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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16365644 No.16365644 [Reply] [Original]

Alright boys cough it up. I wanna get rich and own a cute asian slave (robot or real) what’s the easiest path to riches.

Background info:
Low iq
Sophomore Finance major at a semi target uni with a 3.8 gpa
Highschool level Java
Basic CAD skills
Basic Photoshop skills
42k cash saved up from multiple entrepreneurial ventures and work as sales agent

What do I gotta do to get my get myself an asian slave?

Continue down my path towards Investmet banking

Double major and get a CS degree? My schools CS ranking isn’t noteworthy but I do know a few kids that get FANG internships

Do pre dental and eventually become a dentist and own my own practice

Etc etc

No coin shilling I need active streams of income

>> No.16365674

Is university that easy in America? You can have a 3.8 GPA while you are autistic and low iq? Im actually interested in that. Because im sweating my balls off to pass applied business statistics.

>> No.16365694

Looks like your'e on a a startup path.
Find something that people need, but don't know they want.
If ((input = true) then profit)

>> No.16365698

Who else zoomed in to inspect the bulge?

>> No.16365701

Yes and no. It depends on your major

>> No.16365749

I like studying. It makes me feel comfy also I live next door to chads and I can’t sleep when stacy and them are over having a party and screaming all the time so I often just stay in the library for a couple days on the weekends

>> No.16365764

Who do Asians have flat monkey faces

>> No.16366209

so helpful anon! any more buzzfeed tips!

>> No.16366595

alright ill tell you what you need to do since the thot you posted made my peepee move.
buy Chainlink. put all of that 42k you saved into it. put any other disposable income into it. within 5 years you will be a millionaire. if you hold longer youll be much much more. you can own a harem of asian slave girls to literally eat your shit.

>> No.16366624

kys linkie

>> No.16366636

How many hours a week is the maximum you're willing/able to put in?
What's your 'risk appetite'?

You have 42k which puts you in a really advantageous position, you can do one of two things with that which both involve starting up a business:
1. buying some specialized piece of equipment like a vinyl record press, or a large format printer, or a camera and drone etc. and charging people to use it.
Problem is you need to be able to operate the equipment or hire someone who can.

2. starting some kind of low-asset consultancy ('digital strategy' for boomers?) or instructional company (self-improvement courses for housewives who buy into bullshit like reiki), spending a lot of your cash on really aggressive marketing to your customers. The problem with this is you need to be very good at recruiting the right people to work underneath you, and if you're autistic then you're probably a shit judge of character.

>> No.16366642

She looks like a doll
I don’t like Asians but would munch on her for days

>> No.16366688

i dont want to do anything in sales. i already have tried that and hated it. i would have to drink some liquor right before work because it was so draining.

high risk is cool but it has to be a well thought out tactical approach not just buying some expensive machinery and then being stuck when no one wants to use it

>> No.16366716
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Get a certification to teach something that people need. For example, I was a paramedic for 7 years before I got sick of it. I started an LLC and shill first-aid and safety courses to a specific industry for $100 a head which is a lot to me and peanuts to them.

If I could teach something worth more or that businesses needed more, then I would really be raking in the profits. Also, unironically, buy LINK.

>> No.16366735

Also, unless you're a marketing genius or can SEO out the ass, you will probably have to cold call businesses a lot until you get contacts. But it is low overhead, my only expenses are gas and occasionally buying new supplies.

Good luck anon.

>> No.16366742

eww chink roastie, nasty

>> No.16366748

I cant particularly teach people something if im still a youngin and dont know anything. im 19 no one wants to learn from me

>> No.16366752

Seriously, best option is roll out a franchise of Tony Robbins style "how to get rich" motivational workshops and lectures, probably targeted at millenials - especially those who are really obsessed with owning their own home and paying off college debts.
It's not sales, you basically produce the materials: the 'course' you train the people who will do the sales and shit.
It has no assets since you rent the spaces you hold the workshops in.
Your first 'trainers' you'll have to pay, but theoretically over time it becomes it's own recruiting mechanism and people buy franchises, you give them the course plan and maybe have some marketing synergies. But mostly you just let others do the work once it's all set up.

One thing I've learned in this life is that the 'easiest' way to make money is to sell people on the idea that you can make them money.

>> No.16366769

kys newfags

>> No.16366772

Didn't you read what he said: get certification to teach something people need.
If you have certification, then people of all ages assume you're an expert/authority. That's what they care about, not whether you're fat, skinny, tall or manlet, old or young. It's whether you have the information they need.

Information is a very lucrative industry.

>> No.16366814

Research what businesses need. Is there something that will directly benefit them, like lowering their insurance costs or increasing their attractiveness when bidding for work? I can't spoonfeed you what to do, you have to figure this out on your own.

Once you have figured out what they need, get a certification from whatever licensing body oversees it. Then Google lesson templates or whatever and develop a course, bingo bango.

Age doesn't really matter, I'm 30 and look like I'm fucking 19 still. All that matters is confidence and actually understanding what you will be teaching.

If you are actually interested in starting a small business, leave an e-mail and I can give you some tips. For a nominal payment in LINK, of course.

>> No.16367213

If you're a nigger in America they actually give you a GPA handicap to "address the unearned white grade discrepancy due to raycissms." You just get bonus points to all your testing. Your SATs are boosted higher. And the entry standards for everything are lower.

If you want to have an easy time in a jew-owned university here in the US, the first thing you need to do is be jewish. Failing that, just don't be white.