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16329386 No.16329386 [Reply] [Original]

We will be seeing 7600 on btc very soon, and if 7600 doesn't hold the next stop downwards is 6800. Chainlink will NOT go below 2.40. We will briefly touch it and quickly start a reversal and test 3 again and push our way to 40k sats.

>> No.16329397

We're already there.

>> No.16329408

But OP we just saw 7600
It seems to have bounced off 7400

>> No.16329412


>> No.16329418

t. i can see the future

>> No.16329433

Thank you my love

>> No.16329481

This is law

>> No.16329488

Sorry, I meant to write 7300 which was the last low point in this mini rally

>> No.16329494 [DELETED] 
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link will pump when btc dumps
the chart never lies

>> No.16329500


You wanna hear some truth?

>> No.16329518

Truth me baby

>> No.16329524

how do you know chainlink wont go below $2.40? No-one can know that

>> No.16329525

At the end of this year link will EASILY be $5+.

Cap this, I will make a thread at the end of the year and if it isn't $5 or above I will do a 250 link giveaway.

>> No.16329559

Based anon. Please let this be true. Fuck the juice.

>> No.16329570

Trip in case anyone forgets.

>> No.16329575

I was expecting it to go to 2.20-2.30. Maybe lower since the market is dumper harder and faster than I expected for now

>> No.16329577

Yup, I have full faith in link mooning in sats as btc dumps.

>> No.16329618
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Kek will reward the true believers. Don't fall for the fud campaigns or psyops by the kikes who are trying to stop us from succeeding

>> No.16329648

What makes you think it won't dump below $2.4?

>> No.16329659

Truth.. truth is hard to come by, isn't it? And yet it exists. Everyone on this boars who believed that they get rich by eoy, is a retard. Truth. And another truth is that Chainlink still is interesting.

>> No.16329703

My son, these thoughts are not my own. I am merely a messenger of keks true will and nothing more than that. I have been notified by the gods themselves that link will not go below 2.40 again.

You may think I am crazy, or you are thinking where is the logic in this prediction. Ask yourself one thing: is there any logic at all in this market? In any market? In which the society we live in?

>> No.16329765
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You do not need to visualize chainlink hitting 1000 eoy. You do not need to visualise the lambos, the women, the success. All you need is belief in the project and belief in yourself. Do not think what chainlink will do for you, appreciate it for what it is and the answer comes to you. Once you learn to master your subconscious you start seeing through a clearer lens.

>> No.16329776

Praise be

>> No.16329799

Based and linkpilled
Bitcoin doesn’t matter anymore. Don’t know why people can’t see this.

>> No.16329803

The absolute state of deluded linktards LMAO

>> No.16329856

You are not my enemy. I hope you are loved, at peace and prospering, if not now, one day in the future. We are all gonna make it

>> No.16329963

Based tripfag
We are ALL going to make it, nolinkers included :)

>> No.16330095
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>messenger of kek

You dont know about me do you?

>> No.16330105


>> No.16330182

Sup 42

>> No.16330248

>250 link giveaway
Isnt even worth participating not even winning this funny pajeet amount

>> No.16330442
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look closely stinkie

>> No.16330581

didn't read. never selling

>> No.16330677
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>> No.16330681

BASED schizoposter