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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1630932 No.1630932 [Reply] [Original]

>s&p hit 2,200

Why the fuck did you faggots tell me it would crash?

>> No.1630943

>listening to children with their 4-figure robinhood accounts
not even once

>> No.1630960

>tfw bought s&p two years ago in an EUR ETF and now it is 20% up

I mean, it is really only 50EUR gain but still. Now if only Europe 600 would fucking finally started rising.

>> No.1630963

You invested $200???

For what purpose

>> No.1630977

I received money from my mum who told me to do w/e with it so I used it to test waters in stocks and invested around $1500 most of which went to Europe 600. The money for E600 was put in just right as it was climbing the saddle(if you look at the graph, you will know what I mean) so now I am 100EUR in red in there. Not the smartest decision to do but I didn't need the money and I have a plenty of time to recoup my losses.

Since then, I have only invested in VTI and plan on continuing.

>> No.1630983


I've got $20,000 in the s&p

>> No.1630988

>$20,000 in the s&p
>listening to autists on biz

you deserve to lose that money fampachi

>> No.1630996

Is that a stock? Wtf is the s&p

>> No.1630997

I listen to all opinions and consider them, but rarely act on them.

To be fair I have made like $3000 from /biz/ memes, so it can work out sometimes as long as you filter the content. Although I suppose it might have been 2 parts luck 2 parts moderation.

>> No.1631015

Yes, it's a stock

>> No.1631019

/biz/ is an autistic savant

>> No.1631108

It actually did.
Nobody realized the crash would be over before the market opened though.

>> No.1631269

/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.1631272

Just wait, it's still going to crash.

Christmas will roll around, and there'll be news about people spending less money than ever before, economy is in shitter, bla bla bla. BOOM.

>> No.1631282

This seems likely, heres to the coming crash

>> No.1631288

you can't just keep rolling back the prediction each time it doesn't happen.

>> No.1631317

It's not a matter of if its going to crash, its just a matter of when

>> No.1631322

No one really expected Trump to do a 180 and betray all his controversial positons like a cuck, but here we are.

>> No.1631324

Corrections happen regularly. You're not really predicting anything then.

This is about as valuable as saying "The price will dip at some point." in regards to any stock. Wow fantastic insight.

>> No.1631339

yeah and we're due for a correction you inbred

>> No.1631344
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I've been hearing that for the last 2 years

Just face it, you can't predict a correction. You don't know when it will occur. reminds me of pic related.

>> No.1631362

It's over due, and go look up martin armstrong you retard

>> No.1631373


You cant prove it won't continue to grow for the next 10 years before a correction

>> No.1631395

If you could predict corrections you would be the richest man on the planet bar none.

>> No.1631426

He was thrown in jail because he didnt give the goverment his code to his program because he could predict crisis and wars

>> No.1631431

>because he didnt give the goverment his code to his program because he could predict crisis and wars


Wikipedia seems to say something different.
>In 1999, Japanese fraud investigators determined that Armstrong had been collecting money from Japanese investors, improperly "commingling" these funds with funds from other investors, and using the fresh money to cover losses he had incurred while trading.[8] Assisting Armstrong in his scheme was the Republic New York Bank, which produced false account statements to reassure Armstrong's investors. In 2001, the bank agreed to pay US$606 million as restitution for its part in the scandal.[9]

>> No.1631444

he was accused of running a ponzi scheme and was held in prison for several years illegally because gubberment can do whatever they want because he never gave up his program like they wanted him to.

He has a movie/documentary called "The Forecaster"

>> No.1631454
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>> No.1631456
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>> No.1631463


I like /pol/ as much as anyone else, it's great fun but they are beyond uneducated in some areas.

>> No.1631470
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You must be JIDF amirite

>> No.1631477

Well /pol/ is more than one person... Great fellas to shitpost with but I wouldn't take any of their life advice lol

>> No.1631512



>> No.1631521

I've been in spy for 6 years. great etf

>> No.1631802

>Why the fuck did you faggots tell me it would crash?
So I can profit off of you.
Don't you know the actual money is in doing the opposite of what /biz/ says?

>> No.1633135

If your a long term investor you should always put in money right away. Plenty of research has been and done and nearly every person shows bad timing abilities.

>> No.1633144

>[citation needed]

>> No.1633159

S&P is a group of stocks that jackasses picked for you so you can just invest and wait for returns. same with nasdaq and the main one, dao jones.

its all a bunch of propped up bullshit, but if you play it right, you can make a lot of money. or you can lose it all.

pretty much its gambling, so if you can't afford it, don't.

>> No.1633160

Are you fucking kidding me? It's like basic finance knowledge. See for example. Dichev ‘What are stock investors Actual Historical Returns?’
Some of the conclusions:

-The actual returns earned by stock investors are lower than existing estimates, especially in
certain settings and countries.
- The results provide massive evidence that aggregate stock returns tend to be lower following
capital contributions and higher following capital distributions.
- The magnitude and the strength of the aggregate stock results suggest that further investigations of dollar-weighted effects are likely to be useful for a variety of other specifications involving cross-sectional analyses at lower levels of portfolio aggregation,
other investment assets, and other investment groups.

>> No.1633162

>that jackasses picked for you so you can just invest and wait for returns.

>Jackasses picked for you

>its all a bunch of propped up bullshit

>or you can lose it all.


It's literally an index of the 500 biggest companies in the United States. How the fuck is that "propped up" or "picked" by "jackasses"?

How can you "lose it all" outside of the US economy literally crumbling into nothing, which would cause a global disaster due to every country being financially invested in the longterm success of the United States?

>> No.1633171


You cant lose with the S&P 500, you can only win less.

>> No.1633172


Should i buy my house now before dec 15 (i can close in time) to beat the rate hike or should i wait to see if the market corrects next year?

>> No.1633173

I don't think there's a safer investment.

You can bet on anything, but betting on the US falling or not growing is retarded

>> No.1633193
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Damn, the S&P 500 is up 225% from when I was 18 years old!!!

I could have turned my first $10k into $22.5k!

Instead, I used the $10k to started a business that's only worth $2mil. Oh well, live and learn.