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16334768 No.16334768 [Reply] [Original]

Hey fellow leafistani posters, how come you aren't buying Canadian real estate right now?

Haven't you heard that Toronto is officially undervalued? No better time to buy than right now guy, housing is officially a risk-free investment :^)

>> No.16334787

China has already bought it all.

>> No.16334912


where the snobbiest fags who live 2 hours away think they are in the actual city

>> No.16335013
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>Tfw just bought a townhouse in Oakville and already worth 40,000 more than the deal I closed back in October...

Let's face it, Toronto is the powerhouse of the Canadian economy, everyone has to come here to earn the bigger dollars. It's also the landing pad for all immigrants basically, who want to live close to their ethnic clusters.

>> No.16335093

Man i live in Burlington with my parents - better to pay them 500/mo rent and save 1500/mo than pay 1000/mo in rent plus utilities and food and only save 500/mo.

Figure I'll end up buying in St. Cats or Guelph the way things are going. I don't think its sustainable though.

Inflection point in 2017 and crabbing under the top ever since.

>> No.16335109
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forgot pic

>> No.16335183

Yeah but you live in canada sooo

>> No.16335186

lol delusional. where can you find rent for 1k. 1.6k for basement is fairly universal, and thats outskirt of toronto, fuck, even swampton basements go for over 1k a month nig. unless you mean literally renting a single room in a basement with gook dwellers for 500-600 a month. im in the same boat as you, 700 to mum and 400 to dad. single bdr condos are 1.6k-1.8k in most half decent areas. its fucking loonie, idk how everyone else is coping or even staying afloat, and im thinking about normies with way worse spending habbits than most of us here

>> No.16335209

It's called debt

>> No.16335213

Something like 300k new immigrants in the GTA every year, and they all need housing. The immigration tap will never be turned off.

>> No.16335218
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At least I won't bite a stray bullet while filling up my tank in Freedumb Land.

>> No.16335252

I've been shot at twice while living in Canada, once on my own property. It's not so great as people claim, roughly same levels of crime, just only the bad guys have guns... Can't complain though, any majority white western country is a win to live in.

>> No.16335271

I can live in near squalor conditions without complaint, especially if I know it's helping me save. I can round up some of my deadbeat friends and split a 3k rental 4 ways pretty easy if I had to.

I've been kicking around the idea of just rotating my way through student sublets, there's enough college towns around here that it might be viable.

There's cheap property on the nudist commune right now but idk if that's really my bag ...

>> No.16335278

I'm trying to escape the Canadian gulag. Why would i want to enslave myself even more?

>> No.16335281

Toronto is minority white now, and many of the surrounding suburbs (Markham, Brampton) are as well. Half of the people living in Toronto aren't even born in Canada. Vancouver is less than half white too now.

>> No.16335301

Gz on the House, leaf

>> No.16335586

Yeah it's all divided into ethnic enclaves now. Instead of assimilating into some sort of overarching sense of "Canadian" culture people just retain their ethnic culture now.

>> No.16335600

Yeah that’s called being invaded

>> No.16335617


>> No.16335640

i thought about splitting a unit or a house with some pals too, but i wonder, are landlords alright with that? i wonder if they'll try to jew you somehow

>> No.16335653
File: 1.69 MB, 2979x2072, Uptown_Waterloo_Ontario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about buying in Waterloo. Two universities, lots of tech businesses, streetcars, seems like a city prime to grow

>> No.16335664

I don't care, I'm Portuguese and we've carved out nice little pieces of the city for ourselves ;) Sorry wh*te boiye.

Shitintheloo is ok but Hamilton is booming right now and property is still dirt cheap comparatively.

>> No.16335681

Toronto is great if you got money. Where I’m at it’s pretty fucked I see weird shit all the time.
The nice pockets are SO nice though. Hopefully crypto works out, else I’m out.
Canada itself demographically is fucked we have no youth so immigration is inevitable.
Welcome to the first non-nationalistic country in history.

>> No.16335687
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Tbh that's not that bad.

We get gentle people from Asia, as annoying as they are Pajeets, Nepalis, Viets and Chinks are harmless.

America gets the worst immigrants from stabby and genocidal countries in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.

And the only place I feared for my safety was in an all-White neighborhood in London, ON. Place was sketchy as fuck and some dickweed stole my back pack as I was canvassing.

>> No.16335714

Not saying that opioid-addicted withoids are any better. The whole of Ontario is a shithole to be fair.

>> No.16335729

it's a meme anon, surprised to see my hometown mentioned here

i grew up here and now i go to UWaterloo
this town has literally nothing going for it and will dry up the second china stops sending its students here. i am not joking when i say 90% of the development you see uptown and around the universities in the last 10 years has been driven by student demand. it's not sustainable.

>> No.16335750

When I was attending the college there a few years back I hated that place too. Reminded me of America a lot for some reason.

>> No.16335759

Come out Goderich way bratan.

>> No.16335776

>let's face it
Stopped reading there

>> No.16335790

>plebbit spacing
How do we get rid of cancer /biz/?

>> No.16335936

What about all the tech companies. That has to mean something. Even Google has a huge office there

>> No.16335979

They're sort of a meme. I mean yeah, the big names have offices here but for the most part they're not super meaningful. The meaningful work is done elsewhere. The salaries aren't comparable to somewhere like toronto or even silicon valley. UW CS grads go to work in silicon valley after they graduate, they don't stay here.
>inb4 cost of living
even then, you're still making more, assuming you know how to control your expenses.

>> No.16336517

lol fucking porkchops, they're fun people, louder than the Italians. great workers, atleast the older ones, same as italians and great cusine. where can i get authentic porkchop egg tarts & cuisines you bleaka torte

>> No.16336541

yeah, i wish we actully could just buy a fucking house of my own, immigration does add some character here and there, cuisine for me is a big reason to live. but by god, how its fucked up the job market and squeezed the youth out of housing.

>> No.16336571

seriously, when is the economic collapse gonna happen? we're long overdue

>> No.16336607

you know... thats the more fucked up part about this country. even as a white guy, there are no go zone even within white communities. i heard london is a literal shithole, and alot of northern places like keswick (cleaned up now, but used to be a shithole), owen sound, orillia or any majority white places are usually low income and drug ridden. too much theft and sketchy shit for even pajeets to want to move in. i kinda like markham, thornhill & richmondhill, vaugh is nice but too much traffic, markham is bad for traffic too, but township actully isnt neglected there.

>> No.16336609

Honestly, most of the pork chops here are degenerate genetic waste so consequently most Portuguese restaurants are dogshit and nothing like food you would get in Portugal so I couldn't really recommend anywhere with a clean conscious. Another factor is the ingredients aren't as fresh since we have winter half the year and we are far away from the sea, most of the produce and fish we get here is frozen or picked when it is still unripe. If you want authentic, you gotta go to Portugal and make sure to stay away from expensive touristy places and try to eat where you see the locals going.

>> No.16336695

damn, this land does something to make everyone degenerate over time.. i heard sea food there is God tier, any drugs are legal. seems pritty based, italians would probably say the same about the food here, even pizza back home is something that you could eat daily and not get food fatigue despite the humble toppings. obrigado!

>> No.16336763

i kinda fear it may never come, and immigration might be the thing thats keeping it from imploding. i remember back then, the chinese werent really that well known for being rich here (other than HK), especially where i grew uparound don mills/ steeles area. now it seems like the only ones who can afford a house at the current price are the newcomers, mostly chinese, koreans, persians and russians where i live. although the china money seemed to have dried up about 2 years ago and that alone seemed to have ended the frenzy. atleast for now...i think the government is scared of taking the hit, so they just take in all the rich foreigners that they can in hopes to keep the economy "stimulated" by them buying a house, car & w.e. a million dollar home just in property tax annually can rake in anywhere from 3-8k. multiply that by a few hundred thousand. and the fear of boomers retiring & actually having to pay their pensions