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File: 310 KB, 600x450, bacon-gun-breakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16316407 No.16316407 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16316419

3 digit BTC pretty much guaranteed once the 2017 crowd realizes this halving will not pump.

>> No.16316425

1 fucking egg 3 slices of toast but 1 fucking egg? no forks or nothing either? oh and uh weak fud too i guess... but really 1 egg.

>> No.16316461

I'd rather eat that bullet first than that bacon... Twenty fucking eight days no meat - My strenght in the gym went through the roof, boner every morning, shoulder joint paint disappeared... Fuck meat - not saying the meat is bad but the process of producing meat changed - fuck cancer and fuck hospitals.

>> No.16316500

Try 2 digits by 2021
Basically 0 and network death by 2025

>> No.16316529

Huh? you dont eat meat?

>> No.16316538

700 no
7000 yes

>> No.16316545

stopped 4 weeks ago

>> No.16316549

Modern agriculture is to blame, all the glyphosate that they throw in corn and s plus oy for animal feed is absolutely toxic and demasculating

I've switched to eating mostly chicken and fish and as village grown pork. They probably still feed them glyphosate corn but where I'm living right now it's easier to find grass fed. Makes a big difference

>> No.16316552

here in burgerland we eat with the gun

>> No.16316580

I'd never try to convince anyone to not eat meat but I'd suggest to do research how bad processed meat is bad for you. Animals are just middle man in delivering protein. Cut the middle man and go straight to source - plants.

>> No.16316603

>bad processed meat is bad

>> No.16316626

What's the dl on your daily/weekly food schedule. What's your main protien source, beans?

>> No.16316660

Except that herbivores are orders of magnitude better at extracting nutrients from plants.

>> No.16316679

Humans ARE herbivores you fucking retard.


>> No.16317117

Imagine eating bacon. Good luck with cancer

>> No.16317174

this, thought it was common knowledge. I think if there were a tip laying on the table, it would become obvious this is an american setup, might photoshop a tip in

>> No.16317184

I don't care if you're trolling, it's time we started murdering vegan faggots in the streets.

>> No.16317231


It's not hard for everyone to place low buy orders. Once the order book sees your bids the price will stop above that and start climbing until you fomo in no?

>> No.16317244

>talking shit to a google image

>> No.16318461

Processed anything is bad you dumb fuck, read up on what pesticides, insecticides and herbicidesdo to you. Oh wait, you can't because you've already eaten too much to be able to think

Here's some sauce for the ones that can still be saved:

Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs


Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines

Developmental neurotoxicity of the organophosphorus insecticide chlorpyrifos


Stay a retard, retard

>> No.16318507

I eat 3500kcal and the main source of protein is quinoa, chickpeas, lentils, peanut butter. I have a protein shake as well Mon-Fri.

>> No.16318524

>protein shake
so you have to supplement to survive?

>> No.16318526

Add some hemp to your diet, you can do anything with it, from shakes to substituting flour (partially) in baking to vegetarian low calorie white sauce for mushroom pasta (still needs milk just not cream)

>> No.16318555

Black beans, pinto beans, tofu. There is a lot of plant-based protein sources. 28 days no meat and I feel waaaaaay better than before. Fiancee stopped 12 weeks ago so it was easier for me to follow her.

>> No.16318588
File: 147 KB, 1000x1214, bambi eating rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys you bunch of faggots
herbivores are a meme
many such cases, vegans need to be castrated and lobotomized

>> No.16318659

Not really, no. I'm working out so it helps with recovery.

>> No.16318672

Thanks. I will try to make home made tempeh. I ditched the cow milk and I drink oat/almond milk now.

>> No.16318675

vegans become sterile and malnutritioned eventually anyway from the retarded diet

>> No.16318690

Weak bait, brainlet

>> No.16318708

The best source of protein is chicken...
>what chicken eats?

>> No.16318727

English, retard

>> No.16318733

You do realize even people who eat meat supplement with protein shakes after lifting, right?

I do whole food plant based, no supplements and my macros average out to about 22% protein, 8% fat and 45% digestible carbs, and 25% fiber/indigestible.

On days I lift I add a pea protein shake that I drink right after the workout.

>> No.16318748

Znam 4 jezyki puta madre

>> No.16318757

Parents should be arrested, but it has nothing to do with eating meat vs plants. Kid should have been on breastmilk (same thing herbivore mammals give their kids).

>> No.16318783

First thing I noticed was how much less DOMS I'd get after lifting. Now I can workout more often and feel less sore than I did while eating meat (even while taking gym supplements for recovery).

It all comes down to inflammation markers.

>> No.16318788

I'm super jealous of your sig and bacon.

>> No.16318794

Same buddy. Aftet just two weeks I've added weight to my lift and I had to add extra sets and reps. Had really bad joint inflammation but not anymore. Not sore anymore where before had always some burns in muscles 2 days after.

>> No.16318803

I'm stopping eating meat too, and wheat. It works every time I try it. I eat a lot of organic spring mix with olive oil, salt, vinegar, or salad dressing.

>> No.16319330
File: 111 KB, 1526x441, veganism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16319652

if it doesn't, will you kill yourself?

>> No.16319683

those videos might as well be satanic
they are so fucking disturbing, it's people doing voluntary suicide after being brainwashed

>> No.16319714

Do whatever you want to do. Just watch "what the health" and "the game changers" on netflix. You don't have to agree with it but stay open-minded. And what if you're decreasing chance of getting cancer but cutting off meat? Is that not worth a shot?
>blame 'simple' carbohydrates
Literally every single complex or simple carbohydrate is broken down to glucose which is "preferred" source of fuel for brain( I know brain can use ketons as well but it preffers glucose). Moderation is the key.

>> No.16319798

>documentaries on netflix
lmao nice info source retard

>> No.16319804


you misspelled dementia

>> No.16319825
File: 302 KB, 596x605, liberalism_is_a_mass_psychological_weapon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism is satanic. Why do you think it is pushed so hard by the left?

Leftism is Satanism. It is total inversion of divine principles.

>> No.16319910

Meat DOESN'T cause cancer. It was a fucking psy-op all along


Totally debunked, just like the myth that eating eggs causes a rise in blood cholesterol. That only took 30 years.

They demonize the healthiest foods like eggs and meat to make you SICK.

If you want to DESTROY your health, just become VEGAN.

>> No.16319925

Life is about commitment and statistics.
Nutrition :
First : Statistics :
30% organic fruits & vegs especially greens and seasonals
20% fats : organic olive oil, colza, almonds etc also fatty cheese (not the emmental and shit like that, real cheese that smell feet in the whole flat)
10% carbs : avoid corn and especially gluten (try small sour and local cereals)
10% organic grass fed meat : Bonus point on chicken, veal (better nutrients than beef), smoked ham (high sodium intake)
10% dats, dark chocolate (80%minimum), almonds, nuts
10% cheat meals and others like alcool, sirops, sugars etc

6 days meals : 0-1-1 (16h fasting - adapt your meals you should keep your calories intake)
1 cheat day with 3 meals and one "fast food" meal (pizza, restaurant etc)

Now you need comitment
Then you rule the world

>> No.16319928
File: 127 KB, 490x440, faaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost 20 kg
>i went through detoxification
>i'm 100% it's not my diet
GOSH.... you stupid bitch, it's what you eat, you fucking stupid bitch....
thanks man for reminding me why I hate those kind of people

>> No.16319939

my brain works faster post-sugar (the "bad" sugar)

>> No.16319942

>plants are just middle men in delivering protein. Cut the middle man and go straight to the source - sun
I hope my ted talk has illustrated how fucking retarded you are. Thanks for attending.

>> No.16320083

It is sad, so sad.

These people are in a cult that is killing them. This is part 3, watch the other parts as well linked in the description it's horrifying.

>> No.16320154

i find the most important factor to my weight management is sleep.

>> No.16320456

there's almost no meat in this, eat juicy steaks

>> No.16320473

based, i am 4 days in tho had some salmon (fresh, the more darker red one i forget the difference, more expensive). have noticed small gym and boner gains but too soon to say its not placebo. i won't go full 100% veggies but cutting way back on meats

>> No.16320635

>may not cause cancer
Did yoyr read with understanding? I didn't say meat - I said process of "making" meat changed - they add steroids, hormones, anti-biotics. Eat whatever the fuck you wanna eat...

>> No.16320637

natural selection works

>> No.16320662
File: 90 KB, 758x429, 2099973105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why they spend literally the whole waking day grazing on plants, because they're better at extracting nutrients from plants
unlike those pesky carnivores that extract nutrients from plants in about a 2 hour window and spend the rest of their time sleeping and teaching

>> No.16320685

Happy for you. Throw a b12 supplement once a week just in case.