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16346555 No.16346555 [Reply] [Original]

So anons my grandma just told me that’s she’s on her last legs and she will leave me 4 million reais...(1milion USD) what do I do with all this money? How do I invest? I’m 18 so I’m fairly new to business life...

>> No.16346564

put it all in LINK lol

>> No.16346564,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey its me ur grandma

>> No.16346571

burn them. Money wont make you happy

>> No.16346585

>this 18 yr old faggot is inheriting a MILLION and link still hasn't made me rich

life is suffering.

>> No.16346596


>> No.16346597

Livable income from a fucking savings account even at today's rates

>> No.16346601

listen crypto is where the real money is. Invest all of it or 90% at least in eth right now while it's cheap

>> No.16346602

all in on vidt you will be worth tens of millions

>> No.16346606

50% LINK
50% gold

>> No.16346614

An option but I don’t want to survive I want to thrive like I’m a fucking Jew

>> No.16346617

Index funds

>> No.16346623

Ok good offer might consider that..

>> No.16346629
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You already made it. Just fucking blow it all.

>> No.16346635

Buy 50k linkies and a ton of cocaine

>> No.16346637

So whores and blackjack?

>> No.16346640

Get into real estate.

Look at buying blocks of apartments near universities, much better than buying single houses.

>> No.16346641

Don't forget the liquor.

>> No.16346650

Checked. Fugg if I were 18 with that money I would fuck it up. Just be careful if you aren't already good with money mate. As far as what to actually do with it... I don't know. Investing in yourself is always a good option. Just be balanced I guess is my input

>> No.16346652

make a thread when you market buy link so we can also long fren

>> No.16346662

That’s actually a very good idea...my family has been doing real state for years in small scale...

>> No.16346669
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turn it into 100 million by trading options

>> No.16346681
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But seriously anon just think of the shit you could have immediately.... You could get so many titties in your face. Just think about it man..

>> No.16346685

Maybe after I turn more money around...

>> No.16346697


>> No.16346708

I’m a virgin bro..I’m not very interested in sex I prefer to weightlift or fight or make money I’m honestly a lot like a Jew...

>> No.16346718

Track the S&P 500 asshole.

>> No.16346731

Dude. Spend half and have the time of your fucking life then invest the other half of that shit in ez mode boomer stocks or etfs or whatever the fuck.

>> No.16346782

You can retire with 2 million with a decent income for Latin America. You won't even need to buy a home since you can rent

Go to Principal to get a decent pension and live a happy life

>> No.16346796

Nice idea might take that

>> No.16346797

Amigo, eu não acredito em você, mas mesmo que seja verdade, você sabe que com essa quantidade de dinheiro não importa muito o que você investir. Você pode por esse dinheiro na porra da poupança rendendo 2% ao mês que ainda vai tar feito pra vida.

>> No.16346810

Valeu...eu acho

>> No.16346814


2% ao ano**

>> No.16346823
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there is only one answer

>> No.16346825

Mais e o pior rendimento...eu n qro sobreviver aro prosperar....

>> No.16346843

Jews don’t lift or fight. So in summary: not a jew; just stupid and fueled by the (((Jewish))) narrative of acquiring money.

>> No.16346845

Everyone is on their last legs. You only get two.

>> No.16346858

Sorry I meant the part of being obsessed by money...but I do like to lift and fight

>> No.16346868

I meant that she’s going to die...

>> No.16346905

Trips checked.

Real estate.

>> No.16346916

Thanks everyone you gave me some great ideas...gold,real state,link,cocaine,liquor...so on I’m going to examine your suggestions and take my decision...

>> No.16347039
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>that's only 22 kilos of gold
Become a dictator of a group of small pigmy villagers and make all the females ur waifus while cukcing the men with you gold.

>> No.16347042

Ok I decided I’m going real state and gold and I’m going to reserve 10% of the money for fun...

>> No.16347126
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Nigga get out of Brazil and move to Colorado. Smoke herb all day, buy a cabin, and be free from debt with a hoarde of gold and silver.
You're one lucky sonnofa bitch.

>> No.16347185


>> No.16347193

But I don’t so drugs just beer and cigars...and sake occasionally and whiskey

>> No.16347204
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>tfw no qt pigmy gf to cuck pigmy villagers with

>> No.16347206

>haha no marijuana for me thanks, I'll stick to good ol alcohol so that my body is unable to synthesize proteins properly

>> No.16347207

How much for such a cabin?

>> No.16347244

Ditch the gold, anon. Gold doesn't work for you, it just sits and does nothing. Stocks and shares are better.

>> No.16347275

Stocks you say I will invest a part of my muneh in these but I think gold is a long term investment since it can never lose value only gain a little over time

>> No.16347283

It’s not like I drink a lot...just a glassof whiskey a month or some beer every five days

>> No.16347293


I'm not familiar with options. How do they work and how much money did this guy leverage from a creditor?

>> No.16347304

No more than 100k in crypto,
Fren. Some chainlink and btc is fine but put most of that money in index funds and dividend stocks. Now is not the time however to enter stocks since the market is too high. Wait for the next recession and out the bulk of it in. Don’t try to live off the interest. Get a career you like and add to the principle and let it compound for 20 years. You’re young and you’re getting a leg up a lot of people don’t at your age. Don’t squander it on cars and bullshit.

>> No.16347313

put 500k into a bank vault that you cannot open for 10 years

>> No.16347315

Ok thanks a career you say? Hmmm there’s nothing in particular my family is composed of lawman and lawyer’s so I guess I’ll do that

>> No.16347372

Well thanks everyone I have to dine now and I’m going to stop browsing 4chan for today you guys gave me some good ideas

>> No.16347388

you fucking brainlet it's REAL ESTATE

>> No.16347394

Fuck all that crypto shit. Im serious, you are already rich. Go for the safe route and buy real estate and rent it out. You get a check every month and your money is safe in stones.

>> No.16347462

if you want a real answer, buy a property or two in a good area, like a previous anon said, near universities is a giod option.
save yourself 30-50k to fuck around with and have fun for a year or two, and invest a 50-100k in index or mutual funds way easier than trading stocks and way more return than bank interest.

>> No.16347468

this. fucking clown world

>> No.16347487

I'd split like $50k between LINK and ETH, use like $100k to get a condo and rent it out to someone, and put the rest into some dividend stocks.

>> No.16347491
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After his first boxing coach John Bastable (the Baptist) The Bastard son of man due on Christmas met a man named David who gave him to God. He told him he relies on his left to much for fear of the use of his right hand.

The internet is in the clouds and the first horse is blockchain technology. Second is the chaos that comes from the transition towards a decentralized monetary system.

If you would like to be part of the meek that inherit the Earth buy LINK(chainlink) and hold. The prosperity will come from it's use cases once adopted.

Also stack physical silver. As with a Judas kiss the banks will hit the reset button first and bring us back to a standard. The sixth seal is my personal favorite.

I thought this too. I changed it from "silver and a bit gold" to just silver after God told me to all in on silver.

>> No.16347501

All in btc and you will be rich as fuuuck after a year

>> No.16347536
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>Stocks and shares are better.

>> No.16347587
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You don't gotta be so gay about it

>> No.16347595
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>yes, goyim. forget gold. buy my (((shares))) instead.
You'll be Elon Musk in no time, bucko!

>> No.16347669

Ajude-me com 50k reais

>> No.16347749

Don’t be a police officer in Brazil fren. Way too dangerous. Some of the other anons were right on. But an investment property that you can rent out. Or a duplex where you can live in one and rent out the other. You could go 40% real estate, 40% index funds, and 10% crypto. Something like that and in 20 years you will have way more than 1 million if you live modestly. Your biggest problem is that you live in a shitty dangerous country. Try to figure out a way to get to the US or an island in the Caribbean or something. Someplace where you’re less likely to get killed in some random drug crime.

>> No.16347830

Buy this stocks:
Coca Cola

>> No.16347859

1. Pay off your debts.
2. Don't tell anyone about the money
3. Don't spend the money
4. Wait to invest the money
5.Find out what works for you.

>> No.16347864

Yes that what he is saying

>> No.16347869

All in on Chainlink as soon you can move the money to Binance. Right now is the dip time is short before the moonshot.

>> No.16347879

This is highly legit

>> No.16347907
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Imagine being so economically illiterate

>> No.16347909

Use that 1 million to pay off a car, house, and college. Spend the next 4 years or so just focusing on school and getting a degree, along with meeting rich/influential kids by going out to parties. Make friends with them and get a reputation for being genuinely smart and funny.
Get your degree, contact one of those rich friends for a job, live comfortably for the rest of your life wagecucking (not really wagecucking).

>> No.16347932

1 million into stocks
1 million into bonds
1 million into property
1 million into LINK

>> No.16347952



okay how about a more relevant time frame?

>> No.16348021

OP, you're way too young to handle that kind of money.

If I were you I'd diversify in the following way:

30% gold and silver
30% stocks
15% crypto (Half of that into BTC)
25% in cash (Not fucking Reais but USD or CHF: the Swiss Franc)

Start paying attention to the markets, don't fucking blindly believe /biz/ of all places and above all: start recognizing who you can trust in this life. A lot of people might try to get closer to you now that you have some money. Be extremely aware of that.

>> No.16348209

Gold and silver too high and crypto is a meme.

50% stocks
10% gold
30% real estate
20% cash

>> No.16348344

What is your hedge if the stock market crashes?

>> No.16348369
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An open window

>> No.16348387

The sweet wind of liberty!

>> No.16348564

Fck you larp. We know none of what you said is true u fcking broke dirty pajeet faggot

>> No.16348632

Put 90% into LINK, keep rest in fiat incase you need it.

>> No.16348786

Buy 50% commodities and 50% equities.

>> No.16348794

>Invest 110% of your money

Learn to math.

>> No.16348801

this but unironically

>> No.16348829

All the Cali degenerates are moving en masses to Colorado cause of weed and "hiking", and real estate has sharply gone up. That cabin is probably $800,000 no joke

>> No.16348846

They wont show you because gold fell back to its historical 2% yield while the market exploded in growth

>> No.16348856

don't invest any of it into crypto, you'll lose it all

just invest in a few low risk ETF's that pay out anywhere from 5-8%/year consistently, even 5% per year on $1M generates $50,000 dividend each year, and you'll never have to work again if you live somewhere affordable. You will be retired at 18 getting a safe and easy (and permanent) $50k+/year

>> No.16348878
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(1). Travel the world to find a cool place to live as you grow up. Do it cheap. Pretend to be a starving student.
(2). Invest your money in a reasonably safe ratio. 40% etf stock 40% index bond 20% real estate.
(3) Find a really cool job to meet people. Like sports, music biz or politics. You're not doing it for money, but remember the only true source of happiness is people in life. Meaningful human relationships are the only true source of happiness. Money and stuff get old no matter how awesome it feels at first. Watching your son who you supported and raised accomplish something great is a vastly infinitely more rewarding experience than things. You have the freedom to be an awesome dad. I'm jealous.

(4) Do not marry a woman until you are at least 36. They will ruin you before that if you are rich. Fuck all the bitches you want but do not marry them. There is no greater bad decision you can make in your life than marrying the wrong woman. When you get to be 36 you will have wisdom to tell a good woman from the shit pile of roasties after your money.

Good luck and enjoy. I'm jealous but truly am happy for you Anon. You have an opportunity to be great. Don't waste it on some Favela trash roastie.

Remember the line from Alexander. Always be wary of women. They are far, far more dangerous than men.

>> No.16350039
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>he doesn't know about the coming collapse

>> No.16350067
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>> No.16350489

You will be a high net worth individual at that point. Hire a professional asset mgmt firm. They will diversify your shit.

>> No.16350500

>download robinhood app and buy ETFs
pick sectors you like
>collect dividend
modest 3% yearly on 1,000,000 is 30,000
>minimize spending
don't buy stupid shit or get married

>> No.16351022
File: 119 KB, 561x541, 07D8D72F-D6C4-45B7-BCB5-67E2CB8A79EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be damn sure to buy some BCH


>> No.16351076

Please give to the United Negroid College Fund

>> No.16351619

don't be a peterson fagg

>> No.16351651
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>reddit link

Cashies are by far the most reddit out of any coin.

>> No.16351799
