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16318373 No.16318373 [Reply] [Original]

>get interview for my dream job
>"your interview will be with [WOMAN'S NAME] and [WOMAN'S NAME]"

Is there anything worse that can happen at an interview?

>> No.16318389

not for you, lol.

>> No.16318394

have sex incel

>> No.16318398

>mark of the beast tattoo

oh nonononono

>> No.16318406

tell them you identify yourself as a spaghetti monster

>> No.16318407

>lol yea bruh I'll have them sucking my cock in ten seconds during the interview


>> No.16318409



>> No.16318412

>dream job
imagine your dream job not being a NEET

>> No.16318474

>just charm the woman with your superior looks and confident attitude
>get job with zero effort

>> No.16318485

just took a good look at the picture - how is this not white?

>> No.16318490
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OP = absolutely brutally rekt

>> No.16318545

This would be good news for me because I'm handsome.

>> No.16318547

I don't get it?

>> No.16318680

You're a faggot.

>> No.16318719

I've charmed my way into jobs, dates and even interview selfies with dumb HR hookers. Be a man or at least act like one.

>> No.16318734

nope, women are easy to outclass

If the interviewer is a man, build camaraderie as between men, it will push the women out, but if the interviewer is a woman, build sexual tension subtly, she’ll hire you instead of the women because of her desires

Interviewers are human, play to their emotions and you are 100% more likely to get the job

>> No.16318743

>interview selfies
do you mean you took a picture of both of you or that you jerked off in front of her like Louis C.K.?

>> No.16318747

They consider whites lower than animals. They never refer to themselves as "white" in private and I'm going to trust that they know whether they're "white" or not.

Anybody who considers them "white" is gullible and will fall for any scam.

>> No.16319220


I had thst once, just was chad and unironically give a firm handshake. Just talk about your hobbies and that youre looking for a nice team.
And yes i got hired, was an intern position though

>> No.16319501

If you're alpha like me women interviewers are really helpful

>> No.16319517

>build sexual tension subtly
what the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.16319527

>build sexual tension
and why would you do this at a job where you're supposed to be professional?
you're just paving the way for a workplace sexual harassment lawsuit

>> No.16319536

>dat shoulder tatoo
I have seen the exact same tattoo on a roastie working at a local bakery shop here. do they just pickem off some cataloge these days wtf??

>> No.16319595

No, I mean,I got the job, then we took a selfie together. At the interview.

>> No.16319626


>took selfies
>he took selfies

>> No.16320469

It's photoshopped you fking samefag. You and your Semitic loser friends are the same ones always commenting "just imagine muh imaginary 13 inch bbc" all over the catalog.

>> No.16320577

She loved it.

>> No.16320624
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>I don't know how to talk to women
How have you survived thus far? Did you rape your way to losing your virginity? Certainly you aren't still a virgin...right?

>> No.16320704

>OPs dream job employs women

There is no helping some people

>> No.16320712

i love ridiculously pale women

>> No.16320751

Jews aren't whi....

>> No.16320781

Samefags, you're so low Iq you can't figure out you're being used. You'll get thrown out with the trash when they'd done manipulating you.

>> No.16320979

have never heard a legit alpha use the word alpha

>> No.16321148

Unless you're a Chad, your best bet is to play a happy go lucky faggot, then they'll have to hire you for diversity reasons.

>> No.16322031

lol this is why you guys sit here trading shitcoins and jerking off all day

just make a few jokes, smile and generally exude masculinity and she'll get wet and hire you.

helps to be >6.5/10 though

>> No.16322074

trap jew with sheared peen

>> No.16322098

What if she'd a man-hating nutjob from HR?

>> No.16322146

I'm a self-doubting weakling with no college degree. Got interviewed by two women. Got the job.

>> No.16322158

never experienced this and been interviewed by women probably 85% of the time

I don't think these women actually hate men they just feel creeped out when you don't smile because they think you're a rapist.

Just smile, laugh and be kinda jokey and they'll like you. Much harder to convince a male interviewer in my experience - they see through the bullshit and grill you on technical stuff to do with the job rather than motivations and background.

>> No.16322345

it's over. don't even bother showing up.