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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 545 KB, 735x545, JUUUUUUUUUUUICED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16332427 No.16332427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.16332435

Based juice anon top kek

>> No.16332451

Posted 2 minutes ago... Hmmm

>> No.16332548

stop trying to make yourself a meme, retard

>> No.16332568


>> No.16332580

pay your taxes nigger

>> No.16332592

No way this retard even gained sats btc was higher

>> No.16332597

Ok this is epic.

>> No.16332792

I'm glad some dumb mystery meat nigger and his faggot followers memenically crashed the market just so this virgin could swing his half a bitcoin stack (that he owes almost entirely to the IRS in taxes).

>> No.16332800

And we hear his rap song. Fuck me dead.

>> No.16332863

By far the most pathetic part of this whole Juice thing was that his stack was less than 7000 Links lmfao and he made 0.7BTC which instantly tanked in price then he sold it for Ethereum which tanked too and now he has to pay taxes on top of all those trades too lmao I though Asians were good with numbers kek.

>> No.16332883


>> No.16332920

Why do you have to pay tax on a loss? USA is a fucking shit hole, that makes no sense

>> No.16333243

You pay taxes on crypto-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat based on the difference between the market value of the initial purchase and the market value of the sale. Juice became liable for whatever profit he made off LINK when he sold it for BTC, even though BTC immediately tanked afterward.

Now, luckily for Juice he switched to ETH, meaning he can write off the depreciated value of his BTC as a loss. ETH continued to lose value however, and he can’t write off that loss unless he converts his ETH to USD or a different crypto.

Regardless, he didn’t make any money from his trade and will most likely still need to pay a small tax sum from his evaporated LINK gains

>> No.16333584
File: 798 KB, 725x555, ISHYGDDT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ deserves this. It deserves falling to a chink twitter faggot with cringe epic maymayz. It deserves it because retard link holders couldnt stop themselves from posting his content here because he market sold ir for constantly spamming our content on twitter. You deserve this /biz/. Just know that kek will punish your faggotry and the meme magic you once held will be diminished

>> No.16333759

Nothing bad happened tho, other than that he fucked himself over. /biz/ did nothing wrong other than to punish swing linkies through his shit attempt at meme magic

>> No.16333765

Hahahahave sex

>> No.16333826

This. Fucking broke chink sold a local top on LINK and acts like he’s god when in reality he probably lost more money in BTC and ETH. Laugh it up congrats on only losing a few grand you poor pathetic faggot.

>> No.16333855

Somehow this juicy slant faggot outfaggots most things but this is pretty funny.

>> No.16333880

Juice is based. LINK anons are the definition of “cope”

>> No.16333884

I unironically work for the IRS. You'll have a nice surprise in your mailbox come tax time Juicey

>> No.16333896

so uhhh... where is the song?

>> No.16333963

Look at this retard...

>> No.16334033

kek, someone should report juice to the IRS. Heck, I'll do it tomorrow and post it to his twitter.

>> No.16334193
File: 78 KB, 800x667, love-live-school-idol-festival-nico-yazawa-deviantart-anime-fan-art-bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open the floodgates to twitter faggots by flooding the board with faggot chink and retweeting his shit to get him more followers and bring more twitter users here
>we dindunuffin

Fuck off Link will crash to $1 for your sins

>> No.16334216
File: 18 KB, 220x380, 5A915593-E6EC-4FF1-8377-BE3040CBA2F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely seething and rent free. #JUICED

>> No.16334251

Ok but it's still going to pick back up so why does it matter?

>> No.16334258

dude because you can make .7btc!!! fucking EPIC gains bro

>> No.16334265

>it’s still going to pick back up r-right?
LMAO he still doesn’t know

>> No.16334327
File: 111 KB, 1080x1080, rtg4wg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16334337

Lol fuck off its not going to work on me

I'm saying the guy only harmed himself by using meme magic. Yes it came true, but he now tax liability as a result. But his actions did have a beneficial effect on society - cheaper links for a broader audience. Some people are being tribalistic about this and that's total bullshit. We should be trying to get as many people holding link as possible.

>> No.16334358

this dude really taking advantage of his 15 mins of internet fame

>> No.16334395

Cope harder linker
Juice won
He hasn’t lost one trade not one

>> No.16334457

was this nigger really talking shit while doing trades on fucking COINBASE?

>> No.16335152

Reminder that juice is the most power entity in the crypto game.

>> No.16335180
File: 22 KB, 446x384, 1561435623932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder not to reply to jewce samefags and sage all jewce threads

>> No.16335189

You dont. Retards see that crypto to crypto transactions are taxed and think that that's the end of the story. Nobody would trade if that were the case. It would be impossible to become profitable if you had taxes on every transaction regardless of p/l. Crypto is the same as stocks when it comes to taxes. You profit, you report capital gains. You lose money, you report capital loss.

>> No.16335199

He uses goybase. They already know.

>> No.16335225

Funniest shit to happen to link lately.