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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16362183 No.16362183 [Reply] [Original]

Hold onto your butts it's gonna get bumpy

>> No.16362283

This is the truth that no one on /biz wants to face up to...instead they are trying to meme some bullshit parabolic move that's never been done again in any asset class

>> No.16362439
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Bruh haven't you heard? Bitcoin is unique

>> No.16362480

post your short positions so I can laugh at you later, faggot

>> No.16362494

if you literally believe this, then you must realize that this will inevitably create a second round of bitcoin millionaires

>> No.16362499

Are you retarded or something? You faggots said this same shit last night at 7300 and look where we are. Get rekt bullfag!

>> No.16362584


They also said the same thing at $3000 and look where we are. Get rekt bobo

>> No.16362614

actually if you truly believe btc is going to zero you wouldn't be shorting it since you'll get paid in worthless btc

>> No.16362682

are you trolling or legit retarded?

>> No.16362733

Does Bitmex settle in tether?

>> No.16362741

They will face it...one way or another

>> No.16362753
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>> No.16362767

I hope BTC crashes to $0.01
So I can buy all of them


>> No.16362776

you do realise you're getting paid in BTC on almost all future exchanges right ?
binance pay you in USDT but if btc goes to zero it's hard to imagine usdt being worth anything