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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16311094 No.16311094 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody here make money with digital marketing services? I live in a city with a ton of small businesses and the population to support them. The only other digital marketing agencies are all owned by boomers with ugly ass websites and outdated methods for traffic. I've been in the social media scene for years and have plenty of experience with gaining traffic online, graphic design, ad campaigns, website development, etc.

Now, I want to start one of these agencies. I will outsource my work to poorer countries or children on forums. I obviously wouldn't spit out a shit product, I just want higher profit margins.

>Is this business profitable, especially with how I will outsource?
>How much do I charge for services?
>Any databases of small businesses in certain areas?
>Would it be a good idea to pay commission to college kids in my area if they can land me clients?

I really hope someone has valuable input. Thanks in advance.

>> No.16311108
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literally 25 years too late

>> No.16311168

I run an SEO company in bumfuck nowhere, Amerifat.

Business is pretty good desu. Learn the absolute basics of SEO and don't be a total autistic mushmouth and you can sell this shit to boomers like Nikes to niggers. Boomers are all tech retards who think they're the smartest people on earth because they manage a pool supply company or some shit they inherited from their dad. They're all so incredibly easy to game it should be illegal. Your SEO doesn't even need to work, you just need to convince them that EVERY other pool supply company is doing it.

As for your specific questions:

>Yes but don't outsource to pajeets. You will spend more time re-writing shit than it's worth. Find a few good college students who aren't mongs and pay them per item. Hang onto them and give them raises every so often.
>Depends on your area. Do your own research, nigger.
>No, this is a retarded idea that will not net you any consistent clients. No one is going to throw thousands of dollars towards a college kid's recommendation. You're selling business services, not mascara.

>> No.16311281

I see what you mean with all of the free or paid services online, but it's definitely still profitable especially when you offer a plethora of services. A lot of people don't know how to successfully run ad campaigns and a lot of businesses go under because people don't know how to market correctly.

I'm in the midwest, which is where I'm assuming you are. Are you the only one offering the services in your area? How profitable if you don't mind me asking for the population you're given?

My SEO isn't great, but I can run great campaigns and definitely have the mindset to actually learn it. I definitely don't want to outsource this as it's extremely expensive. About the boomers, that's what I was trying to explain to >>16311108 - it's definitely still profitable.

>I've had bad experiences in the past with Indians, never again. It will likely be people from forums I visit. It's a bunch of young people who don't charge hourly and who are cheap.
>I live in the Midwest as well, so your input would have been nice on this. I'll definitely do some digging. Some website I saw, a guy was charging like $1,000/page lol.
>Fine nigger
>What if I create a sales pitch for them to use and give them some kind of Powerpoint and coach them on how to get a sale? They can go into businesses on their own time or contact owners on their own to setup appointments. A lot of kids I went to school with have parents who own businesses. There's a lot of broke people I know who would love $200 cash for pitching something real quick.

>> No.16311389


Honestly the best way to get a gauge for prices and what people will pay in your area is to request a quote from one of your competitors. Lie and say you run a plumbing company that's looking to expand into your area and request a free quote. I charge usually a couple hundred per month to a thousand and a half depending on how much management I need to do for their campaign.

The college student referral program idea is stupid and will cause you more frustration than it's worth. Allow me to explain.

Back in my day, the grift was Vector marketing. Vector is a company that bills itself as marketing but is just door-to-door knives sales. Their main "employees" are commission-only college students who saw a flyer on campus.

Who do you think signed up for this shit? The college students who were stupid enough not to see it's a scam. You're not going to be getting kids whose parents run businesses because those kids aren't so hard-up for cash that they're going to piss away hours of their life for no guaranteed pay. $200 is absurdly low pay for what you're expecting. The only people you're going to get helping you are the bottom of the barrel, 0 work ethic niggers who will quit after one week and college students who don't read the terms and won't show up at all. Any hour you spend training anyone will be 100% wasted until you have the cash to hire actual employees. Your time is much, much better spent developing a coherent pitch you can make yourself and going to local business leader meetups and shit.

For writing all this shit out, I want the sauce on that artwork. Very comfy.

>> No.16311501

I called before and they just asked way too many questions. I was also really high so that didn't help much. I'll prepare better to find actual pricing, I wish they would just put the shit on their site.

You're right, it's too much time spent on trying to gather employees. I'm positive I can run this solo, I'll just have to plan really well. Are you running solo?

I really appreciate your responses man. Anyways, I got the image from /fa/. It's a music album

>> No.16311527

Monitoring this thread

>> No.16311549

Gracias on the sauce. I am running mostly solo. I don't have any employees but I hire out a contractor who does graphic design and a writer who helps me manage blog posts, social media, etc. They're both college girls and they're incredible. I do all of my own pitching, keyword research, and client-gathering. Then I pay them per item I assign. They get quick cash and I don't need to waste my time sitting around writing about lawn care and junk.

>> No.16311652

Welcome, I hope we each get some more valuable information

No problem. I'm sorry for all of the questions, but you keep answering. Are you hooking up with any of those college girls, Mr. Business owner? I hope this will get me some pussy and most importantly money. What do you do about client-gathering? Any approaching methods? I was thinking of calling businesses and asking them if they would be interested, but I'm sure there's more I could do. I saw earlier that you mentioned local business leader meetups. My city has loads of untapped businesses with a population of 250k

>> No.16311697


No worries. I'm spending my Tuesday night drinking and staring at biz so whatever.

>>"Are you hooking up with any of those college girls, Mr. Business owner? I hope this will get me some pussy and most importantly money."

I mean this in the nicest way possible but are you retarded or 16? That is a recipe for disaster. Do not fuck your colleagues, don't even hint at it. No pussy on earth is good enough to justify blowing your business up. Earn money and the pussy will come.

>>"What do you do about client-gathering? Any approaching methods?"

Check Meetup.com and Facebook for local business owner meetups. My city has a lot of them and I'm in a cornville flyer state. My business is located in an area with a much lower population density than yours so there should be a few. Print up some business cards and make your pitch in person. I find this much more effective than cold-calling/emailing.

>> No.16311736

I hope you enjoy the rest of your night. I'm actually 21 years old. I've fucked a colleague before and things got pretty awkward afterwards... you're right. I'm just fucking with you by the way. Thanks for the tips <3

>> No.16312953

I also plan on buying templates to use on themeforest. Good idea? I can cut down labor costs a lot by doing this

>> No.16313390

I heard SEO was dead kek. is it still profitable to open a SEO company nowadays? btw don't mind about competition, south american fag here

>> No.16313412


>> No.16313456

It’s not just SEO. Read the thread buddy!


>> No.16313496

>Read the thread buddy!

I read the topic but I was supposed to quote the other guy. my bad. have you heard of sam owens op?

>> No.16313543

there is a forum which is called STMforum which is rly good but it's like a 100 bucks/month. I saw a website where you paid just a fraction of it tho and would share the membership with other people but I can't find it.

would you be willing to share the membership with some other fags?