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File: 14 KB, 800x450, ENG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16350217 No.16350217 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me this coin

>> No.16350330 [DELETED] 

No volume.

>> No.16350377

Dark markets like silk road was what catapulted bitcoin into popularity, and remains one of the biggest use cases. Now consider that they have a big flaw, namely that they are centralized. Hacks, exit scams or law enforcement raids kill dark net markets like flies. But with a private smart contract platform like Enigma, you could build a truly decentralized dark market, that would be immune to any kind of external or internal interference. I hope this makes you realize its potential.

>> No.16350552

poo pooo pooooo

>> No.16350632

Ethereum is useless without Enigma. Without Enigma all information needs to be public. Would you like your personal information to be public (like your health care records)? Would you like your company's information to be public?
Well, then you can forget about Ethereum. Unless you use to Enigma network together with Ethereum. But when Enigma gets it's own chain even Ethereum won't even need to exist.

Btw, fucking noobs and retards on this board. They think they are so smart that they found link. Yet they forget that both Enigma and Chainlink were the two most promising ICOs in 2017. They fail to see the significance of Enigma because they are too stuck in their meme centered Sergey universe. Pathetic.

>> No.16350643

>Half of the supply is held by the team
No thanks

>> No.16350656

A large part of the outstanding supply is meant to reward staking. Get yourself 25k now while it is still cheap and you can stake the necessary amount to receive the rewards.

>> No.16350661


kys fagshill

>> No.16350662

If there's no actual reward for staking other than being paid by a central entity that's asking to get dumped and exitscammed on

>> No.16350685

You have to pay ENG to run secret contracts. It is very similar to ETH in that sense. The reward will be embedded in the protocol and not controlled by a central entity.

>> No.16350715

Who wouldnt want to use secret contracts? This shit is gonna be huge

>> No.16350728

any project that carrots staking passive income is a fucking scam, including link and eng

>> No.16350754

It's no different from Ethereum or even Bitcoin. Their protocols give rewards to node runners based on the work they perform, which leads to inflation. The only difference is that PoW unlike PoS does not require a stake to be locked in an account.

>> No.16350757

Aslo, frontrunning is always a problem for "pure" DEX. If you could thwart it cost-effectively it would give rise to truly decentralized dexes.

>> No.16350764

And also decentralized hedge funds. That is my favorite. I can safely sell you my secret sauce recipe without revealing the ingredients to you.

>> No.16350830

Ari Juels wrote a paper recently on frontrunning, it seems to be very prevalent phenomena in decentralized exchanges. By using Enigma you would in some way obscure the transaction queue, such that the property of the queue can be maintained without prematurely publishing the information? Is it possible to integrate it with 0x?

>> No.16350839

I HATE the idea of passive income.

Some people say it is like 'buying time'. No. Time cannot be bought. You will always have 24 hours a day.

If you pay a man to do your laundry (a hour per week kind of habit) you do NOT buy one hour. You buy laundry service, simple as that. Any derivation that tries to classify it as a 'time service' is doomed to fail.

The second idea I hate about it is that, hey, I'm used to do work. Why would 'not working' be any value to me? I CAN work. I am very good at it and I do it 40-60 hours a week. I will HAPPILY exchange my LABOR for MONEY.

>> No.16350845
File: 32 KB, 720x720, 1536935467510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16350856

Your computer is working for you, that's why it's valuable.

>> No.16350860

Its a MIT media labs donated by Epstein coin. Rot in hell

>> No.16350892

>Ethereum is useless without Enigma. Without Enigma all information needs to be public.

This is a bit of an exaggeration. There are other privacy-enabling techniques, including ones that will be native to the EVM and not require a second layer solution, like zk-SNARKs.

>> No.16350911

I'm sorry but YOUR computer is not a machine, as in, 'has the ability to convert energy into useful work'.

YOUR computer is an entertainment, communications, and a information-search device.

It's ability to SOLVE calculations is virtually zero. For example, it cannot process radar data in mining. It cannot maintain a GPS system of a warehouse. It cannot pattern the weather conditions of a fishery. It cannot solve a stress-tensor for a bridge. It cannot maintain a company registry of product data. It cannot support a medical imaging device. It cannot be used in a programming of a industrial robot.

>> No.16350938

What a strange series of posts. Almost nothing you say makes sense. There's a difference between time spent doing things I don't want and things I want, and it is meaningful to buy more time doing things I want rather than don't want. And what are your grounds for claiming that his computer does not and can not do any kind of useful work?

>> No.16350948

I dont bother you with a response, as you show no ability to communicate.

>> No.16350955

You should buy some.
Trust me, I got some.

>> No.16350959

With MPC you can make computations on encrypted data. It works just like regular code, except the data is encrypted. Ethereum cannot do MPC.

With ZKP you could prove that you have access to some secret information, by answering a number of binary questions correctly with high likelihood. To what extent you could apply that technology to work as seamlessly as MPC using TEE, I am conflicted about.

Could you perhaps be more specific on the use cases that is/will be possible with Ethereum? Could, for instance, Ethereum support trustless coin mixing like Enigma as already demonstrated? Without MPC I am pretty sure it's impossible?

>> No.16350963

Buy Kava instead. 2017-18 shitcoins besides Link won’t ever make you rich

>> No.16350969

The goal is not to become rich, the goal is to make money

>> No.16350981

Ok, they I will give up trying to make sense of your posts and just ignore you.

>> No.16351009

if enigma is so kewl why did iexec was the main company in creating tcf? seems like iexec is doing what eng was supposed to do

>> No.16351010

You are just one person who have shown unwillingness to communicate

>> No.16351029

I have absolutely not shown unwillingness to communicate. The whole point of my post was to enhance communication by understanding your post better. You however, did show unwillingness to communicate. You instantly shut down my attempts to communicate, for no reason.

>> No.16351043

ok boomer

you know, i can always tell these boomers. they are used to the idea that life is some kind of a greasy crab-in-a-bucket wrestling match (which it isnt anymore)

>> No.16351060

I get it now, you are just a troll. Congrats, you got me, hope you are happy.

>> No.16351063

Ah so I must be a 'lower-class' than you (a troll compared to a normal poster) for you to exit this peacefully

ok boomer

>> No.16351717
File: 143 KB, 798x745, Universal-Protocol-Team-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insider here, I bought the bottom of ENG after overhearing what they told Pantera at DevCon. Here's some tips. Buy LINK. Buy as much fucking LINK as possible. Make sure you have at least 32 ETH (not for the gains but for beer money forever). Also, look into pic related, I made it easy for you.