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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 800x800, ayw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16339401 No.16339401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any fucking board left on this website that isn't just rightist/fascist/racist brainwashing all the time?

Not gonna lie to you, I'm a fucking newfag, I've joined this shit community in 2016 and it was already filled with nazi incels at the time, but I chose to stay anyways because I liked the more sane people on here and the old culture of this website. I like the retarded memes and the humour on here.

But hey anons, I'm not a fascist and never will be, I've already made up my mind about my political ideologies a long fucking time ago so I don't really give a shit about all these fucking boomers/incels trying to push their racist/sexist/homophobic shit down my throat, filling up entire boards with racial slurs and retarded jew conspiracy nonsense.

I never came here for this, I came here to enjoy the company of people who were similar to me and it looks like these people are fading away, slowly getting replaced with nazi hypno-slaves and racist spambots as days go by, and I'm afraid that I'm gonna be leaving soon too at this point.

This could've been avoided if only the racism outside /b/-/pol/ rule was to be enforced, but it is being deliberately ignored by gookmoot and his dumb fucking mods, there's no doubt at this point that they're getting payed good money to turn this entire website into a racist hive shit hole propaganda machine and they don't look like they're ever gonna give a fuck about it.

I'm sorry anons, I really like (some of) you, but if things keep going like this, I might be forced to find other websites to spend my time on.

>inb4 nigger
>inb4 jew/kike/shlomo
>inb4 tranny/faggot
>inb4 good riddance
>inb4 see u tomorrow OP

>> No.16339430

is there anything more moralizing than entities spending time and money trying to demoralize you

>> No.16339433

I just want to be clear, I don't /biz/ to turn into reddit, for me personally, I don't about the politics on here. You want actual personal attacks? Post a forex thread or and fucking mnetion technical analysis.

>> No.16339442

*don't care

>> No.16339472

Maybe just make better memes then. Freedom comes with a price, the price is possibly distasteful discussion trying to be forced on it. If you can't play the game maybe go to a more moderated corner of the internet.

>> No.16339480


I'm from '12 to not much better but you're a faggot. Even if you believe that everyone on this website is somewhat racist as part of their core ideology, have you bothered to consider why? And do you seriously think the staff of a US based website are purposefully working towards making it next on the cloudflare chopping block? You're delusional.
Nah, 4chan is delusional.
You my plebbit friend are just plain low IQ.

>> No.16339485


>> No.16339488

pol ruined everything

>> No.16339496

Nah niggers and women with smartphones ruined everything

>> No.16339497
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>> No.16339501

Yikes. Just yikes. Calm it with your xenophobic racist remarks you fucking bigot. People like you ruined this website. We really need to start enforcing the no racism on 4channel rule.

>> No.16339506

>I've already made up my mind
That's called being "dogmatic" and "close minded". Check those phrases in your local dictionary

>> No.16339507
File: 478 KB, 1639x1323, the pol phenotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on 4chan since 2007 and I'm not fascist/racist. if you leave, they win.

better just to call them ugly, tell them to have sex and watch them seethe. the appeal of fascism is predicated on sexual insecurity, why do you think threads on so-called "racemixing" get 300 replies every time on /pol/? If you push their buttons regarding this, they really get angry.

/pol/posters are such angry miserable human beings that you can hear their blood pressure rising every time they post or they see something "degenerate".

i still call people niggers and faggots though.

>> No.16339513

u mad

>> No.16339515

no u

>> No.16339517

Projection: the image

>> No.16339523

Please have sex. I implore you to touch a woman/man.

>> No.16339526

Nice troll ...
I mean you have to be an insecure immature and angst ridden to really post this.
Too scripted.. nice try though

>> No.16339527

This, and it's not incels ruining /biz/, quite the fucking opposite, in my opinion.

>> No.16339535

You know what's wrong with all these people? They don't grow their hair out. Short hair is a sign of servitude. Maybe if they grew a nice long thick set of hair instead of chopping it off they too could be chads. Like me. I have womens length hair.

>> No.16339538

there isn't many genuine national socialists
it's astroturfed to normalise it


>> No.16339548
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1551212819143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know lain? Lain is a good waifu, i call her lain-chan in private. You should look her up some time when this place seems to dark for you

>> No.16339571

Fuck off Ranjeesh

>> No.16339576

>I will NEVER show my algo to an incel faggot like you I love to watch you guys parade about your heros on crypto twitter who draw up these stupid chart patterns that take about 10 minutes to learn and memorize keep doing your tarot reading
these are the sorts of people you have to put up with, when you fucking dare to try discuss financial market trading on /biz/

>> No.16339590

How about you get take your reddit mentalities and shove them up your ass?

>> No.16339592

Well, I mean... if you had a killer algorithm that generated alpha consistently you'd be kinda stupid to share it publicly regardless.

>> No.16339595

Reality is right wing

>> No.16339608

Whenever a trading thread is made on /biz/, is constantly disrupted. Why people cannot find it within themselves to shut to the fuck up is beyond me. If you think it's a waste time fine, say your piece then fuck off.

>> No.16339609

op is a nigger faggot short before transioning to her real self

>> No.16339645

Whines about harmless racist comments on a site where people regulary post pedophilia cartoons, animal torture videos, and other sick shit.
God that is so typical of a leftist degenerate it's not even funny. Sticks and stones lefty. Sticks and stones. Pick a real issue to discuss.

>> No.16339649

>I've already made up my mind that I'm a cuck
>can't we just ban this "fascist" thinking like everywhere else, I'm afraid if I keep getting exposed to it I may end up changing my mind
>I'm aware that it's the natural political ideology that is born from an unrestricted and anonymous place to debate...

>but I'm afraid of changing my beliefs!!!

>> No.16339675

Cringe. Grow up kid

>> No.16339684

one specific place on the internet has some unique dynamics making for creative content unlike most other hubs
that same place also has a bunch of people thinking in a certain way
the rational person would conclude there is likely a link between the two
the idiot complains "why can't i have my funny pepe memes without the racism"
internet is filled with dead communities where wrongthink has been moderated out. if you want to be normal, go on the corporate-approved normal spots
but comedy is inherently subversive. conformism will never get you the same thrills
likewise, spaces where you must exerce mental gymnastics to collectively pretend to ignore the truth will never reach the level of honesty in analysis you can have on freer platforms
we all have to grow up eventually, anon. this is especially relevant to /biz/ as ignoring fundamental truths can get you murdered in business

>> No.16339685

The real irony is Hitler would shoah this site in a fucking heartbeat

>> No.16339688

If you're a reddit/twitter zoomer, OP. You are part of the problem.

>> No.16339711

>being conservative is a fundamental truth
>wanting the world to look like 1950s america is a "fundamental truth" hurrrr
if you want to make it in business you have to be adaptable and check your ideology/ego at the door.

Conservatism is nostalgic and emotional, fixated on restoring a past that maybe never existed. You don't want to have emotions in this game.

>> No.16339720

Cringe don’t talk about politics until you move out of mommies house

>> No.16339723

cope, you probably look like >>16339507

>> No.16339735

To make it in buziness you should check your conservativism and break out the jewry?
No ones going to disagree there fren.

>> No.16339755
File: 26 KB, 425x320, DFFD502B-5F38-447F-94EA-8CDEDC05F8C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't /pol/ the cutest board?

I've never seen so many closet homosexuals try so hard to act like big, tough men. These adorable Nazi Tsunderes can't hide it.

>> No.16339758

>racism is organic in a place that you cannot tell the race of the posters

>> No.16339762

Shhh this is a board for adults. No talkie until you move out of mommy’s house. Go suck mommy’s milkers like a good boy

>> No.16339764

Leftists are subhuman and your inferior genes will be eliminated through market selection, which is why you fear it so much, but humanity will benefit.

>> No.16339767

It wasn’t always like this. The whole 2016 election bought in a wave of new fags. The behavior existed but it wasn’t as bad. Kids from ifunny and Facebook came over because of memes and the finding Shia labeouf thread. It’ll die down soon. Just look at a /pol/ meetup and laugh.

>> No.16339769

This isn't reddit. Complain to someone else, nog.

>> No.16339784

This nazi lives with his mom/incel/neet keeps getting repeated but remind me of how many liberals vs conservatives are on welfare

>> No.16339811

There are no nazis it is an anti-white slur spread by people that make under 50k per year and need a dopamine hit from online confrontation.

>> No.16339812

I see pregnant Muslim Sergey

>> No.16339813
File: 18 KB, 350x271, banker on his way to refinance your mortgage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not gonna lie to you, I'm a fucking newfag
well that's fucking obvious

>> No.16339823

Just do the world a favor and kys incel.

>> No.16339835

Makes cennz anon, keep it up

>> No.16339836

dude wtf is your problem. that word is completely unnecessary and not allowed on 4channel.

>> No.16339842
File: 107 KB, 500x562, FB168306-3D35-47CC-A149-4876C5B5C6AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sassy Tsundere. Credit /biz/ in your acceptance thread >>>/lgbt/

>> No.16339855

Nice post anon. I had to leave for the same reason. I only stop by when the market is dumping to laugh at /biz/.

>> No.16339868

Shhhh go suck mommy’s milkers Lil Guy. If she finds out what you are doing online you’re grounded

>> No.16339874

Guys, this was supposed to be an obvious thread...

>> No.16339953


Total freedom of expression has this kind of problems.

Normal people come here to comment and read something but the few ultrafascists are going to spam their shit multiple times with different addresses to try to spread their propaganda and sadly there are a few gullible people who are going to believe them.

They are not a majority but they have nowhere else to go so they tend to gather here and they are a really loud minority.

I am strongly in favour of freedom of expression so I get why things are this way, I just ignore their most toxic posts and I try to call them out if I see a few users with at least a couple of brain cells left in a thread.

It's really easy to post on 4chan, it's anonymous and everyone can spam, therefore it's filled with the worst refuses of the human society, it's also full of scammers here

>> No.16340006

>everyone I don’t like is an “ultra fascist”
You have to be at least 18 to post here buddy

>> No.16340022


>> No.16340025

Inb4 dilate

>> No.16340029

This but unironically. 4chan is the biggest shithole ever. It's the anus of the Internet. Imagine enjoying spending all your time posting and browsing here.

>> No.16340031

Why am I not surprised that you can't read and that you are trying to victimize yourself at the same time?
Let me guess...
Are you a man, an american and a republican?

>> No.16340035

>this board sucks that is why I post on it

>> No.16340048

You must be at least 18 years old to post here. I also suggest moving out of mommy’s house before spewing your political opinions. Nobody wants to hear a sniveling kiddo talk about politics. Go have fun until you grow up

>> No.16340050

Why? because biz is full of gullible idiots buying into scams, it's so easy to spam here that I can know the scams that are going to be shared on the rest of the internet a week in advance

>> No.16340089

Only come here every now and again for LINK. Barely been here for over a year but if theres one good thing I can commend this site for, its for spoonfeding me about LINK. Came here dec 2018 and put a good sum of my savings into it. 4chan can die anyways I don't care.

4chan in general is full of retards. It's userbase truly is the lowest of the low.

>> No.16340091

Oh shit when will america collapse?

>> No.16340114

So you are exactly one of the redneck idiots I was talking about.
You guys have been so brainwashed since before Nixon that you can't even understand how stupid you've become, they have been destroying you welfare for decades and you still vote happily against your own interestes.
Well, of course the fact that your public education system is so underfunded that if you're not rich you can't even get a proper education didn't help.
Anyway... if you don't understand what I was talking about when I said "refuses of the society" be aware that you're the perfect example.
Come on, English is my second language and I can use it better than you

>> No.16340136

After Deutsche Bank implodes.

>> No.16340149

redneck is a slur. It’s the same as calling someone a nigger. You’re clearly a low IQ bigot if you’re willing to use terminology like redneck and nigger. Very sad

>> No.16340159

I browse the whole internet, I still have enough brain cells to be able to understand and act invarious contexts unlike you.
Do you know what "context" mean?

>> No.16340158

When you move out from mommy’s house you will quickly realize nobody cares about your opinions on media or websites. Adults keep it to themselves and move to a place they enjoy. I suggest reddit or Facebook for a kiddo like you

>> No.16340162

use that word to my face and I'll go full ape nigger on you

>> No.16340175

Maybe you are wrong about everything?

What if niggers spics chinks and gooks don't love you back?

What if your lefty leadership is full of shit?

How are western nations the most "racist" places on the planet, while simultaneously being the most desirable place to live for all non whites?

Your ideology is not consistent with observable reality. Places which are not browbeat into submission by the globohomo power structure are free to say so and notice.

>> No.16340177


>> No.16340178
File: 160 KB, 988x1059, 15434358356286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I browse the whole internet

>> No.16340186

No, redneck has evolved as a terminology, I am not discriminating you for your origin or physical characteristics.
I am simply pointing out your inability to understand anything of the world and how easily you are manipulated without realising it, sadly not for a medical condition

>> No.16340190

This whole post is one big projection. Take it easy. Take a breather.

>> No.16340196

That gives me hope.

>> No.16340211

I would gladly do, where are you from? I guess from the US, I guess from the south, it's the only place of the world where there are so many idiots

>> No.16340221
File: 443 KB, 1000x1000, 1570263733625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nazi incels
dropped, twitter dwelling loser
>I liked the more sane people on here and the old culture of this website
die newfag
>racist/sexist/homophobic shit
>I came here to enjoy the company of people who were similar to me


oh yeah and fuck trannies, fuck niggers, fuck kikes etc.

>> No.16340230
File: 86 KB, 1280x420, reddit leftist pussies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically lift a weight and learn to fight

>> No.16340236

Hey bigots you’re not welcome here. Take your racism somewhere else

>> No.16340258

holy shit this is great

>> No.16340266

Only incels care about politics. Real men just care about making money.

>> No.16340276
File: 269 KB, 1280x1500, 1564857167165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just ignore their most toxic posts and I try to call them out if I see a few users with at least a couple of brain cells left in a thread

>> No.16340291

>politics doesn't affect making money
holy shit you are poor and stupid

>> No.16340300

Oh you can change politics? Even better, by discussing it on the internet? Interesting.

>> No.16340311

OP is a niggerfaggot.

>> No.16340322

Ya he mad

>> No.16340546

Nigger I suck dick and you're more of a FAGGOT then me.