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File: 575 KB, 599x681, endofbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16347032 No.16347032 [Reply] [Original]

i think we can safely say that Bitcoin is pretty much worthless now and that they are right, it's a useless commodity.

Frankly I don't think i will invest in it anymore and go back to FIAT currency, not like the value will go up any time soon like it did in the past.

>> No.16347041

Gotta fade a good lecture headline

>> No.16347044


>> No.16347058

Nope just logic.

>> No.16347063

That's right capitulate anon....sell those heavy bags

>> No.16347099
File: 33 KB, 500x483, E07CF45A-7629-4923-AE64-C492A3761401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frankly I don't think i will invest in it anymore and go back to FIAT currency, not like the value will go up any time soon like it did in the past.
Try to hide behind your post better next time because I can still see your (((nose)))

>> No.16347124
File: 2 KB, 110x125, 1512615622305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin is up because it's tulip mania 2.0
>Bitcoin is down because it's tulip bubble 2.0 bursting

Seriously have to be a major brainlet to base your opinions off of articles written by journalists who know less about what they are writing about than the average 6th grader

>> No.16347163

Yeah put it in a 1.5% savings account or 2.5% junk bond.
Holding fiat in BTC is stupid when the above options make up for inflation, usually

>> No.16347172

>Bitcoin is down and NOBODY CARES that's why I'm writing this article in the hopes that someone will click on it so I can have money
>signed, Literally Who

>> No.16348066

Whoever wrote that article is a dumbass.

>> No.16348406


lol stay poor or nice bait, not sure which one this is coming from this godforsaken board kek

>> No.16348419

fuck this hack probably sponsored by Goldman Sachs

>> No.16348434

Inflation is over 2%, so a savings account would make you lose purchasing power and you think earning 0.5% over inflation is worth the risk of owning junk bonds?

>> No.16348439

Bitcoins fair market value is somewhere in the low trillions right now. Its the first social movement since the hippies to actually gain traction, and the hippies made hundreds of trillions in industry, including but not limited to the drug trade. Bitcoin is actually industrially useful though on a large scale unlike hemp ponchos, also they both were funded and socially programed by the CIA.

>> No.16348449

>I don’t need cat videos
>therefore, YouTube has no value

Do you see how retarded you are now?

>> No.16348578

>nigga from Ameritrade
Don't wanna sound conspiratorial but the guys up top make bank by spooking everyday investors into selling their shit for cheap and cashing in when it's hyped back up. Same w/ Bitcoin.

>> No.16348585

thats nonsense anon
Why would a decentralized, non-government controlled, unsiezable, fake internet money with no transaction limits be worth anything you idiot

>> No.16348630

I bet you guys are niggers or spics and BTC is your 'side hustle' since you moved on from Advocare.

>> No.16348809

>intellectual troll

>> No.16348842

Shit bait kys

>> No.16348865

lol, drug dealers will still use it

>> No.16348921

Imagine the people who were investing in airplanes during 1912.

They were still mostly useless novelties, and their main purpose was sending faster mail or scouting or doing air shows. Nobody could imagine just how different airplanes would be in just 15 years.

>> No.16349969

>Imagine the people who were investing in airplanes during 1912.
You're comparison fits better than most. People are cynics and have trouble believing something good like BTC will come into their lives. They refuse to look at this without personal bias and overlook the basics like supply and demand

>> No.16350014
File: 15 KB, 338x293, 1574176824958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this homie, shieeeet

>> No.16350019

Glow nigger OP on suicide watch. Suicide em real good like epstein

>> No.16350032

TD Ameritrade certainly doesnt have any bias. Very informative. Sold like a good goy.

>> No.16350066

>Doesn't understand about hedging
>Doesn't realize many people do need BTC
>Doesn't know how many times China pulled this stunt
Well Oliver just made my list of people I wont take investment advise from

>> No.16350077

Africa need crypto but only low fee on.

>> No.16350108

I agree, most people are not that smart and very programmable. The constant media hype outflow of bitcoin reminds me of the XRP hype. It's like one of the cartoons where a cartoon entity rides a horse with a stick and a piece of corn attached to it. The horse keeps running in vain, never getting a taste of that corn. That's how bitcoin market currently is in my opinion. I think margin trading prevents bitcoin from any moves, because both hopes and fears get capitalized.

Personally I think it's wise to load up on cheap altcoins with mainstream industrial potential. If they get used, value will explode anyhow, whether Chinese people are allowed to buy crypto or not. I hope at some point alts will breakaway from btc and industrial implementation will lead to another bullrun.

>> No.16350234

>it's wise to load up on cheap altcoins with mainstream industrial potential.
Not a bad decision vs traditional markets but when you compare to BTC, it's silly. The demand for alts so much lower than BTC and most Altcoin buyers are BTC fanatics or new money.
>If they get used
Big if for a lot of products. ETH is used so much it's slow, during the quiet season.
> hope at some point alts will breakaway from btc
Unlikely, unless one coin really does drink every other's milkshake and become the worlds reserve currency.

The idea that any crypto would flip BTC is extremely stupid and only expressed anonymously.

>> No.16350277

I sense you are a btc maxi, obviously it's the easy thing to do, herd mentality, but imho the way to make money is to precede herd mentality and be a contrarian.

When alts demand is low but future alt demand will be high (if you pick the right ones) then it's wise to load up on the right alts obviously. I believe mentality regarding alts will change once it gets real. Remember mainstream players they all want blockchain not bitcoin. You can replace blockchain with "altcoins with mainstream industrial implementation". So while the current crypto fanatics get high on btc kool-aid, it seems to me just a matter of who, either average crypto investors or mainstream funds, are going to buy up the altcoins first when stuff gets real.

Regarding breaking away from btc, I don't think btc will be dethroned any time soon, just that it has become a speculation tool for traders whereas (thus less chance of big gains) whereas some altcoins are like penny stocks on the stock market that have the potential to grow tremendously.

>> No.16350641

>I sense you are a btc maxi
I'm not but maybe closer to maxi than altcoiners. I've shilled shitcoins here since OMG ICO, I was lucky enough to find ETH here below $50 and ANS below a buck but I knew alts wouldn't flip BTC.

I'm called pajeet more than any poster here because I post, pi, airdrops, exchange tokens, smart contracts, and whatever might go up in value.

>alts demand is low but future alt demand will be high (if you pick the right ones)
yeah, the right ones but you should acknowledge the risk there is much greater than BTC. I tell anons in every thread almost that they should hold BTC, ETH, BNB, LTC if they're serious and I'll hold small % in those always, it will be a bigger % after BTC hits ATH
>Remember mainstream players they all want blockchain not bitcoin. You can replace blockchain with "altcoins with mainstream industrial implementation"
Mainstream banks and corps owned by them resist money they can't control. BTC is what it is and everyone can take it or leave it but because the mainstream companies are hesitant doesn't mean they won't take it.

You can't replace Blockchain with crypto. They don't want crypto either unless they control it and can reverse it. Fortune 500's want blockchain for logistics or whatever without the the product being speculated on. They will split the market a million ways and BTC will still be king.

Funds aren't going all in on shitcoins, BTC has all the money in it. All the real work is done for that chain, others support BTC by taking the load so BTC doesn't have to scale up. Fast TX times and low fees would sink BTC price after all you alt maxi's split your own market share up among millions of cryptos
>whereas some altcoins are like penny stocks on the stock market that have the potential to grow tremendously.
Every altcoiner needs to admit this. The real reason they buy alts is because they see BTC as stocks and alts as penny stocks. and they value BTC stocks by tx times.

>> No.16350730

I am surprised to actually find some level of intelligence on a board like this. I appreciate your sincerity.

Statistically I think you are right, the odds of picking the wrong alts are much higher than picking the right ones. But based on technical fundamentals and mainstream endorsement etc. it's possible to pick a few rock-solid gems. I see you are clinging much to the estabished blockchain projects (besides BNB), i prefer small scale newer projects with unique fundamentals, so really looking for undiscovered, unpumped gems to do perhaps a 10-100x in the next few years. But that's a personal decision I think everybody should make, my way is obviously more risky than yours.

Regarding your bitcoin/alts mainstream endorsement analysis however I have to disagree somewhat. Bitcoin is in and of itself a financial system,attempting to compete with our current monetary financial systems, control here seems necessary for government in order to maintain global monetary stability and prevent all kinds of negative spill-over effects. Altcoin projects however are more like an enrichment of the current internet technology industries that are out there. I believe therefore they are viewed more positively by governments/companies. Most tokens of altcoin projects are utility tokens, meaning their price is insignificant to the mainstream entities that use them, they are not meant to be used as speculative assets by mainstream entities, although it seems to me that this will inevitably follow.

I agree that bitcoin is currently the colossus of crypto, however to me the foundations seem a little outdated regarding scalability and usage for small transactions. If it can fix this in the future and current financial systems collapse under the weight of global debt then yeah I can imagine bitcoin market cap growing to trillions of dollars, but at this stage to me it seems speculative. At the end of the day I hope both bitcoin and alts will grow together in sweet harmony.

>> No.16350795

back to pol you projecting retard no one cares about race here only money matters faggot

>> No.16350884

>i prefer small scale newer projects with unique fundamentals, so really looking for undiscovered, unpumped gems to do perhaps a 10-100x in the next few years.
I have more of these but they're the type that Biz hates (scams, pajeet, smart contracts), knows about, or are exchange tokens no one talks about.
>Altcoin projects however are more like an enrichment of the current internet technology industries that are out there.
Alts are inside BTC and BTC inside alts through many versions of WBTC and tether.
Alts and BTC are linked at creation sometimes through merged mining. Atomic swaps will extend BTC into every single crypto that allows it.

Holding BTC is holding alts in the future, if you hold your own you get forks and airdrops that sometimes become valuable.

It's too late BTC has already merged, swapped, embedded, paid dividends in altcoins and drank everyone's milkshake but it's not so clear yet. BTC won, The alts need it and it needs them anyway. BTC won't handle defi, soon. That's good for the secure chain though and it gives ETH more value too.

I get why you and most here feel the way you do. I do to a degree as well.

BTC is starting to enter the mainstream culture here the last 5 years, but it's so complicated and based around monetary policy that isn't understood much.

I see BTC as a speculative asset mostly but the others are more speculative. No one has BTC's user count. Those other alts have more wallets per user and they're proven wrong over and over about their facts.

I was an altcoiner who learned everything about price movement, then I came back to BTC. When I understood that my Alts will live and die with the mama chain.

>> No.16350935

>I don't need pet rocks
>therefore pet rocks have no value

>> No.16350956

I think you are right about btc and altcoins having become mutually interdependent, it's like btc is the gold standard of the crypto economy. I agree that investing in btc seems more safe, however the potential gains if you pick the right alt seems to me to be much higher.

Personally I wouldn't invest in hidden gems if they are not listed on notable exchanges yet, there is a chance they never get listed and never take off and you lose it all.

Anyway g2g, thanks for the convo, have a nice day!

>> No.16350962

fucking retard logic. get your buying power stolen while they keep pumping fake money into the system. please// you deserve it.

>> No.16350967

That is the kind of headline you make if btc breaks 1k, it seems quite clickbaity and silly for right now. I mean isn’t it still up almost 100% this year?

>> No.16350985
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>> No.16351001


(((They))) know better. Kek. I don’t trust (((Bankers))) so fuck off.

>> No.16351185

>I mean isn’t it still up almost 100% this year?