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16332324 No.16332324 [Reply] [Original]

is medicine actually worth it

the studying is fucking killing me

>> No.16332331

sir you will be very rich soon with medicine token. hodl!

>> No.16332365

I make $180k/yr as a hospital admin on a bachelors degree.

I phonepost here most of the day in my office.

>> No.16332403

Can I get your email. I have some questions about your job because that seems nice

>> No.16332415

Most doctors will be replaced by AIs in the next 20 years. If you're not going to excel in it then study a trade and buy crypto

>> No.16332490

are you kidding me? what's the cost of living where you are?

thats more than double what i'd earn when i qualify. fuck off man

>> No.16332504

Is it worth it for you? Well how the fuck do I know, I'm not you. BUT, you can get "The Dip" by Seth Goden, read through it and decide on your own. A grown ass man asking imageboards if medicine is worth it, wtf is this.

>> No.16332929
File: 69 KB, 632x632, answerme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my foot in the door? I have a business degree with a concentration in healthcare management.

>> No.16332938


I have cancer. please Fix cancer. Thank you.

>> No.16332969

Yes. Quit if you don't have the balls

>> No.16332971
File: 2 KB, 61x125, 1574152403187s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if you don't have the IQ or the curiosity and inquisition to devote yourself to it then you're probably wasting your time and money.

>> No.16333002

Yea? What about your quarter million dollars in student loans? How much have you payed off so far?

>> No.16333245


Maybe radiologists and some surgeons. Other specialties are far too difficult to automate. Also good luck having people buy into such a system.

>> No.16333278


Not in Europe

>> No.16333328

You'll fuck up something, end up harming or killing a patient and get sued into oblivion and have to live with it for the rest of your life.
Meanwhile we'll become rich by hodling shitcoins. How does this make you feel?

>> No.16333394


Med student here, I'm asking myself the same question every day and I'm more and more convinced "no" is the right answer. It's not worth all the stress and hassle, there are more comfy jobs that pay good as well if you're wagecuck. Otherwise consider trading or freelancing.

>> No.16333457


If you haven’t harmed or killed a patient as a doctor within a year or so then you’re not seeing enough patients.

>> No.16333474
File: 54 KB, 1100x618, 314DFB7A-6E85-436E-A0F8-8A2D0338A0BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, maybe? Im in my 4th year of med school (age 27) and so far all i have to show for it is 6 figure debt and debilitating anxiety disorders. Hopefully things improve in residency.

>> No.16333479

I'm comfy as a pharmacist. $150k+ per year in a low COL area to sit on my ass while my technicians do all the grunt work.
Too bad I'll probably get replaced with Amazon AI in 15 years. Hopefully my shitcoins pay off by then.

>> No.16333489

Homeopathic medicine is worth it. Good eating habits and staying away from junk food. Exercise properly and drink purified water. Stay away from processed foods and added sugar.

>> No.16333491


Residency is only worse

>> No.16333492

There's nothing worth doing in life besides fucking bitching, doing drugs and having fun. Everything else should just be an avenue to the aforementioned

>> No.16333498

>tfw I have a quarter million in student debt and no job
Jokes gonna be on bank when I kill myself

>> No.16333511

Even derm residency though? It was supposed to be the chillest one. Thats why i worked so hard for it to the point of burning myself out

>> No.16333513

Dropped out of med school and needed a job. Ended up as night shift in an Hotel. Still at it. 30 bucks an hour for sitting on my ass and having no responsibility, better than having a dr. Med before you name

>> No.16333575

this is the most important lesson in life.


>> No.16333792

You won’t get replaced if you stay up to date with new tech. “AI” will always be coupled with human interaction, especially in something like medicine, at least for the foreseeable future.

>> No.16334287


Yes indeed. But there are jobs more tolerable than others... so at least one should aim towards a job they're able to tolerate the suckiness.

>> No.16334603

Choosing a career in medicine was the biggest mistake of my life. I can safely say that all my non weirdo colleagues feel the same way.

t. Doctorfag

>> No.16334659

isn't medicine a lifetime of studying?

>> No.16334733

dont post tiny images and speak about low IQs

>> No.16335661

No, unless you want to lose your humanity and become a psychopath.

>> No.16336944

I've actually been eyeing such a career for a while now. I'm working for border patrol at the moment. My plan is to put 3 years in here while getting my degree for radiology tech and then apply for part time work in rad while also applying for hospital admin.

Are you telling me a bachelors degree is enough to get in?

>> No.16337070

Sure OP. Start a nice practice where you gatekeep treatments that should cost a few dollars and sell them for $500 a piece because the criminal government says you need a 'license' to perform them which is only available to super smart doktahs who jump through the right hoops