited them into falsifying racial documents.

>> No.16382170

Biden is going to win. Buttigieg and Bloomberg are okay as well but are tiny little manlets that would get annihilated by Trump

>> No.16382245

>I'm a Democrat
No you're fucking not

>> No.16382254

cyka blyat comrade

>> No.16382312

>They lost, but not because Trump baited them into falsifying racial documents.
kek. Sometimes I feel the need to lay down some truth over blatant retardation but I'm too lazy to type and someone like you steps in to do the work for me. It's a thankless job but someone has to do it.

>> No.16382329

Best site to bet?

>> No.16382341

Is Trump going to win the Republican nomination in the first place? If he does, then he definitely has good chances to be re-elected, but the odds are not good

>> No.16382363

wtf are you talking about lmao

>> No.16382411

I don't know who will win, But I don't think trump will win again and there's a few reasons why. When trump first campaigned obviously his iconic catchphrase "make america great again" resonated with lots of people especially those in rural areas. Coming from a billionaire and someone who is good at business, It got many people to jump on the trump band wagon.
1. He let tons of small business's down in terms of hiring, And business is overall worse off now as people have less workers.
2. There have been many scandals and bad press on him, Regardless whether they are true or not, The mass majority flocks to whatever is popular. Case and point, Trump.
3. The failure of the wall and having mexico pay for it, People have realized that the wall is not deterring or impacting drug trafficking in any way, Effectively making it a false promise and waste of time.
4. More southern states are turning from conservatism because of the uprise of gen Z being able to vote

All in all, It doesn't matter who gets voted in as all the presidential candidates and every single politician in america that has support are kike supporters who will never not support them.

>> No.16382515
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>> No.16383215
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Trump no betting

Only yang (and tulsi) have proven able to flip his base in key states but the dems are too scared to deviate from their DNC-approved goons

Trump will win with an even larger popular vote deficit and it will be epic

I fuckin hate trump but he's too strong