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File: 94 KB, 980x484, Xrouter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16376375 No.16376375 [Reply] [Original]

So after looking for promising DEX projects, I found Blocknet. Their DEX is cool, but what surprised me a LOT is their Xrouter solution, which doesn't seem to be talked about here at all.

Their Xrouter can "Oraclize" any blockchain and real world applications out there for a fraction of what it seems to cost to use Chainlink? WHY does nobody even talk about this?

>It costs 0.1 LINK for each request on the network, and comparing that with Blocknet, which only costs 0.001 BLOCK/call I fail to see why any company would use a service that costs THAT MUCH more to use?

Blocknet can be used to connect to literally anything, not just blockchains. They have SPV calls, which are specific to blockchains, but then non-spv calls that can be used to connect to any off-chain service. These services can be things you run yourself (your own custom code) or you can just point to existing services. For instance, if I wanted to I could monetize coinmarketcaps API and make it available for devs to use that API and make payments in crypto, not having to worry at all about the hurdles that come with fiat payments.

Chainlink is 200x the marketcap of Blocknet, And Blocknet seems to have developed WAY more in terms of tech.
Sure they don't have the same hype and marketing as LINK, but I'm definitely gonna accumulate some BLOCK due to this fact.

>> No.16376517

No one talks about BLOCK because they have actual products that work. All this space cares about is meme's like Sirgay and vaporware

>> No.16376595

>All this space cares about is meme's like Sirgay

your mother is a goat sir!!!! not talk fud about chain links!!!

>> No.16376650

sirs please buy links and do the needful by watch my new video thanking yous fellow link morines


>> No.16376694
File: 53 KB, 636x477, LINK meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average LINK marine:


>> No.16376818

It's basically plummeting though

>> No.16377056

Which is an awesome opportunity to get in cheap. Got 1k coins at 9k sats earlier today. Pretty good deal

>> No.16377070

it took me exactly 2 minutes of research to be sure it cannot be even compared to chainlink

>> No.16377093

I'd love to hear your arguments. Hit me

>> No.16377257

Hello sir fellow best of tech my friend gentleman how are the finest of evening for the cause of the chainlink bag to be pump sir

>> No.16377451

You're incorrectly assuming this pajeet has any reasons, let along a logical one

>> No.16377661

The amount of replies on this thread, proves that no one can argue that LINK is better than BLOCK.
Pretty funny

>> No.16378305

What products are available for BLOCK and LINK?

>> No.16378424

Blocknet has their DEX, which you can read more about here: https://blockdx.com

They've got their Xrouter services run by service nodes, which can link blockchains and everything else basically.
Also worth mentioning is their xCloud and xBridge. Which you can read more about on their website if you want.

LINK, well.. I don't know honestly. Seems like it's pumped up due to hype and partnerships that means very little in terms of adoption and use cases. It's still just an ERC20 Token..

>> No.16379349

Looking forward to Blocknet's MAJOR 4.0.0 update coming out. This is *the* most overlooked project I've ever seen, the return on this one is going to be insane.....

>> No.16379620

Sounds interesting, I'd love to know what this update involves?

>> No.16379681

No one actually uses crypto for anything. Even though Blocknet is cool I doubt even these shills are using BlockDX. Until that changes (if ever) this will remain an obscure shitcoin. At least Link has paid shills and discord trannies

>> No.16379948

I use Blocknet's BlockDX and XRouter

>> No.16379984

> At least Link has paid shills and discord trannies

anon gets it

>> No.16380614

There are so many projects still developing stuff, yet to be finished, and you can't use something that isn't "finished"
Ethereum is used to make new project tokens, which is the biggest use case we have right now, a part from Bitcoin being used as digital money.
Adoption takes time, however DEX's will be popular, since it allows people to trade and move coins anonymously without governments knowing anything.
Blocknet's products is amazing, and will be used by big corporations eventually, since you can connect real work data as well as blockchain data through their Xrouter services.

The fact that people can't understand that is mind blowing, but I guess only a few people actually knows what these guys is trying to do.

>> No.16380630

Real world data*

>> No.16380702

Dead project. Buy 0x.

>> No.16380710

also it was 06 cents for years, so if you feel like buying someones 10x in a BEAR, feel free.

>> No.16380726

Typical response for noBLOCKers bagholding some other massive ICO garbage that is legit afraid of Blocknet's products and offering as a competitor