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16349518 No.16349518 [Reply] [Original]

How come self improvement doesn't work?

>> No.16349531

If you need to improve yourself you're tacitly admitting you aren't good enough

>> No.16349534

If you're like me it's because
1. You don't have the money or connections to capitalize and exploit your new habits or ideas
2. You've been reading Anthony Robbins tier bullshit that much like a painkiller masks the symptoms of existential pain, without actually adressing the root causes
3. You've bought into the 'motivation' meme
4. You have unclear or misguided goals and objectives in your life
5. You lack the ability to identify the causal relationships that are impeding you accomplishing goals, and wratchet up others
6. You don't know where to start

>> No.16349538


because youre a genetic failure.

>> No.16349567
File: 45 KB, 728x517, olfhjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that shit and you forgot the only one that actually matters: you're just fucking ugly.

>> No.16349604

I'm probably way cuter than you. Attracts the wrong kind of lady.

>> No.16349614

Because everything is predetermined and most are designed to fail

>> No.16349636

>I'm probably way cuter than you.
Pretty sure you're a sperg posting on 4chan on a friday night with all the other ugly losers.

>> No.16349638

the hard truth is that genetics and childhood are 99% responsible for your lifes outcome

>> No.16349645

True, but why do people place so much faith and hope in self improvement? Is it simply just world fallacy?

>> No.16349648

Please tell me what you're accomplishing tonight? While I'm sitting on the porch at 3pm day drinking.

>> No.16349872

your brain makes change feel terrible because it wants to keep you safe in your comfort zone.

it makes you hesitate.

to improve yourself you need to ignore your feelings and act immediately.

1. define your goals
2. define how you get there
3. act without hestitating

it will feel very uncomfortable, but it will get easier when you get used to it.

most of self-help is trying to motivate yourself which doesn't work because your brain doesn't want you to change.

>> No.16350119

How come it hasn't worked for you?

>> No.16350125
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You just have much more work to do than most people will ever in a lifetime ... Probably not gonna make it OP

>> No.16350134

Straight up anon
If you’re on 4chan your self improvement is a failure

>> No.16350173

probably because you're older than 25 and you're actually, literally, unironically, completely fucked unless you undergo major trauma to the brain, and any neuroscientist who isn't trying to sell you on a program will probably straight up tell you as much

if you're under 25 however, this is how you really do it. you stop expecting change to be a gradual ramp of feeling good, and you start expecting it to be a grueling hellish process that you're going to do no matter what until it feels good.

changing your expectation will make following through on your plans harder, so the next step is exactly what anon here suggests and learning how to press the "fuck it" button. it's the same button you press when you just fucking finally send that message to the woman you're finna take out.

>> No.16350175


>> No.16350188

Also this is big fax. If only those morphs were possible irl. I need lefort 9000

>> No.16350194
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1200, 10136-the-narrator-tyler-durden-fight-club-1920x1200-movie-wallpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self improvement is masturbation and masturbation leave you empty inside.

>> No.16350198

this image should be posted everywhere in every courtroom, school, and bank for fuck's sake. the halo effect is so annoying.

>> No.16350205

Nothing that actually affects your life can be fixed by self improvement cope. The best you could do is get surgery tatts and get on roids... And that's mainly cope or could backfire if you have the balding gene.

>> No.16350208

>This is about attracting women

Women have always found me fascinating in one way or another. Self help gurus sell you what you want to hear. Nobody has any real incentive to sell you an empirically effective, tailored-to-you recipe for success, much less formulate one.

>> No.16350218

Ultimately life is about getting food and procreation. Everything beyond that is either a proxy for those desires or stemmed off from them.

>> No.16350222

a big fat war is needed where most of you losers get weeded out

t. actual Chad

>> No.16350236

Cont. Why would you want to improve yourself if you could get everything you needed just existing? We are lazy by nature. So inherently you want to improve to get what you do not have. Don't say it's about money. You know If men could fuck women in a cardboard box no one would bother working.

>> No.16350243

t. loser

>> No.16350246

>Chad posts on 4chan
The cope. Chad hasn't used the internet.

>> No.16350249

God is merely the expression of perfection. Most people conceive of God prima facie as something that can make whatever, whenever.

If you can think properly, this tells you an absolute fuck ton about human priorities and triggers.

>> No.16350264

God isn't a reality. God is a idealistic hypocrisy. We are dictated by our inbred hedonistic desires and doing anything besides that we have to ask (((who)))really benefits?

>> No.16350304

Don't be daft, you're at peak Dunning-Kruger with this post. It's a breakdown of the structure of belief in human psychology, whether or not there's some fairy being in the sky is entirely irrelevant.

I think the phrasing "God is efficiency, that is perfect production at zero cost" actually sells the meaning more concisely. The point is people don't actually want to work for anything except power, and they want the power so they can work less (incidentally making power the object of power, thanks Orwell), and their preferences are usually more aligned with who can help them to produce efficiently than they are with who has helped them in the past or who will help them produce efficiently in a moral fashion. There are even more ways to unspool this, probably because this quality of divinity is present across a number of religions, a number of non-religious fictions, technical implementations and other art - a fact indicating that a propensity for this kind of prioritization of virtues is baked in.

>> No.16350313

It doesn’t work on the timeframe that you want it to,you mean

>> No.16350326

If I'm peak dunning Kruger you must be peaking on acid and feeling enlightened fella

>> No.16350337

Is this what the world looks like to a 95 IQ?
strong yikes if you think that's an acid post. it's literally borderline trite.

>> No.16350357

Hasn't worked on your timeframe either.

>> No.16350360

“Reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions.”
― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

>> No.16350367

On 4chan during a friday night in a depression thread
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16350869

Because it's ironic, like trying to relax, your not relaxing if you are trying to relax are you. Because you are trying to relax you trying to relax isn't you relaxing its you doing the activity of "trying to relax".

Same as you, a thing that needs fixing, trying to fix itself. The thing that needs improving cannot improve itself because it is the one who needs improving. Just give up. Then you will be relaxed enough to think clearly to do the things you want to do.

>> No.16350880

these deformities are caused by environmental toxins and toxic additives in our food, yeah IDC if it's FDA approved if its not meat and vegetables it's not good for you and going to have unforeseen fuckups to your 200 million years of evoluton

>> No.16351024

Because it’s a whole industry built on peddling ideas that don’t work so they can keep selling courses.
The final redpill is that you’re not really in control of any part of your life but that is too much for people to handle.

>> No.16351048

What if im 25 faggot

>> No.16351208
