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16313030 No.16313030 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people even bother fudding Fantom in here? It makes me so bullish. Only reason somone bothers to post loads of negative posts is to accumulate more. So why does anyone fall for it?

>> No.16313090

why do you make this thread? if youre so bullish just buy it and shut the fuck up. no one here cares about your scam shitcoin. sage all fields

>> No.16313094

>Only reason somone bothers to post loads of negative posts is to accumulate more.

I know shills (like you OP) always say this in an attempt to discredit any and all "fud" but I still wonder if anyone actually believes that it's true. Not about FTM specifically, but in general, because it's said about pretty much every crypto on here (mostly the pnd scams though).

>> No.16313155

My point is who falls for fud? Cause personally I've never wasted one second of my 3 years on biz to post something negative about a project I think is shit or a scam. I literaly assume 70% at least of negative posts are lying. Fantom now is getting these marathon threads cause 50% list fud and 50% is shill. To me this is about as bullish a signal as I can find.

>> No.16313169

You discredit fud by knowing its bs or a lie. There is zero fud that sticks on Fantom. Try now if you want and I can easily tell you why its bs.

>> No.16313170

your ID is literally "jew really". stfu kike scammer NO ONE cares about your scam shitcoin

>> No.16313180

Cause its biz and I like to post stuff related to cryptocurrency particularly ones I'm invested in maybe? You utter cunt.

>> No.16313197

Yeah but you do. That's my point. You sat looking at my I'd and made a post. Who does that? BSV and Link are shit, never bought one. I cant fathom why I would then post on their threads???? It's just not normal unless you are accumulating.

>> No.16313210

Cool id. Lol

>> No.16313217

ALL the market is a fucking scam. either blantant scams (the case of literally every shitcoin from the #3 bellow) or manipulated by scammers (btc and eth)
im here to watch all of this shit crash and burn and laugh at bagholders. also stop samefagging. sage

>> No.16313222


Alright, why would someone develop for FTM over ETH?

>> No.16313226

Jew trying to shill female to male sex coins surprise surprise

Fuck off you stupid shot coiner

>> No.16313256

Well that's more a negative statement than fud. But the answer is simple. Ine of the big selling points of Fantom is its EVM which means it can run ETH dapps. So you question is why would somone who developed an eth dapp not run it in Fantom? 1. Cheaper 2. Faster 3. aBFT is very secure 4. Interoperbile with other tech stacks. 5. Scalable.

So the the question should be why the fuck would an eth developer run his dapp on ETH?

>> No.16313285

wow a list of promises. nice

now lets go back to reality.
FTM is an ERC20 shitcoin running in the ethereum network with a mainnet delayed countless times
ETH can also make vague promises too if they want

>> No.16313305

As an oldfag I think it's funny you think of ETH as not a scam but the rest of crypto is. ETH came halfway through the crypto story, it's a newcomer and simply doesn't work. Why do you think the price is dropping. I hate people in crypto who think everything is a scam. Fuck off if you think it is. People who think all crypto is a scam is cause they bought into icos and failed. Decentralization and the new economy is coming. I'm in the right place. Seems you should be on reddit somewhere.

>> No.16313316

>I've never wasted one second of my 3 years on biz to post something negative about a project I think is shit or a scam.

The compulsion to call out scams so other people don't fall for them isn't built into subhuman slavic DNA, it's mostly a white Western morality thing. You wouldn't understand, sorry.

>> No.16313351

Stfu its 3 protocols acting interoperbile so it's not an erc20 token.

Lie number 1.

Countless delays? Nope. Its was always Q3 for 'mainnets' They hoped to do things earlier end of Q2 but wanted to add some code. They published a highly detailed stair DAG consesus which they said they wanted to implement before Opera mainnet. THIS was the only delay and really it was just they wanted to upgrade cause they already had finished the older chain. So now it's been tested and Andre says its 90% better. So what the fuck are you complaining about?

The other mainnet was done also but the client hasn't released yet.

>> No.16313361

So you are a moral crusader? Kek

>> No.16313448
File: 98 KB, 1421x835, SHITCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah mate, its an ERC20 SHITCOIN for me until they day that it isnt.
same goes to the holotard scammers

>> No.16313468

>So the the question should be why the fuck would an eth developer run his dapp on ETH?

Because the community is already on ETH, the developer tools are developed on ETH like Truffle suite, which is supported by Microsoft, and Chainlink is on ETH, which makes smart contracts have real use case scenarios. FTM being able to port ETH dapps doesn't make a convincing reason for a developer to learn to develop on FTM. You say it's more cost efficient than ETH, by how much? You aBFT is very secure, how does this play differently than ETH's blockchain? You'll have to explain 4 as well. ETH has Chainlink's threshold signatures to support the scaling but that's not a compelling reason to abandon ETH.

In addition, ERC-20 tokens. You can crowdfund by creating your own tokens to exchange for ETH in addition to allowing the same tokens have functionality in the project your using it for. What's the equivalent for FTM?

>> No.16313500

First off, I'd like to start by saying I appreciate the fact you made a Fantom thread and were able to single handily fist fuck all fudders. You have got to be one of the most based men on this entire board.

Since you seem like you know your shit quite well, can you elaborate on the three protocol thing?
>Stfu its 3 protocols acting interoperbile so it's not an erc20 token.

I am just wondering if they built interoperability into the chain? If so I'm bullish.

Also, you may be too based to make a detailed post for a random biz fag, but if you could give your top 3 reasons for why this will succeed even though IOTA is going to be doing many of the same things, that would be great.

>> No.16313541

>cringe first phrase
>reddit spacing
>IOTA reference
congratz on making the most reddit thread i've seen this year. we're definitely going to the moon with retards like you still around. any day now

>> No.16313650

IOTA is kind of a joke outside reddit. It still can't be decentralised after many years,

>> No.16313988

They don't need top learn developing fir fanton thei can literally pretty an existing eth dapp and run or on fantom. You can code a new dApps on fantom the same way you'd code an eth dapp. You can also choose top develop dApps using the cosmos SDK.

Using lachesis aBFT consensus, each node works on a different problem simultaneously and can each form consensus with any other node. A new block is generate and minted every .7s. Again, thisnis possible since every node can work on it's own operation simultaneously instead of having all nodes work on one problem at once with Ethereum (pre-sharding)

>> No.16313996

They don't need to learn developing for fanton they can literally port an existing eth dapp*

Goddamn phoneposting

>> No.16314139

>They don't need top learn developing fir fanton thei can literally pretty an existing eth dapp and run or on fantom. You can code a new dApps on fantom the same way you'd code an eth dapp. You can also choose top develop dApps using the cosmos SDK.

I'm still not seeing an incentive to port dApps on Fantom. The community isn't there. And I can't imagine all developing toolsets existing for FTM. For starters, Chainlink isn't on FTM. And you're missing the biggest draw to ETH, the ability to create ERC-20 tokens to monetize your project. This is what drove the ICO craze in 2017. How can a developer monetize their project on Fantom like ETH?

And has ETH's scaling issue actually prevented an app from working? It seems to me the current issue is the adoption of oracles right now.

>> No.16314146

I never bought it because "FTM" reminds me of trannies

>> No.16314237

people keep trying to find the next great smartcontract platform. Its a losing strategy. ETH is king and has the network of huge players. The only way ETH comes in second is if ETH falters in some way and I just don't see that happening.

Looking for the next ETH killer is an old strategy and its not gonna work. TPS, Scalling, Atomic swaps etc etc... cmon. get over it. move forward. This isn't 2017.

Its about the middle layer, oracles, and Chainlink is the only player in town. Think for one second. Chainlink makes everything work. Without it crypto stands still and is a place just to trade shitcoins. LINK is literally the golden ticket and you guys are still trying to find the better TPS platform.

>> No.16314290

>emotional about his shitcoin


>> No.16314437

>its not about your scam coin
>its about MY scam coin
how about you just kys poojeet shill?

>> No.16315040

You drank the koolaid idiot. Fantom is way better than a stupid erc20 ETH price checker

>> No.16315092
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You have jew in your ID hehe

>> No.16315100
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>> No.16315299

kek my fucking sides,
claiming some fucking erc20 oracle voodoo token will solve all the problems
there is no fix if the underlying platform is faulty, but dont worry jason parser and the gang can migrate your voodoo token onto ftm easily and benefit from the throughput

>> No.16315444

t. bagholder