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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1635545 No.1635545 [Reply] [Original]

>muh lawyers are saturated meme
>muh engineering is god tier meme
>look up the numbers for myself
Estimated law school grads in 2017: 32,000
Projected yearly job openings for lawyers: 16,900
Estimated engineering grads in 2017: 114,000
Projected yearly job openings for engineers: 51,100
Ratio of graduates to job openings per year,
For law: 1.89
For engineering: 2.23

>> No.1635558

I totally agree. Anyone who attempts to get an engineering degree these days is a damn fool. If you don't get filtered out by the curriculum then you certainly will by the dead job market. Look elsewhere.

>> No.1635614
File: 25 KB, 400x386, Laughing-Frog-Meme-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineering is a huge meme at least in europe. the largest single unemployed education group

>> No.1635623

The real meme is job opportunity at all. Every field is saturated. We doubled our population since 1956, made outsourcing astronomically easier, and introduced automation for factory work, software, legal scans, cooking, essentially parts of anything.

Far more labor supply, far less labor demand. Great Depression incoming.

>> No.1635635
File: 44 KB, 409x409, comfy & sling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good news for comfy people. working hard gets you nowhere

>> No.1635641

except the unemployment rate in germany for engineers is only 2,3%..

>> No.1635647

in germany the overall unemployment rate is something like 3.5% lol. that's the only country holding european economy together still, yet they will fall soon too with euro

>> No.1635650

These are U.S. statistics, and unemployment is not the same an underemployment. But I would assume the underemployment rate to be better in Germany anyway.

>> No.1635652

is that what your magic crystal ball tells you? mine is in the dishwasher right now, so i wouldn't know.

(also it's 4,2% but who actually uses google)

>> No.1635672

please stop. I poured too much time and money into an engineering major. I can't have bad thoughts.

>> No.1635676
File: 137 KB, 431x427, 1479570996571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why you study physics instead

>only 10873 graduates in 2015
>physicists are qualified to work most engineering jobs
>physicists are qualified to work most software/IT jobs
>physicists are qualified to work in quant finance
>physicists are (extremely) qualified to work in research
>physicists are qualified to work in various other statistical/numerical/computational analysis jobs
>physicists have great outlooks for entrepreneurship considering our deep domain knowledge for the basis of all of science and technology
>employers know physicists are the best problem solvers in the world, period.

The only negative is that employers often expect you to be pure autism but if you have the combination of a physicist's analytical skills AND good/great people/leader/cooperation skills you are fucking set.

So suck my dick faggots

>> No.1635680

Even if the private market is shit tier for STEM graduates they can still just join the military and get a job quick as fuck( US Military of course).

>> No.1635685

>law degree
>8 years of study, costs $400k total
>engineering degree
>4 years of study, 3 if you are smart, $100k total if you go in state
>can start at Google or Facebook for 170k+ a year

>> No.1635759

>working for google
Yeah it can happen but so can getting a government job with a law degree. Lawyer's median wage is still 30k higher, 115k vs 85k for engineers. Just admit it, engineering is as much a meme as law.

>> No.1635784

>>physicists are qualified to work most software/IT jobs

yeah... nah
Physics is a meme degree friend

>> No.1635810
File: 690 KB, 640x640, 1448257738306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can start at Google or Facebook for 170k+ a year

their starting salaries are tops 120k and few out of 1000 interviewed and code live tested gets in

guud luck with your engineering degrees :D remember to study hard it PAYS :D

>> No.1635823
File: 432 KB, 2688x1520, IMG_20161125_103719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not hard to get it if you aren't an idiot. Feels good to be bringing home 170k a year at the age of 20. By the time you lawcucks finish paying off your debt I'll have $2 million saved and be retired.

>> No.1635881

Medicine is the way to go. More bitches also

>> No.1635887


>> No.1635896

Lmao you're fucking retarded, good luck trying to find a job with a BS only in physics

>> No.1635897

shit b8, 0/8

>> No.1635899

You're full of shit, more and more Indian cucks being flown in with their H1B visas have ensured Americans grads don't start anywhere near 170k+

>> No.1635942
File: 283 KB, 898x908, 1474258874196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always seem so angry people. You dont have to get mad when somebody tells your degree is quite a meme, be thankful instead somebody telling you the truth.

>By the time you lawcucks
I have a masters in finance and I have never even applied to a job, i dont need to

>> No.1635985

>muh lawyers are saturated

Every career is saturated

>> No.1636168

who said anything about BS only

In a physics degree you will not graduate without knowing at least C++, python, FORTRAN, MATLAB and possibly java. Anything else we may need for a given job we can teach ourselves, because that's what physicists do. Will you be a system architect? Most likely not. Will you be qualified for tons of software jobs? Yeah.

If you don't believe me look up the statistics on percentage of physics graduates working in software/IT.

>> No.1636170

You missed the part about women joining the workforce

>> No.1636173

>/biz/ discussing degrees
>every degree is a meme
You fucking losers will get nowhere.

>> No.1636194
File: 24 KB, 704x480, cap_rec_20120812_125809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my country, both Law and Engineering were the gratest memes of the last decade. There are no jobs, even for experienced people, with a GDP down 3.5 pct this year.

>> No.1636230

>implying anyone that makes over 100k actually browses this board
Weak bait is weak

>> No.1636248

yea nigga. ((they)) pushed this hard because women are like the ones doing all the disposable income shopping. fucking bitches take our jobs and just piss it away on a new purse.

>> No.1636264

You're right OP, they're both shit.

>> No.1636268

Completely depends.

What are you majoring in? Are you going into masters and how does that field look like? What is your GPA? Where do you live

It's not as simple as you think. In general, if you finish a master for engineering you should have absolutely no difficulties finding a medium-paying job

>> No.1636275

So basically.. be better than half of the pupils?

Well, that was hard.