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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 260x260, Ce8HEAoQ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16353376 No.16353376 [Reply] [Original]

*is gonna die in prison*

>> No.16353395

Reminds me of uncle Ted.

RIP in peace Ross
RIP in peace Ted
RIP in peace Martin

>> No.16353448

>rest in peace in peace

>> No.16353458


ross did nothing wrong.

>> No.16353462

you have to go back

>> No.16353466
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t. pic related

>> No.16353487

Ted Kaczynski was a piece of dogshit. I hope he rots.

Ross is cool though

>> No.16353548

suck my fat dick faggot

>> No.16353591

>Ted Kaczynski was a piece of dogshit.

Ha ha no sweetie

>> No.16353754

I don't care. He killed innocent people because of his autistic dislike of technology.

Ross facilitated violence-free transactions between consenting adults. Ted murdered innocent people. To suggest they are on the same level of moral correctness is retarded. Fuck unabomber cultists and fuck you, faggot. Kys.

>> No.16353769
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free ross

>> No.16353784

He ordered a few murders though.

>> No.16353794

He didn't. Those charges were dropped.

>> No.16353798


>> No.16353807

I read the book. He did do it.

>> No.16353810
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i was selling ounces of mushrooms on his site and was more careful than him

what a fucking retard. literally walks into a library on camera in a surveillance state like san fran and ssh's into his server. i hope he gets raped. he really fucked up my 2014 and caused me great distress by forcing me to get a real job.

>> No.16353813

He shoulda killed you when u wuz a baby

>> No.16353980

Fucking this. All heroes.

>> No.16353996

Why would I ever give a fuck about this guy?

>> No.16354047


>> No.16354058

i fucking hate america. what a shithole hypocrite jewed to death fucktard state. wish every day that place would fucking burn. i left 19 years ago and have never missed it once.

>> No.16354410

The charges being dropped means nothing. All of the evidence is in the trial record.
>withdrawals all caught up
>made a sign error when fixing the bond refund bug, so several vendors had very negative accounts.
>switched to direct connect for bitcoin instead of over ssh portforward
>received visual confirmation of blackmailers execution

>> No.16354413

Where did u go anon?
What countries would u suggest to move to?
I've been thinking about leaving America too.

>> No.16354433

I mean bro.. you sold heroin and coke on the internet and hung out in murkah.. it's hard to feel like you didn't know this would happen. I would free him today.. but play stupid games...

>> No.16354567

True but what place is better than here?

>> No.16354949

>I don't care.
I see, you're so arrogant you can't even see who made him that way.
Stay dumb

>> No.16354970

>gets butt raped by niggers for 100 years
what did he do to deserve this bros?

>> No.16354981

He's in solitary confinement bro. No prison rape for him.

>> No.16354989



>> No.16355063

i bought some of the best shrooms i ever tried on silkroad never tripped that hard in my life of a 1/8th

>> No.16355081

He'll be out in 10 years. If he had talked he would have been whacked.

>> No.16355127

Would he fuck. You really think this guy was privy to the inner-workings of criminal gangs? He just ran a marketplace...

>> No.16355392

This man essentially sacrificed his life so all us could be free sinners. Let me get an F brothers.

>> No.16355401

Good, don't ever come back, even when it does burn down, you coward.

>> No.16355410

Fuck ross, hope he gets raped up the ass. Seriously, why should I give a shit about someone who I have never met, who would probably tell me to fuck myself if I was hungry on the streets?

>> No.16355785

>why should i give a fuck about someone if they dont give a fuck about me first

>> No.16355822

Based ladyboy-fucking expat

>> No.16355879

to this day i'm still puzzled as to why he did it. It's not like he was a poor kid that came from the streets and was just trying to survive. Ross came from a wealthy family. He vacationed in Australia and various other exotic locations. He was literally a trust fund kid.

So why? Why give all that up over some ideological pursuit? I'm sure he misses those beautiful aussie beaches now.

>> No.16355915

Lmao keep supporting people who don't even know you..that will turn out to be a great investment of your time and energy, I'm sure of it!

>> No.16355951

There is a certain type of person who once they realize how rigged the game is, how meaningless life is, and how enslaved everybody is in this economic system they will do anything different because the alternative is suicide from the result of boredom. I knew the type. Many of these people make it far in the education system, they are the truly smart, not just the people who memorize shit so they can work at some fucking bank or google or some boring normie shit. This innovation necessarily requires breaking the law.

>> No.16355987

That could be a factor. But personally i think it's a case of "Not knowing the value of a dollar" syndrome. When you grow up with everything handed to you, everything seems equally worthless. nothing has any context because you've never been without it.

>> No.16355999

he was only there when he feared for his life. not anymore i think

>> No.16356007

So you mean to tell me he did it for the lulz?

>> No.16356033

"knowing the value of a dollar" is slave morality just world bullshit. The wealthy know the value of a dollar just fine, it's how they stay wealthy for generations. Only when you truly understand wealth and the monetary system, which Ross did, are you able to deconstruct it and advocate for alternatives.

>> No.16356049
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>imagine getting this emotional over drugs
yeah, im thinking youre all faggots.

>> No.16356079
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>dreaddit is down permanently
>cryptonia exit scammed or was busted
>empire market is a piece of shit and never works
>police know how to track bitcoin now and monero is a meme

It's over

>> No.16356083
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Poor guy.

On the same topic. What happened to Variety Jones? They've been mute on this topic for some time.

>> No.16356121


>> No.16356264


>> No.16356312

No where. Thats why america has the most immigrants and the most tolerable of all countries. Retards love to talk shit about america but they all wanna come here.

>> No.16356372

Well you wouldn't want to RIP in war, would you?

>> No.16356377

t. retard who never went outside US. I'm glad I'm gone after I had to work for 5 years in this shithole full of fake people. never again. glad to be a eurofag

>> No.16356932

RIP in pieces

>> No.16357622

Because you wouldn’t be here without him


>> No.16357637


>> No.16357644

Ah yes, the thread’s resident cancer poster. Tell me again, when will you be killing yourself? I need ample notice to buy tickets


>> No.16357650

Empire works
Monero works

Not sure what you’re complaining about, my nigger

>> No.16357658

RIP in piss

>> No.16357667


>> No.16357678

john mcafee will pardon him when he gets elected president in 2020

>> No.16357716

>not respecting the fallen heroes
eat shit

>> No.16357727

Rot in piss stupid drug dealing scum

I wish duarte had 5 mins alone with this cunt

>> No.16357738

literally everyone working for him got arrested. he asked for photo ID from everyone and the FBI got all of them lol. i kinda wonder how he's still alive, apparently nobody with serious connections worked for silkroad

>> No.16357747

I would campaign for McAfee purely on this platform

>> No.16357768
File: 116 KB, 1080x1350, 1568748772417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so where can i buy mushrooms now

>> No.16357783

You don't and face life sober you pathetic sack of flesh

>> No.16357837

shoo shoo redd*tor

>> No.16357864

I’m not laughing at him, but he knew the risks

>> No.16357932
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>> No.16357937

i both do drugs and look at anime. what now?

>> No.16357966

just grow em urself pleb

>> No.16357985

bump, anyone know?

>> No.16358006


>> No.16358391

Thats not why he got caught fuckstick. He can easily protect his password, he probably used rsa key. He got busted because the distracted him then grabbed his laptop while he was logged in. The dumb thing he did was use his real name email to promote it early on. His opsec was solid, except for going to the same places to login via public wifi

>> No.16358457

you don't know how much everyone around you is a ratfaced backstabbing self obssessed ultragoy until you live somewhere outside of the states. try it anon.

you have generations of dysgenics designed to turn people into lukewarm IQ cattle. look at footage of people from even the 60s and look at now, go further back for the real redpill. vocabulary, eloquence, fitness. burgers are devolving.


>> No.16358468

lmfao he really went down like BTK? chump change criminality

>> No.16358562

>The charges being dropped means nothing
fucking retard

>> No.16358669

he could rape himself

>> No.16358738

they could always track BTC. Sellers just get fucked more so then buyers

>> No.16358757

I'm a millionaire now because of him. I wouldn't have bought btc if I never looked into buying mushrooms online.

>> No.16358779

Why don't you all go dowb into the prison and suck his balls?
Ross is never going to get out LMAO

>> No.16358788

Turn 360 degrees and head back to plebbit please

>> No.16358792

Ok boomer

>> No.16358800

when drugs get legalized inevitably, he will get pardoned

>> No.16358809

it was literally designed as part of a pop-up protocol spyshop for exactly this purpose. craig wright is unironically a five eyes asset, they dropped a data bomb on the black market ffs

>> No.16358958

they were laced with ketamine

>> No.16358965

If only

>> No.16359670

Get the fuck off my website

>> No.16359672


>> No.16359689
File: 23 KB, 332x326, 1565560318726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empire has been down for two weeks or something

>> No.16359695

Isn't there something you're supposed to not do if you 'can't do the time'? What is it again?

>> No.16359750

Yeah, he only showed that one man has the ability to stop a police state the majority of the country feels is infringing on their civil liberties, to the tune of hundreds of millions.

>> No.16359754


>> No.16359762

Honestly bro... I’m right here with it. I’ve worked in many professions and it is the same everywhere.

And I really do say this as someone who sympathizes. I got a full ride based on a 5min conversation about some of my ideas and observations, and now my life is changed forever.

The next thing that changed my life forever was realizing how fucked up it all is. I personally knew, worked with, and catered to people doing deals with gangs to commit absolutely horrendous white collar crime, as a goddamn minimum wage employee.

Like in a million years I could not possibly express how much it disheartens me to see how much money and suffering passes by the unwitting eyes of a million people who have been in my same position, and simply lacked the awareness to do anything about it, and everyone who knows that shit is happening, does know just how bad it is, and would rather just continue living painful self disintegrating lives than lift a finger. The one who REALLY know, are the ones doing it, and sad piece of shit faggots like me who had an ounce of intelligence to notice.

The sadder part is that I’ve only seen the little shit, like i said I had such experiences working a minimum wage job... I cannot possibly fathom the abuses which occur at higher levels of power, private or govt.

It’s worse than just bumble fuck assholes squandering their workplace efficiency or nepotism. Those things are there and matter, but where there is money, there is someone fucked up. It is pedo shit, it is human trafficking, and it is more real than anyone could ever handle, unless they are incontrovertibly brainwashed into thinking its okay, or they are FUCKED UP.

>> No.16359767

why empire? its trash.

>> No.16359785

you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.16359837

yet you're here on an american board by choice
i'm a born frog and i'd emigrate to the US without a second thought if i could. the US is simply better if you have a modicum of initiative. opportunities everywhere, space (an underrated requirement for freedom)... and all the bad parts can be mitigated with money. not to mention the US will be there 20-30 years from now, whereas the real question here is whether we'll be francistan or faguo

>> No.16359958

Works for me. The DN is Australia is very limited

>> No.16359973

>He vacationed in Australia and various other exotic locations
KEK, Mutt spotted! ffs Anon bet you've never left your state

>> No.16359983

I was even afraid to buy on this website, let alone creating it, this guy has steel balls desu.

>> No.16359984

The incel ross and the alpha CARL FORCE IV


>> No.16360066

libertarianism / NAP is almost as far away as you could get from your average antifa member, fucking idiot

>> No.16360289

>wahh fucking women, eating great food and doing drugs isn't enough for me!! The system is rigged! I'm so depressed

Fucking fags lmao

>> No.16360304


>> No.16360352

>being this painfully new

>> No.16360359
