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16344523 No.16344523 [Reply] [Original]

Another day staring st excel and then a Friday night at home alone, that will make 453 straight weekends spent alone.

How are we doing gentlemen?

>> No.16344529

first for financial losses

>> No.16344532

Greetings to all still out there. I've been holding my bags since January 2018. Not feeling so good bros...is there anyone out there

>> No.16344562

How is that even possible. That's more than there are days in a year. Holy shit I need to turn my life around before it gets this bad

>> No.16344575
File: 41 KB, 511x671, Day_dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I woke up today and decided to do some exercises. Sit ups, squats, and lunges with some push ups. It was tough SHIT because I exercise on and off and my body is a flabby piece of garbage.

I was reading Exalted today (RPG) and I was thinking of how sweet it would be to fight demons and save the world while being a god gifted hero. Meanwhile, in THIS world I'm a low IQ retard. Is there anything good in this world? SPOILERS: No. Everything in this world blows.

I hope before I die I can give the middle finger to all the faggots who hated me. All the wagecucks, jannys, jews and my fucking parents for birthing me. What wagecucks call "leeching" is just me taking back what I'm owed for being born You owe me wagie and I aim to collect. suck my dick, balls and asshole.

>> No.16344579
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>> No.16344610

~50 weekends in a year, so if you never go out from the time it’s socially acceptable (when you first get a car at 16) until 25 or so you’d hit that number. Being a friendless incel loser from 16 to 25 is pretty easy to accomplish.

>> No.16344644

Girl I’ve been in love with like a faggot for three years is going to grad school in NY and I can’t stop feeling sick about how much better her life is/will be and I won’t be a part of it anymore

>> No.16344664

dont worry anon youll find another girl to orbit

>> No.16344677

God willing

>> No.16344695

Someone ive known since 3rd grade dropped out of highschool and worked in the service industry for years.
He doesnt make above $14 per hour and never had another job. He managed to get a gf that owns a house, friends with connections and some recognition and some decent ass on the side from that recognition. His outlook on life is uplifting.
Meanwhile i get shit on at work places and lose opportunities from other people backstabbing me and on top of that was made fun of in general. I know exactly what i am missing out in when i think about my weekends alone. I am bitter and worried about the future.
The difference between me and the person ive known is on a completely superficial level. He is a complete bitch when it comes down to toughness and not getting what he expects but people overlook that.

>> No.16344733

you must ignore your feelings. You must focus on yourself and redirect the feelings that you cannot ignore to other people.
She is dead to you, there is no point in continuing the charade. Life isnt like superbad, you wont have 3 months to fuck her, party & hang out.

>> No.16344834

>Being a friendless incel loser from 16 to 25 is pretty easy to accomplish
I didn't know that as I turned into an incel loser after 25. Sucks