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16348912 No.16348912 [Reply] [Original]

What luxuries will you treat yourself to when you finally make it?

>> No.16348920

More Ferrum. Compounding gains anon, that's how you get generational wealth.

>> No.16348930


>> No.16348938

Look at that pleb smartphone with only one function. It has a hipster retro display and a pride wrist-case.

>> No.16348941
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>> No.16348942

E-Tractor and Bobcat E10e for my newly bought farm

>> No.16348957

a regular heart rate

>> No.16349005

I just want enough to have

>good deli meats, bread and cantaloupe / watermelon whenever I want

>one of those soft hotel beds, the really soft comfy ones

>phone with unlimited data

>some guns

>old books

thats pretty much it. did I mention a really soft bed?

>> No.16349016

Lmfaooo. Gay and a omega. Go straight and at least rock an invicta. What r u fcking thinking?

Why can’t it be back in the day where you’re shot if you’re gay.

>> No.16349029
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Some top tier NYC BBQ

>> No.16349039

rape of women

>> No.16349069

So some gutter trash texas bbq you're saying.

>> No.16349154

A bus pass and quality food

>> No.16349166

is cocaine considered a luxury?

>> No.16349174

but with a craft beer.

>> No.16349176

A house

>> No.16349184

kek haven't seen that one for a long time

>> No.16349189

A life and some friendos

>> No.16349195

I’ll be your friendo, fren

>> No.16349198

Are we not gonna talk about how this guys a faggot and deserves to die?

>> No.16349527

Hey hey hey guys we got a basedboy faggiee. Let’s jump this bitch ass.

>> No.16349569

My own time.

>> No.16349615

>Go straight and at least rock an invicta

>> No.16349651
File: 20 KB, 720x621, 12A81117-D91E-4C3E-996D-A1A8CF09DBCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus—what a FAGGY watch

>> No.16349662


That little piece of meat looks so sad.

>> No.16349669

This, stealth wealth