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File: 7 KB, 400x400, 2404DACC-29A2-4405-A413-31C29EC8A65F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16369674 No.16369674 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.16369778

2m reporting in. The plebs have no idea.

>> No.16370542

2ez, we’ve told /biz
If they wont help themselves nothing we can do

>> No.16370575

Delusional bag holders

>> No.16370587

345k checking in. wish i had waited until now to buy but enthusiasm is still high. also fuck this street shitting faggot right here: >>16370575

>> No.16370588

I promise you guys will never make it. You are the next ICX CREW haha

>> No.16370598

> imagine holding FTM and thinking you are not the pleb

anon....just buy some FRM and wait, you'll be fine

>> No.16370622
File: 156 KB, 507x546, fantom3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will FORCE ourselves to make it sir. we can meme this coin into the top 50 even if it turns out to be absolute shit sir

>> No.16370710
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At least icx mooned and baghodlers had 100d chance to get out this shit takes no prisoners


>> No.16370808
File: 280 KB, 640x331, 1555890529614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total chink scam
>lied about 300 000 tps
>lied about mainnet
>lied about banks (sold Goldman Sacs, got some half ass African bank, maybe)
>Lied about smart city Dubai
>No attempt to go global whatsoever, no attempt to get parnership with any global tech company
>Chink scam tokenomics. 60% of global supply to founders and friends. Now trying to hide it with a fraction of 60% to nodes, maybe. Still 45% to founders and friends.
>Get used to founders and friend to dump on you until Ethereum 2.0 and Fantom goes to zero
>Pump and dump scam by satsgang

Total chink scam, probably the mos obvious in crypto.

>> No.16370809
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Never selling

>> No.16370814
File: 94 KB, 1056x663, 300 000 TPS - total chink scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 000 tps, what a joke. You are lucky if you get a fraction of that, you have been chinked. Schmucks. Satsgang is dumping on you.

>> No.16370826
File: 98 KB, 893x834, Hey hey heeeeeyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of morons "invest" in a chink scam coin where founders and friends have 60% (!!) of total, global supply? You have to be insane to do that. Ethereum foundation had 1% and Vitalik sold his ETH at $7. Chink scammers will dump on you into oblivion. Same with satsgang

Distribution. The 3.175 billion FTM will be distributed as follows:
40% token sale
30% market development
15% advisors and contributors
15% FANTOM team and founders


>> No.16370833
File: 81 KB, 1259x533, 3Q 2019 Mainnet - total chink scam icodrops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainnet 3Q 2019. Lie. What a chink scam. Enjoy your gook coins, if you ever get them

The fact that they missed their own deadline means they made a serious mistake or misunderstanding of what they were working on.
Honestly it shows that they might blunder in many of their delusional estimations.

>> No.16370836
File: 106 KB, 600x492, FTM SCAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you fanatic Fantom fanboiz read the whitepaper? Just because something sounds complicated does not mean it will be useful or will even work. Usually the contrary. Take the chainlink idea. Brilliant in its simplicity, but anyone can see that it will work. Aggregated data combined with KYC to establish a trust-able base, and the mixicles idea is brilliant too. You can see how it makes sense, swapping up data at the oracle level for privacy.
Now take Fantom. To me it looks like a complete mess. Nothing really new in ideas either, Lachesis protocol is just a minor rephrasing of IOTA's tangle idea, which we know does not work. No proof of concept anywhere, and yet the paper devolves into complex ideas upon ideas upon this lachesis thing, leaving a convoluted mess that obscures the fact that the min protocol hasn't even been tested.
Maybe they are serious. Maybe they think they're serious. But to me it just looks more and more like another project doomed to fail.

>> No.16370846
File: 157 KB, 1008x692, Fantom Token Economy - icodrops fantom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every idiot should be able to identify a scam when the chink scammers will have 60% of all tokens. How stupid do you have to be to invest in such an obvious scam? Enjoy the team dump on you until the shitcoin is turned into oblivion by Ethereum 2.0. Enjoy your gook coin.

>> No.16370852
File: 264 KB, 760x400, carlos-bitconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem is its b2b and if you use sc logic shit is slower than bitcoin lmfao
So they pivoted from smartcontract dag and smartcitys bullshit to mainets for banks really fast if you noticed.
Thats the thing everything is realtive so first red flag for for everyone should be
>comparison chart and no working product

>> No.16370858

The fud is making me bullish guys...

>> No.16370859

Any crypto that truly mean what they say about going global will be represented hard in San Fran and eager to connect to established tech companies, especially with cutting edge technology. So what does chink scam Fantom do? They have their epic tech on the edge financial partnership with some backwater, corrupt African bank. Anyone not smelling chink scam from this deserves to get poor.

>> No.16370862

Delusional FTM bagholders, unable to see that they have been chink scammed, ramble on about taking over ETH, well compare your FTM partnership with a corrupt African backwater bank with this:

Clearer can it not get to highlight what is a scam and what is not.

>> No.16370864
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>> No.16370871
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The retarded and delusional Fantomboys are just the same as Bitconnectboys. Even the same arguments. The red flags are there for all to see.
Fantom Team:
>lied about 300 000 tps
>lied about mainnet
>lied about banks (sold Goldman Sacs, got some half ass African bank, maybe)
>Lied about smart city Dubai
>No attempt to go global whatsoever, no attempt to get parnership with any global tech company
>Chink scam tokenomics. 60% of global supply to founders and friends. Now trying to hide it with a fraction of 60% to nodes, maybe. Still 45% to founders and friends.
>Get used to founders and friend to dump on you until Ethereum 2.0 and Fantom goes to zero
>Pump and dump scam by satsgang

Yet the Fantom idiots will not see and keep on rambling about "moon now", "how much to make it" etc etc. No need to wonder where the bitconnect idiots are, they are here shilling for Fantom. Pic related

>> No.16370885

10 posts and counting. how high will you go in this thread, gizem? btw can i see your tiddies pls?

>> No.16370891

Xar will be pushed out before opera but opera is pretty much done.

2 banks on the first Xar mainnet

Xar going big in the Middle East, there will be lots of bank mainnets

>> No.16370900

I know you're a schizo so nothing really gets through but you should try to understand that as soon as anyone sees your back at it again with your pastas they stop reading immediately but keep screaming into the void

>> No.16370916

He’s holding fanties

All part of the game

>> No.16370923

>ERC20 address doesn't work on simpleswap
Welp guess this coin is shit

>> No.16370939

The truth is I want to help you guys as I lost plenty of money myself with ICX...

>> No.16370962

Good for you but what has icx got to do with fantom?

>> No.16371009

If you don’t have Fanties yet, I feel bad for you son.

>> No.16371014
File: 688 KB, 716x726, Fantom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon our network will be fully armed and operational and you will witness the end of your pitiful little Ethereum Alliance, one by one they will all turn to the dark side!

>> No.16371019

I jizzem on gizem

>> No.16371044
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>> No.16371047

The real scam coin

>> No.16371055

You’re a fucking retard who bought the top then. ICX did like x100 and somehow you lost money? Based Mong

>> No.16371058

You should definitely educate yourself and read some more about Fantom.

This paper introduces a new consensus protocol, so-called STAIR, for fast consensus in DAG-based trustless system.

This repository hosts Xar. Xar is a Fantom compatible stable coin issuance platform for the South African Rand. Xar is based off of Xar wrapped around the Cosmos SDK which is wrapped around Fantom's TxFlow consensus.

This is the Fantom github.

>> No.16371101

x100 for ico holders, it started on binance at fucking $2

>> No.16371159
File: 104 KB, 791x719, 857421650_23589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don’t have Fanties yet, I feel bad for you son.
i got 99 problems, but a fud ain't one

>> No.16371269

I love fanties

>> No.16371630


>> No.16371657

100K poorfag here

>> No.16371840

>one by one they will all turn to the dark side!
Great selling point from you Fantom idiots - Fantom is a Satan coin! You morons truly know how to pitch /sarcasm

>> No.16371860

Why are you so angry

>> No.16371903

Breadcrumb posting

>> No.16371949

>already recovered from today's dump
550k ftm, gonna buy another 100k next week

>> No.16371959

Im buying another 300k right now

>> No.16371969
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>> No.16371984

Im in Fantom but the time now is for buying Bitcoin (& link ifit drops below $2)

>> No.16371987
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>> No.16372002

buy something undervalued like VIDT or FRM you fools

>> No.16372015

FTM has bigger potential

>> No.16372022
File: 157 KB, 750x782, ftm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my worthless leech project that isn't going anywhere instead of a serious project with moon potential
yeah no thanks retard. FaNt0m 4 LyF BiTcH

>> No.16372249

FRM ferret coin is really desperately trying to piggyback on every Fantom thread. Btfo you rodents.

>> No.16372267

In a sea of red... fantom up in usd

>> No.16372276


>> No.16372288

>11 posts by this id

Take your meds

>> No.16372294
File: 293 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191125-062513_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our telegram is objectively better than most

>> No.16372456

FRM is a literal scam coin bro

>> No.16372492
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We pumping

>> No.16372503
File: 622 KB, 1242x2688, 7A3710E4-98E7-4878-A867-161B69C52BC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot niggers won’t fucking sell and I still need more

>> No.16372523
File: 35 KB, 629x414, A5CAE4BA-019C-48BF-A18A-7F21ECAC0DAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is over

>> No.16372554

I need 6 gorillion of this aryan coin god damnit someone sell to me I’ve been waiting weeks and when it dips there’s no real volume so I can’t even bottom feed

>> No.16372588

I swear to god I will kill someone if I don’t get 6 million before this moons

>> No.16372623

>not market buying
you aren't worthy of valhalla

>> No.16372628

I only have 3.05 BTC left on Binance and I’m not getting shit out of cold wallets so I gotta buy at 150 to even my stack to 6 million anon

>> No.16372633

These are all me, id switching because this cafe has fucked wifi

>> No.16372638

the sell pressure is going to be too high to maintain a stack that big anyway. this will be at least $10 by the end of 2020 and it won't stop there

>> No.16372643

I’m doing it for hitler and my countrymen, entire dev team is from my region kek

>> No.16372690

22k Fantlet here, considering leveraging...

>> No.16372699

just keep DCAing in. you're far from being priced out. i bought most of mine at 0.014

>> No.16372703

Wait is over faggot

>> No.16372712

Man the 1-2 satoshi differences are so irrelevant in the long run just get your stack secured.
T. All in

>> No.16372717


Sorry for brainlet question but what is DCAing?

>> No.16372719

It’s pretty important to me to get a top 10 wallet now so I don’t keep worrying about missing this

>> No.16372730

Dollar cost averaging

>> No.16372733

dollar cost averaging. it means that you buy your stack little by little over time instead of all at once to protect yourself from fluctuations in the price

>> No.16372744



>> No.16372757

I hear ya buddy

>> No.16372796

6million isn’t even close to top ten on ether wallets

>> No.16372814

Oh top 20 then, I forgot binance explorer is different

>> No.16372826

Not the mention the banks, there’s a wallet with 54,000,000 FTM

>> No.16372858
File: 212 KB, 250x500, andrepromisedland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll just go ahead and disclose that i hodl 345k and i think that's more than enough to make it. when people talk about stacking millions of fanties it's like, how rich do you need to be? do you guys seriously think this coin will never be worth more than $1? fantom is a sleeping fucking giant. it's going to be worth hundreds eventually. that will take a few years but i think it's inevitable

>> No.16372871

Scared money don’t make money anon I need my yacht

>> No.16372886


I'm all in with what little I have but I think Stakenet is an even bigger giant. I'll be switching between the two as my long term stacks.

>> No.16372902

i think the scared money are the wannabe fantie whales. you underestimate its true power. i KNOW i'm gonna get a yacht

>> No.16372907

Posw is such old news anon, now it’s called stakenet but us OGs fucked that bitch a long time ago back when poswallet.com was still a thing

>> No.16372927

diversification doesnt make much sense when you're a poorfag. throw a hail mary and go all in. you have nothing to lose

>> No.16372929
File: 1.07 MB, 1242x2688, 56491092-922D-4646-9149-78FACB8EEE0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proofs if you don’t believe me, I used it for all my staking

>> No.16373493

Damn, we are fucking pumping hard. What's up? I was gonna buy more at these prices since I'm at 125k but guess not anymore

>> No.16373912
File: 689 KB, 1080x1845, 1574113973021 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically all in

>> No.16374464
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When 1$?

>> No.16374488

Can someone tell me where to buy?
Cant buy on Binance because of US

>> No.16374522

The problem is some of us whales need returns NOW

I need a 10x NOW

>> No.16374575


>> No.16374603

Nice larp

Actual whales don't care when it moon they can just wait it out. Just fuck off and sell so I can accumulate more.

>> No.16374794


>> No.16375303

I'm cooming to my gains while everything else is dumping

>> No.16375761
File: 52 KB, 561x539, photo_2019-11-25_14-28-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here are 95 things wrong with crypto, and here is the answer
was martin luther based guys?

>> No.16375800

Kys pleb, I own over 20mil of this bitch

>> No.16375831
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>> No.16375872

You better sell the triple top anons.

>> No.16375983

I’ll start selling at $10

>> No.16376001

>he thinks we won't easily cruise past 160 sats


>> No.16376025

It wont though. tomorrow it will be below 140 again. just wait and see

>> No.16376031

Nah this is it

Get in or get left behind

>> No.16376165

Delusional bagholders