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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16310379 No.16310379 [Reply] [Original]

finally after doing my own research I found out that link shills and rlc shills are actually right. All relevant data and computation in the future will run over ethereum using those damn oracles. and the tokens will moon because of it.
I hereby officially apologize and go all in by tomorrow.

>> No.16310384

You are an idiot that did poor research
eth is on the verge to get declared a security in the US.

>> No.16310390

kek, can you even imagine? it'd be faster to run the data across the network on foot if that ever fucking happened.

>> No.16310393

You are right about link at least

>> No.16310420

rlc token will incentivice trading computation, link oracles will send it to the eth chain. thaths roughly how it will work. god damn why was I blind all the time.

>> No.16310436

You don't understand. eth is about to commit sudoku if they keep following the retardation of their commie devs

>> No.16310462

I assumed the OP was sarcasm, but might be you're just retarded.

>> No.16310475

>not so subtle rlc pajeet

Fuck off oilnigger

>> No.16310492

kek. this market is hilarious sometimes.
>eth is the world computer. all data will run through chainlink. node operators will get paid for every api call!
not too bright OP...

>> No.16310524

man the tokens really are needed when those systems have to run decentralized.

>> No.16310540

those systems can't handle shit though. it's an issue of scale.

>> No.16310563

of course it cannot scale right now, but it will eventually. My bets are with the shills. Eherum will deliver within 3 months! (hopefully).

>> No.16310573

>eth will deliver
very improbable
>is shut down from being able to operate in the US

Go do more research. Skim through the SECs rules on securities.

>> No.16310607
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Might aswell do some research on Ultra io because it will turn the gaming industry upside down within the next few years

>> No.16310614

>gaming industry