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16368379 No.16368379 [Reply] [Original]

Cntrl + F : Kleros

2 results (literally) :

- Kleros is the best low-cap buy in the space right now.
- Your PNK accumulation time is running out. ;)


>> No.16368393

will 10k make it?

>> No.16368542

....That's $70, desu. Do you mean 100K? If so, perhaps. Consider that it's 150-200K to be highly considered for case staking. I'd assume this will change. Staking is what you need to consider here. Relatively low an amount VS. other projects.

>> No.16369172
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if pic related happens yes

>> No.16369502

100k, sure. $70 in any crypto will not make it.

>> No.16369946

$1 in 2021. screencap this.

>> No.16369982
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>> No.16369990

good. see you then

>> No.16370058


>> No.16370206
File: 140 KB, 1280x1280, VITPNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, fren....

>> No.16370215
File: 38 KB, 750x502, VITpnk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....it's def a scam. do not buy.

>> No.16370524
File: 36 KB, 770x364, Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at 2.08.14 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been monitoring Kleros for a couple of weeks now and I've noticed something strange. Occasionally, large buy and sell order of roughly the same amount will appear at the same time on idex. The prices they are placed at are always close together too. Anybody have any ideas about what this is? Is it some kind of price surpression fuckery?

>> No.16370646

bots. once pnk takes off tho there will be no survivors of the burn from this fuel. biz salt will be ATH.

>> No.16370736

IDEX MM bots. I wouldn't worry about it. Almost all the volume is on Uniswap anyway, strangely enough. The ETH die hard community goes there.

>> No.16370838

"bots" is a way of executing a strategy. it isn't a strategy in itself you diaper wearing oaf

>> No.16370968

as he said, they are MM bots, retard boy.

>> No.16370986

not an explanation of intent you turd

>> No.16371149

imagine arguing on a mongolian basket weaving forum instead of market-buying PNK on this dip.

>> No.16371266

Imagine buying PNK instead of more LINK

>> No.16371287

If you really believe in Link, you know the space has to succeed. If the space succeeds, Link and PNK go hand in hand. You should be rooting for each other, or you will burn with the ship entirely.

Besides, if you think a $2M market-cap doesn't have more room for growth (especially considering the idea isn't flushed out completely yet) then you might just be the biggest brainlet of all.

>> No.16371595

send it

>> No.16371601

Why the volume is so damn high in relation to the market cap

>> No.16371606

So oracle solution is same as fucking tokenbagholding court/jury resolving desputes for others and genesis of despues are smartcontracts wich are immutable and irreversible.

Ok lol

>> No.16371892

Because it's moving around a lot of dev hands.

Interesting use case to be honest

>> No.16372079

in general i trust money skelly so i put 100 bucks into this yesterday

should be enough to make it right?

>> No.16372395

150-175K PNK is the suicide stack, desu (and also brings staking / juror pick to an almost certainty)

>> No.16372639

Make it so, it’s been a long year holding this. Should be well worth it though. Gets more exciting by the month.

>> No.16372953

A comfort hold could be considered my 20x Link ICO bags but this is 2nd.

>> No.16373004

The absolute state

Just hold anon. Kleros basically survived the entire bear with no damage.

>> No.16373051

KEK are you new?

>> No.16373117

Comfy with my Link and Pink. Stinky pinky in my linky.

>> No.16373275


>> No.16373505
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>> No.16373517

Pic is how I feel holding Kleros and western civilization together

>> No.16373741
File: 139 KB, 960x640, kekpnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the masses are coming for non-believers

>> No.16374370

10 cents is when the real fun begins.

>> No.16374815
File: 28 KB, 500x336, 1574246160634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ftm feels like pic included

>> No.16374834


>> No.16374892

Delete this fucking thread. PNK amazing hold. Also for income. Im making 0.48 eth by voting on some shit.

>> No.16374910

i dont have fucking 700$ to put on every biz shill. fucking nufags, you probably haven't seen what 70$ bought you back in 2015 or 2011.

i have comfy 10k and it coist only 70 bucks, It wont ruin my finance if it fails. 700$ is too much as i have dozens of projects to invest it would cost me a small fortune...

>> No.16374952
File: 312 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20191125_190520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a secret. The portolio for MAKING it (net worth above 5 million) in 2021.

Hardest part: not selling to early.

BTC 60% (digital gold)
LINK 25% (oracles. Defi. Number 1)
PNK 10% (future of decentralized conflict resolution)
YAH 5% (the creator is a 4chan OG, covers carribean)
Portfolio value now should be about 15k

Do not sell before 2021.
You will have more than 5M in 2 years.

>> No.16374992

Augur/Kleros is 100.
Easy buy

>> No.16375008

BSV and Enigma

>> No.16375118 [DELETED] 

how often there is votes? do you lose your staking if you vote "wrong?"

>> No.16375135

Does anyone have some good fud on Kleros?

>> No.16375330

I do. But that is not how this shit works anon.
If I were to combine all my PNK wallets I would be a top 50 wallet. Now, I have a few pages of FUD, that boils down to maybe 3, 4 separate issues. Not huge, but serious issues with the innerworking of the system. Mainly caused by the size of the network, so nothing unsolvable. But... you dont release FUD at this level, that is stupid. You wait until the project is at least 15 million in marketcap and the number of holders is doubled. Then you FUD and pick up more PNK at a 25% dip? Why then and not now? 1) You want to see if it can trade at 15M marketcap first. 2) You need new holders. At least double the amount as compared to now. This will increase your possibilites for offloading the PNK on a desirable level (which is way above where we are now).

The future of Kleros depends on a few things. Ethereum, the future of decentralized finance and decentralized apps in general. Those are outside of our hands, but it looks quite promising. Same goes for Link. Link depends on the outroll of a lot of decentralized applications. But if that goes well, which is a reasonable explanation, well then Link is front row to the magic show. As is Kleros.

Kleros currently should be at least 50x higher already. Not given the actual applications, but merely given the total crypto market and the comparison things like Augur. God, even VIDT has double the marketcap and VIDT does not even propose anything another crypto cant do. Heck, for VIDT to make sense it needs something like Kleros.
Decred 188 million marketcap
Augur 120 Million marketcap
Kleros 1.7 million marketcap

This is without a fullblown DeFi landscape.

2021 prognosis: Kleros Marketcap 300 million, that is x176 from here.

>> No.16376009


Dude its dumbest idea ever lol
Stop larping but hey you and I know it will pamp eventually its defi related+biz started shilling it +1.5mil mcap....

Top 100 wallet here btw

>> No.16376085

That's a poor excuse for not fudding which makes you sound like a run-of-the-mill Indian shill.