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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1635171 No.1635171 [Reply] [Original]

>be 22
>get first job ever at a distribution center
>parents super excited thinking it'll cure my clinically diagnosed Asperger's
>first day get sent home after 3 hours with one other person
>it wasn't that hard and I enjoyed it
>second day they tell me not to come
>start to feel they don't want me
>I've heard of places cutting hours instead of firing
>third day sent home after 45 minutes but sent 6 other home as well

Is this how all jobs are? No wonder people get 2-3 jobs.

>> No.1635265

The feels. No, it's not, Anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.1635268

File for unemployment / underemployment.

You may be able to get paid for full 8 hours if you came in and got sent home. Check your labor laws,

>> No.1635304
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>parents super excited thinking it'll cure my clinically diagnosed Asperger's
With a job? WITH A JOB? Man the wagecucking and beta-orbiting stereotypes are true. Americans really are just as dumb and naive as russians.

>> No.1635305

Sorry man, but I think they're trying to beat around the bush to avoid being sued (due to your diagnosis). Better have your parents prepared and start looking for a new job.

>> No.1635306 [DELETED] 

Maybe they're trying to fill some sort of retard quota but don't have an actual job for you to do. Did they ask you about your retardation when they jired you?

>> No.1635308


Maybe they're trying to fill some sort of retard quota but don't have an actual job for you to do. Did they ask you about your retardation when they hired you?

>> No.1636496


Where are you going with this? Why are you talking about wagecucking and beta-orbiting? And what's up with the Russians being dumb and naive, why do you think that?

>> No.1636517

There's a law where they can pay intellectually disabled people 3.50 an hour if they still live with their parents/group home...

>> No.1636520

I can't do that with a seasonal position, as far as I know. I'm from Arkansas, so feel free to correct me.

Hello fellow autism bro.

They don't know I have any mental illness.


He's from /r9k/. They spaz out a lot. He probably waved his arms in the air and screamed yabba dabba doo give me a (You)! after posting.

>> No.1637848

Do you actually have a mental illness?

(Asperger's isn't one)

>> No.1637853

>Is this how all jobs are?
find a better one
full time if at all possible

>> No.1637857

try r9k

>> No.1637924


Sounds like you may have done some things that did not sit well with the company.

Just ask someone in management if you have done something they didn't like, is that why you haven't gotten any hours.

>> No.1639228

fuck are you me, same job, first day work 3 hours ask if can work longer and or earlier supervisor laughs say they have a budget ,second and third day was same. get schedule for next week working 4 days for only 2 hours at 15 an hour, 40 min drive to and from home. I wouldnt be so pissed if the older lady i started with didnt work longer or get better hours.

>> No.1639234

I might live in cancuckistan but I've never had to deal with an emplower that didn't want more hours out of me. I've never been fired either. But some of them are still entitled assholes. Can't win them all I guess. Now if only I could get paid in USD...

>> No.1639235

>Is this how all jobs are?
No. They don't want you.

>> No.1639237

>first job ever

What the fuck